r2d2 kill count

[51], After taking part in the Battle of Sullust,[15] R2-D2 and his Jedi masters, along with several clone troopers, later took part in a mission to infiltrate the Separatist stronghold Citadel on the planet Lola Sayu and free the Jedi Master Even Piell. Chewbacca survived Vader's attack and returned to the Falcon, and was preparing to bring it in and extract the team. After the shuttle landed in Garel's spaceport, R2-D2 and C-3PO accompanied Minister Tua and a force of stormtroopers to Bay 17. Fearing that they had angered their "god," the Ewoks promptly released their prisoners. Instead, he instructed the astromech to return to their Jedi starfighter and contact the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for help. Alone, the six younglings hatched a mission to rescue Ahsoka. R2-D2 and his allies later attended a victory parade in Theed, though they were unable to be joined by Jinn, as he had been killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the battle. In The Book of Boba Fett, R2-D2 was operated by actress Christine Galey, making her the first female performer to do so. Following a battle, the Republic succeeded in achieving these objectives and dealing a heavy blow against the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Blue[7]Silver[7]White[7] R2-D2 whistled when he greeted EG-86, who whistled back in return.[74]. Master and droid tinker with Tano's starfighter above Ryloth. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. Soon they had rigged the core to blow up in ten minutes' time. [30] During the Clone Wars, R2 was Skywalker's faithful co-pilot. Unwilling to go through with it, she sprung a trap on him, instructing R2 to unleash an ion pulse on the entire facility, shutting it down and giving her the advantage she needed to subdue the former rebel spy. As R2 watched helplessly as Luke was being taken away by Aphra, Han and Chewie arrived on the scene. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. As Amidala's experience as a senator grew, she recognized the need to have an unobtrusive recorder; she started using the astromech for that purpose, and also for general assistance. Run. The Rebels managed to penetrate the Imperial blockade by using an ion cannon to clear away for their ships to flee into hyperspace. [116], R2 was programmed to be able to use forty-seven types of self-defense. While pursuing General Grievous' starfighter, Skywalker and R2-D2's starfighter was hit by a piece of shrapnel. However, the arrival of a Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi prisoners to work together with their former pirate captors. #36, is a standalone issue that encompasses much of what we love about. [12], Later, R2-D2 accompanied C-3PO, General Skywalker, Master Kenobi and a unit of clone troopers on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a local clone trooper garrison on the icy world of Orto Plutonia. [34] During the subsequent battle, the Jedi and Clones managed to defeat the Separatist army by sabotaging their shield generator, which exposed them to Republic artillery. Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. While Skywalker and Kenobi searched the Separatist flagship, the Invisible Hand, for the Chancellor, R2-D2 encountered some super battle droids and succeeded in destroying them by spraying oil onto the ground and then igniting it. Skywalker informed R2-D2 about his plan to rescue Han Solo but kept C-3PO in the dark, knowing that his programming prevented him from lying. After a prolonged hunt, Skywalker's Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute prepared to destroy the Malevolence near the Kaliida Nebula. Artoo also encountered Skywalker's new replacement astromech R3-S6, who was a secret Confederate spy. The Zabrak explained that he could ensure passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which Luke refused to do. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order-Resistance War, culminating in a decisive victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. While Vader and the Imperials were distracted Chewbacca swooped in with Han's Falcon and everyone boarded the freighter. Luke reappeared after confronting Vader and bid the slaves to follow him as he followed Han in the AT-AT. Total - 1 Two Unknown AT-DP Pilots - Blown up when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Sabine Wren pushed a cart of explosives underneath it. Tano quipped that R2-D2 had several "bad role models" including Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala. R2-D2 serving drinks on Jabba's sail barge. Following their escape, the crew of the Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned R2-D2 and C-3PO to their rightful owner. [129], George Lucas has stated one of his inspirations for Star Wars is The Hidden Fortress, a 1958 film directed by Akira Kurosawa. Meanwhile in space, the Rebel fleet was trapped between the second Death Star and an Imperial fleet.[11]. However, they were then ambushed by a gang of Tusken Raiders. 