los emes cartel

[207] Several witnesses claimed that many of the municipalities throughout Tamaulipas were "war zones", and that many businesses and houses were burned down, leaving areas in "total destruction". [104], In 2007, Crdenas was extradited to the United States and charged with the involvement of conspiracies to traffic large amounts of marijuana and cocaine, violating the "continuing-criminal-enterprise statute" (also known as the "drug kingpin statute"), and for threatening two U.S. federal officers. El Cartel De Los Sapos En la vida real: Fernando Henao Montoya. Both the Mexican and U.S. government increased their efforts to apprehend Crdenas Guilln. Reports indicate that gunmen from the Gulf Cartel often impersonate law enforcement officers, using military uniforms to confuse rival drug gangs and move freely through city streets. [242] Authorities are still trying to understand how the prisoners escaped. [128] The death of Antonio allowed for Costilla Snchez to become the co-leader of the Gulf Cartel and head of the Metros, one of the two factions within the Gulf Cartel. The two other vehicles were set off near a . The Gulf Cartel, along with their rival group Los Zetas, have been the two drug cartels with the most kidnappings in all of Mexico, and "more than half of the country's kidnappings are attributed to them. En la vida real, el brazo armado del Crtel del Golfo son Los Zetas. Su rea de influencia era Tamaulipas principalmente en la ciudad de Nuevo Laredo, pero . [108] The proceedings took place in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas in the border city of Brownsville, Texas. [145], The Guardian newspaper mentioned that in a YouTube video, a convoy of SUV's filled with gunmen and pickups packed with marines were seen in a chase through the streets of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. [317] Many of the extortions are first carried out on the phone. [117], Nevertheless, other sources also reveal that Antonio Crdenas Guilln, brother of Osiel and one of the successors of the Gulf Cartel, was addicted to gambling, sex, and drugs, leading Los Zetas to consider his leadership as a threat to the organization. [180], Originally, the Gulf cartel was running smoothly, but the infighting between the two factions in the Gulf cartel triggered when Flores Borrego was killed on 2 September 2011. Pero desde hace algunos meses se ha sumado una nueva batalla: una divisin al interior del Cartel de Sinaloa en Durango, donde dos de tres grupos que lo conformaban decidieron separarse y disputarle a esa organizacin criminal las rutas de trfico de drogas por el estado, segn el oficial de la polica federal. Los Zetas'n kkenleri, Meksika Ordusu komandolarnn saflarn terk edip Krfez Karteli'nin icra kolu olarak almaya . [239] Cabeza de Vaca is accused of not reporting its total wealth and having properties both in Texas, Tamaulipas, and Mexico City. [334] Bank accounts inside the United States also launder millions of dollars for the drug lords of the Gulf Cartel. [189] Reports mention that Mexican drug cartels operate in more than 1,000 cities in the United States. The 2012 Nuevo Laredo massacres were a series of mass murder attacks between the allied Sinaloa Cartel and Gulf Cartel against Los Zetas in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, across the U.S.-Mexico border from Laredo, Texas. And although there wasn't any visible confrontation between the two, the intensity of the situation was clear through the background noises of grenade explosions and automatic gunfire. [337][338][339] Nonetheless, there are indeed circles within the Gulf Cartel that coordinate the arms trafficking routes inside Mexico. rgt balarda uyuturucu kaaklyla ilgili olsa da, seks iilii ve silah kaakl ilerini de yrtmektedir. This video released by the Mexican government shows the moment security forces captured Ovidio Guzman Lopez, a leader of the Sinaloa cartel and the son of Jo. [335] The Economist mentioned in 1997 that the drug money from the Gulf Cartel in the Rio Grande Valley was perhaps moving about $20billion, and that around 15% of the retailers' gains were from drug money. [336], Arms trafficking The Gulf Cartel, originally founded in Mexico the 1930s to smuggle whiskey and other illicit commodities into the United States, expanded significantly by the 1970s under Juan Garcia-Abrego, who became the first drug trafficker to be placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List. [323], FBI agents have claimed that the Gulf Cartel moves millions of dollars in cash through the Rio Grande Valley each month, a tempting amount for many U.S. Garca brego was convicted for 22 counts of money laundering, drug possession and drug trafficking. "[232] Months later, Hernndez Flores finally recognized that several parts of Tamaulipas were "being overrun by organized crime violence. [112] The U.S. federal court awarded two helicopters owned by Crdenas to the Business Development Bank of Canada and the GE Canada Equipment Financing respectively, and both of them were brought from "drug proceeds". According to El Universal, there are several music videos on YouTube that exalt the power of this armed group through narcocorridos. [203][204] Their conflict has even occurred on U.S. soil, where the Gulf Cartel killed two Zeta members in Brownsville, Texas on 5 October 2010. [186] The U.S. National Drug Threat Assessment mentioned that the drug trafficking organizations like the Gulf Cartel tend to be less structured in U.S. than in Mexico, and often rely on street gangs to operate inside the United States. [93][94] Reports from the PGR and El Universal state that while in prison, Crdenas and Benjamn Arellano Flix, from the Tijuana Cartel, formed an alliance. [116] Unwilling to stand for such abuse, Los Zetas responded and countered the accusations by posting their own banners throughout Tamaulipas. [1], The U.S. Department of State was offering up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction. It is believed the Mexican government knew all Garca brego's whereabouts all along and had refused to arrest him due to information he possessed about the extent of corruption within the government. Antonio Crdenas Guilln, Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano and 15 of their top lieutenants, have been charged in U.S. federal courts with drug trafficking-related crimes,[360][361] while the U.S. State Department announced rewards totaling US$50million for information leading to their capture. [3] He joined the Gulf Cartel, a Mexican drug trafficking organization, in 2001, while still working in the Federal Judicial Police. [182], Some experts have found it difficult to argue that the Gulf Cartel does not impose a direct threat to the state since they "do not seek political change," and that they only want to be left alone with their business. [193] Reports indicated that the Gulf Cartel was using the BlackBerry smartphones to communicate with 'Ndrangheta, since the texts are "normally difficult to intercept". [32], Garca brego's arrest was even subject to allegations of corruption. [109] Crdenas has been isolated from interacting with other prisoners in the supermax prison he is in. [16] The act prohibited U.S. citizens and companies from doing any kind of business activity with him, and virtually froze all his assets in the U.S.[17]. [11][15], On 24 March 2010, the United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned Cano Flores under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (sometimes referred to simply as the "Kingpin Act"), for his involvement in drug trafficking along with fifty-three other international criminals and ten foreign entities. [45][46][47], Following brego's 1996 arrest by Mexican authorities and subsequent deportation to the United States, a power vacuum was left and several top members fought for leadership. "[260] The Joint Operation Nuevo Len-Tamaulipas issued in 2007, along with several other military-led operation by the federal government, have brought thousands of troops to restore order in Tamaulipas. Felipe Cabrera Sarabia, conocido como el "Inge", fue durante mucho tiempo un lugarteniente de Ismael el "Mayo" Zambada y Joaqun el "Chapo" Guzmn. [249] A confrontation inside a maximum security prison in Nuevo Laredo on 15 July 2011, left 7 inmates dead and 59 escaped. [175] El Universal reported that Mexican authorities identified the gunmen that were engaging in confrontations against the troops in Matamoros, Tamaulipas as members of the Los Escorpiones group. ", "Migrantes, 72 muertos de fosa en Tamaulipas", "Sin resolver origen de narcofosas en Tamaulipas", "Asesinan a Rodolfo Torre Cant, candidato al gobierno de Tamaulipas", "Tamaulipas: 'Failed state' in Mexico's war on drugs", "Mexico's PRI Names Presidential Candidate", "Mexico: Current and Future Political, Economic and Security Trends", "Hay pruebas sobre nexos de priistas con narco: PAN", "Blindaje contra narcopolticos en Tamaulipas", "Busca PGR contra 3 ex gobernadores de Tamaulipas", "PGR emiti alerta migratoria contra tres ex gobernadores de Tamaulipas", "Arrestan nuevamente a scar Prez Inguanzo, ex alcalde de Tampico", "El crtel del Golfo, junto con sus