32 kilograms[10] (52 BBY - ???) The vehicles flew overhead as he gave out commands to his troops, coming up with plans in quick succession without hesitation and question. [88], R2-D2 could only look on as Luke attempted to fight them off, but the brawl abruptly ended when he ignited his lightsaber. R2 using his rockets just prior to the Battle of Geonosis. Sometime following the events on Vrogas Vas, R2-D2 alongside C-3PO escorted Leia and Sana Starros aboard the Volt Cobra, as they brought Doctor Aphra to be incarcerated at the highly secret Sunspot Prison, a facility closely orbiting a star. Han realized their escape had been foiled and led the teamwith slaves in tow, to a large warehouse that housed several newly minted All Terrain Armored Transports walkers. R2-D2 was again reunited with his protocol droid counterpart when the two droids took part in a Republic mercy mission to the Mid Rim planet of Aleen, which was experiencing a series of catastrophic global earthquakes. Hes a threat just based on the decades of information he has stored on his memory drive, and he could easily have given it all away if he ended up in the hands of the Empire or the First Order. After Skywalker was knocked out by a powerful blast, R2-D2 took control of the starfighter. While Threepio does kill the droid, there are some solid reasons behind it. Luke wanted to go back to the Jedi artifact room, but more stormtroopers with working blasters entered the arena so they made a hasty retreat to rendezvous with the Millennium Falcon and the Volt Cobra, leaving the smuggler's moon behind. Because of this, fans often wonder about R2-D2s kill count, which is exactly what we will be covering in this article. Ahsoka managed to infiltrate the ship with a pressure suit and entered Organa's office. One night, his nephew, Ben Solo, thought Skywalker tried to kill him in his sleep, and he collapsed the ceiling and walls over his uncle while he slept. They then fled the scene on a stolen desert skiff and went off-world. This diversion enabled R2-D2 to escape with Ahsoka and Lux on a speeder. Following two failed attempts to penetrate the trench which led to the thermal exhaust port, Skywalker and two other X-wing pilots, Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter, made one final attempt to reach the exhaust port. Despite Gascon's objections, R2-D2 and the rest of D-Squad joined forces with the LEP-series service droid Bunny to stop the Separatist plot. Leia hugging R2 after they seemingly escaped Vader. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. R2-D2 then accompanied his Princess back to Yavin 4 to continue fighting for the Rebellion. R2 has Ben Burt to beep and boop his opinion. #2 Chopper is fucking Brutal for a droid. The future of the Rebellion rested in his memory bank as he delivered Leia Organas message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Death Star plans to the Rebellion so it could find the super weapons weaknesses and destroy it. Instead, it is believed that Darth Nihilus should hold the title of the highest kill count in Star Wars. Theres no doubt that this independent and almost human-like personality greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother, R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. R2-D2 managed to repair the hyperdrive in the nick of time and the Falcon was able to flee into hyperspace and rejoin the Rebel fleet. Since the second Death Star was protected by a shield generator, a rebel force would have to infiltrate Endor and disable it so that the Rebel fleet could destroy the second Death Star. Sometime later, R2-D2 joined Luke in retrieving a Force-sensitive child of Yoda's species named Grogu from Moff Gideon's light cruiser. R2-D2's "military" career began during the Battle of Naboo, when he kidnapped a small child and flew him directly into mortal peril. And although R2-D2 is taken offline right before Luke makes his one-in-a-million shot, you can argue that he had a small role in destroying the Death Star. During a maneuvering drill in space with Blue and Yellow Squadrons, Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of the group. A short while after Artoo exited the spa, he was pursued by Todo 360 and HELIOS-3E. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. [111], R2 then accompanied his master and Grogu to Ossus, where Luke started building his Jedi Academy. [18] preventing T-7 ion disruptor rifles from falling into the hands of the Empire,[24] and delivering Luke's lightsaber during a mission to rescue Han Solo and Chewbacca from Jabba the Hutt. Imagine telling someone in 2005 that at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian' Season 3. R2-D2 developed a friendship with Ahsoka Tano. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. [55], Later, R2-D2 accompanied his masters Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a mission to the planet Kiros, which was home to a Togrutan colony. Coral; Fish; Invertebrates; Live Rock There, he relayed Skywalker's message to the other Jedi in person. These were the IG-86 Droid, Magna Guard, R3-S6, and four Vulture Droids. Chewbacca was out of contact, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO still hadn't arrived. Model Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. [20], Unable to rendezvous with the Star Destroyer, R2-D2 and his companions were forced to travel to Tatooine and deliver the Huttlet directly to his father, who had a desert palace there. Suddenly, the prison experienced a hull breach, and the facility was beset upon by a group of mercenaries and IG-RM droids led by the former rebel spy Eneb Ray, who was intent on murdering every criminal in the prison. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. Do C-3PO is a major protagonist in the Star Wars canon. [45] Using the intelligence obtained from the stolen datacard, Republic and Jedi forces were able to destroy a Separatist droid factory on Geonosis. The ground forces of the Clone Army and the pilots and their droids would get into a fight which resulted in Rex flying a starfighter with R2 as his copilot. Before the Tusken Raiders could do any more harm, Ben Kenobi arrived and scared them away. Right after the purchase, a droid called Todo 360 came up to them and suggested that the two droids relax at a nearby droid spa. With the aid of Senator Amidala, Representative Binks, C-3PO, and several Clone troopers, Artoo and the Jedi managed to capture Dr Vindi and to secure his facility, which was producing a deadly virus called the Blue Shadow Virus. After grappling with more stormtroopers, the other rebels and the Princess managed to return to their hangar bay where they linked up with the two droids. , but for much of the movie, the fate of the entire galaxy rested on R2-D2. The revised Empire Strikes Back droids had fibreglass shells built by Tony Dyson and his White Horse Toy Company. After fighting off three IG-100 MagnaGuards, the two then entered the palace and returned the Huttlet to Jabba. R2-D2 was aboard Leia and Verlaine's T-1 shuttle when Verlaine outran several X-wing starfighters that had been sent to bring them back to Yavin. R2-D2 met Grogu before the three departed from the cruiser. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! R2-D2 and Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka during one of his many Clone Wars missions. [62], Reunited, the droids and Colonel Gascon traveled to the seedy town of Pons Ora. [90], At this point, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue effort. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. Skywalker believed that Solo had slaughtered the dead and taken the survivors with him,[116] but did not witness the lightning storm that destroyed the temple or know the surviving students had pursued Solo. Select it out of your weapon wheel, target the animal normally, then hold down R2/RT while you subdue the animal. I mean as the clone wars progress I'm fairly certain by the end of the clone wars R2-D2 has committed far more genocide than Palpatine could ever. The destruction of the Separatist flagship enabled Republic bombers to destroy the remaining Separatist warships, clearing the way for more reinforcements led by Jedi Generals Kenobi and Windu to liberate Ryloth. R2-D2 and Skywalker's Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano also had a mutual liking and respect for each other. Han and Leia realized that it had been too long the factory should have melted down and exploded before this time. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. He then penetrated the Separatist flagship and managed to reunite with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Palpatine. Thena Chosen One Registered: R2-D2 tried to warn Luke, but it was too late; with Luke's back turned, Threepio revealed himself to be 0-0-0, the protocol droid working for Doctor Aphra who specialized in torture, and incapacitated Luke with an intense shock to his shoulder. Soon thereafter, R2 boarded Luke's T-65B X-wing to leave the Rebel fleet. However, they stumbled into a net trap. R2-D2 was forced to drop C-3PO to rescue Palpatine. Shortly later, they were captured by General Grievous' droids and taken to the command bridge. She is based in Brooklyn. Livestock. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . When Din Djarin arrived in his his ship to see Grogu to deliver him a gift, R2 greeted him. While C-3PO calculated the odds of infiltrating the palace as being utterly impossible, R2-D2 simply blended in with the crowd and entered the palace unnoticed. Unwilling to endanger his wife, Skywalker, accompanied by R2-D2 and Kenobi, boarded the Malevolence to rescue her. After Skywalker awoke and emerged from the rubble,[116] R2-D2 was present at his side, and the Jedi Master placed his hand on his trusted astromech as he knelt and wept. [80], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. [41] However, the Jedi failed to recover the stolen holocron and Bane managed to escape the battlefield by impersonating a clone trooper. Luke wondered aloud how he had done it, before asking R2-D2 to lead them