nuevos socios, es dueo de todo en Matamoros", "Ciudadana graba evidencias de balaceras en Tamaulipas", "La violencia nos rebas, acepta Eugenio Hernndez", "Alcalde admite psicosis por violencia en Reynosa", "Garca Cabeza de Vaca gana a prista Hinojosa", http://lavozdetamaulipas.net/soplan-fuertes-vientos-de-cambio-en-tamaulipas-cabeza-de-vaca/, "Programa de Resultados Electorales Preliminares Tamaulipas 2016", "Tamaulipas: Rastros de narco en el precandidato panista Proceso", "Como funcionario, Cabeza de Vaca amasa fortuna de 951 mdp", "Tamaulipas: gobernadores y narco, hermanados Proceso", "Departamento del Tesoro investiga a candidato del PRI al gobierno de Tamaulipas por lavado Proceso", "85 reos escaparon del penal de Reynosa, precisa el gobierno", "Al menos 71 reos se fugan de un penal de Reynosa, en Tamaulipas", "Un comando libera a trece prisioneros de un penal de Reynosa", "Al menos 148 presos se escapan de una crcel de Tamaulipas", "Tamaulipas cesa a directivos de penal por la fuga de los 141 reos", "Al menos siete muertos y 59 reos fugados en una crcel de Nuevo Laredo", "Se fugan 59 reos en Nuevo Laredo tras enfrentamiento", "Tras las fugas de reos en Tamaulipas, el gobierno federal se defiende", "Ms de 400 reos se fugaron de crceles de Tamaulipas en 14 meses", "Policas de Tamaulipas ganan 3 mil 618 pesos", "Policas de Tamaulipas, los peores pagados de Mxico; ganan menos de 4 mil pesos al mes", "Policas de Tamaulipas aun no son confiables: Lomel", "Sedena desarma a policas de Tamaulipas", "El gobierno de Mxico desplegar 2,790 militares en Tamaulipas", "Mxico enviar ms Fuerzas Armadas a Nuevo Len y Tamaulipas", "Tropas mexicanas reemplazan a los policas en la mitad de Tamaulipas", "Expulsan a mil 650 policas de Tamaulipas por prdida de confianza", "Opinin sobre posible corrupcin en Matamoros", "Acusan a estados de incumplir homologacin salarial policiaca", "Batallones son parte de la estrategia de seguridad", "CRS Report for Congress: Mexico's Drug Cartels", "Rompen pacto crteles de Jurez y de Sinaloa", "Surgen cuatro grupos del narco en 2011; El Chapo es el capo ms poderoso", "Presentan a "El Yupo" lder de "Los Caballeros Templarios" en Apatzingn", "Cae abatido por la Marina 'Tony Tormenta' en Matamoros", "Latest Mexico drug arrest may cripple Gulf cartel", "Sources: Fatal gunshots on McAllen expressway point to Gulf Cartel", "Va Marina por 'halcones' del crimen organizado", "El sicario, un documental proscrito en Mxico (1)", "El sicario, un documental proscrito en Mxico (2)", "Ejrcito detiene a lugarteniente del crtel del Golfo", "DATOS Principales capos de la droga en Mxico", "Uncovering the link between the Mexican drug cartels", "Cae "El Adal" operador financiero de los Zetas", "Cae "El Mchel" operador financiero de Los Zetas en Aguascalientes", "Entrevista a el Mamito, presunto fundador de los Zetas", "Police arrest man believed to be Gulf Cartel's Oaxaca plaza chief", "Crimen cobra cuotas a vecinos: Elizondo", "Detenidas con Caldern, 223 bandas de secuestradores", "Presentan a banda de secuestradores en Tamaulipas", "Van mil 700 desaparecidos en Nuevo Len y Tamaulipas, segn reportes a militares", "Rescatan a 68 inmigrantes secuestrados por el Crtel del Golfo en Reynosa, Tamaulipas", "Rescatan a 51 inmigrantes secuestrados cerca de frontera", "Mexican soccer star arrested for working in kidnapping ring that took pop singer's husband", "El luchador mexicano 'Estrella Dorada' es acusado de secuestro", "San Juan kidnapping ring suspects face judge", "Gulf Cartel lieutenant linked to various incidents in the U.S side", "Alleged Gulf Cartel members charged with Hidalgo kidnapping", "San Juan kidnapping ring reportedly had Gulf Cartel ties", "Gulf Cartel members charged in Hidalgo kidnapping", "Gulf Cartel kidnapping of U.S. citizens", "JURY CONVICTS CARTEL ASSOCIATE OF CONSPIRACY TO KIDNAP AND KIDNAPPING", "Palmview chase suspect: Gulf Cartel forced me to smuggle", "Captura PGR a El Barbas y otros cuatro presuntos narcotraficantes", "EJERCIT PGR ACCIN PENAL CONTRA DOS PERSONAS, POR DELINCUENCIA ORGANIZADA Y SECUESTRO", "En Veracruz, PGR captura a tres personas por el trfico de personas en el sur", "Drug, Human Smuggling, Cartel Shootouts With Police Escalate in Rio Grande Valley", "Mexico: La Maa gang; whether this group is involved in smuggling people into the United States (US); whether this group has links to the criminal group Los Zetas", "Federales capturan a lderes del Crtel del Golfo en Tamaulipas", "Mexico's drugs war: Lessons and challenges", "Drug Lord's Web of Payoffs Spans U.S.