back to the X-wing, for he was still unable to see. Artoo ejects four lightsabers from his dome. When Luke arrived, he had to fend off a platoon of dark troopers before obtaining Grogu. Under Ahsoka's orders, he landed the fighter on Cato Neimoidia's surface to bring the unconscious Skywalker to safety. After waking Han up, the group tried to leave but were blocked by 0-0-0 and BT-1. See this article's talk page for more information. [99], As the infiltrators lured Leia and Sana out of the control room in order to secure it themselves, 3PO and R2 were subsequently held captive there. Kill Oscar! R2-D2 repairing the shield generator of Queen Amidala's Royal Starship. As a result, Owen bought R2-D2. Royal House of Naboo[18]Jedi Order[19]Galactic Republic[18]501st Legion[20]R2-D2's battle droid squadron[21]D-Squad[22]Skywalker family[19]Sith (briefly)[19]House of Organa[19]Bail Organa's resistance movement[23]Galactic Empire[24]Alliance to Restore the Republic[7]Red Squadron[7]Heroes of Yavin[25]Rogue Squadron[26]Endor strike team[11]Jabba's criminal empire[11]Bright Tree tribe (honorary member)[11]New Republic[27]Resistance[28] Skywalker had freed the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. The Overseer invited them in to await the negotiator, but Han revealed that they weren't there to negotiate and gave R2-D2 the signal. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) KILL COUNT. The Jedi Council dispatched a task force of four warships led by Master Plo Koon to rescue Skywalker and Kenobi's rescue team. They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. Hes part of the Republic, the Rebellion, and then the Resistance; basically, hes one of the good guys. [7], As they traveled through hyperspace, R2 sat beside Kenobi, who secretly had recognized R2. Mace Windu. [70], After Skywalker and Kenobi received a transmission from Ahsoka Tano about the whereabouts of Maul, R2 accompanied them to the hanger to meet with her and members of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze's Mandalore resistance. R2-D2 and C-3PO escaped in an executive ship along with Skywalker, Palpatine, and some others, but the ship was captured by the Zillo Beast. Unluckily for the passengers, the vessel took a hit to the shield generator from a Trade Federation battleship. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. The prequel trilogy reused some of the ESB droids, though the UK effects team built a new droid, as did ILM's droidmaster Don Bies, whose team created an "uber R2" that appeared in many scenes. This plot worked and the Jedi-Republic strike team succeeded in landing at a cavern near the Citadel. would be cool to know what droid has the most. For example, he was able to reprogram a handful of battle droids (who were built to serve the Separatists) to help the Republic forces infiltrate a high-security Separatist prison to rescue a Jedi Master in. Clean Kill Pointers. [49], During the fighting, R2-D2 and Skywalker barely escaped their starfighter before it was devoured by the Zillo Beast. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. After Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force, the droid served Senator Bail Organa for a time in the Imperial Senate. Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. Earlier, Skywalker had been visited by a Force spirit of Master Kenobi who told him to visit Dagobah where the Jedi Master Yoda would continue his Jedi training. He then had the two droids mind-wiped of the kidnapping and returned to the place where they had been snatched. The starfighter landed near a geyser and Yoda decided to leave R2-D2 behind. While Skywalker and Tano laid siege to the Separatist-held B'omarr Order Monastery on Teth where Rotta was being held, R2-D2 sat in Skywalker's starfighter and maintained contact with General Kenobi. Luke Skywalker may have fired the fatal shots that destroyed the Death Star in the original Star Wars, but for much of the movie, the fate of the entire galaxy rested on R2-D2. ? In the. In response, Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano were sent to Vanqor with clone reinforcements and they rescued Skywalker and Windu. They arrived at the power core, where R2 plugged into the main computer and shut off all the safety restraints. Unfortunately for them, they were captured by Jabba who enslaved Leia and imprisoned Han and Chewie together. Dooku's face when Sidious says "kill him now" Photo Credit - Star Wars Episode II: Revenge of the Sith [132] According to the film's end credits, R2-D2 was operated in The Rise of Skywalker by small performer Hassan Taj and droid builder Lee Towersey.[119]. After R2-D2 forgot to buy some jogan fruit for garnishing the jogan fruitcake, Skywalker sent Artoo and Threepio to the lower market districts. Following Padm's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. [77] Upon arriving in the Alderaan system, R2-D2 and his companions discovered that the Empire had used the Death Star to destroy Alderaan. 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