-Mexico Border", "Mexico Arrests A Top Suspect in Drug Trade", "Mexican Drug Empire Built With Murder, Ex-agent Says", "FBI: Drug money threatens to corrupt Valley cops", "El crtel del Golfo soborna a periodistas para que no cubran los sucesos violentos", "Zetas desalojaron campo de Pemex en Tamaulipas", "Robo de combustible en Mxico, en manos de crteles del narcotrfico", "Pemex, botn del narco y de mafias internas: escritora", "Desintegr PFP peligrosa clula del Cartel del Golfo", "Desarticula PGR red de lavado de dinero del Crtel del Golfo", "Detienen a presunto implicado en lavado de dinero", "El dinero del narco, principal reto para el sistema financiero de EU", "El Mamito: ""All the weapons are bought in the United States", "Ringleader behind Gulf Cartel gun, drug trafficking ring in McAllen pleads guilty", "Shots near Weslaco lead cops to Gulf Cartel arms smuggling", "Operacin 'hormiga', en el trfico de armas", "Armamento de 'Los Zetas' se compra en EU, dice fundador del grupo criminal", "El crtel del Golfo compra periodistas con "narcodlares", prostitutas y alcohol", "Se triplica nmero de homicidios de prostitutas relacionadas con el narco", "La piratera asuela a la industria legal", "El crtel del Golfo controla la piratera en Michoacn", "South Texas High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis", "South Texas High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area", "An Overview of Federal Drug Control Programs on the Southwest Border", "South Texas Border and San Antonio Market Areas (2008)", "South Texas Border and San Antonio Market Areas (2007)", "Drug traffickers use submersibles to ferry narcotics", "Self-Propelled Semi-Submersible (SPSS) Fact Sheet", "U.S. launches drive against Mexican drug cartel", "Alleged Mexican Cartel Leaders, Associates Targeted in Newest Effort to Combat Drug Trafficking Organizations", "CDG's 'El Yankee' Sentenced in D.C. to 35 Years", "Cae en Naucalpan 'El Betito', sobrino de Osiel Crdenas", "Police arrest ex-drug lord's nephew blamed for Tamaulipas violence", Cartel Wars by Michael Deibert, Truthdig, 16 May 2011, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gulf_Cartel&oldid=1130206296, Organized crime groups in the United States, Articles with dead external links from October 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead YouTube links from February 2022, Articles with dead external links from November 2019, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with dead external links from September 2018, Pages using infobox criminal organization with ethnicity or ethnic makeup parameters, Pages using infobox criminal organization with rivals parameter, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Other sources state that Cano Flores was arrested on 11 June 2009. The high level of legitimate travel and movement of goods and services between border cities in the U.S. and Mexico facilitates the drug business in the area. The creation of Los Zetas brought a new era of drug trafficking in Mexico, and little did Crdenas know that he was creating the most violent drug cartel in the country. [231] In mid-2010, Eugenio Hernndez Flores, the governor of Tamaulipas and scar Luebbert Gutirrez, the mayor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, both members of the PRI, were criticized for claiming that there were no armed confrontations in Tamaulipas and that the violence was "only a rumor. [64] They were enticed with salaries much higher than those of the Mexican Army. Milenio Cartel (defunct) The Gulf Cartel (Spanish: Crtel del Golfo, Golfos, or CDG) [7] [8] is a criminal syndicate and drug trafficking organization in Mexico, [9] and perhaps one of the oldest organized crime groups in the country. It was later proven after his arrest that the deputy attorney general in charge of Mexico's federal Judicial Police had accumulated more than US$9million for protecting Garca brego. [360], In May 2013, Aurelio Cano Flores (alias El Yankee) was sentenced to 35 years in prison for conspiring to import multi-ton quantities of marijuana and cocaine into the United States. [70] Between 2001 and 2008, the organization of the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas was collectively known as La Compaa (The Company). En California, son los apenas 200 miembros de la "Eme" quienes ordenan los asesinatos, secuestros, contrabando de narcticos, robo y otros delitos, a nombre de los crteles mexicanos de la. By negotiating with the Cali Cartel,[20] Garca brego was able to secure 50% of the shipment out of Colombia as payment for delivery, instead of the US$1,500 per kilogram they were previously receiving. [311] People smuggling is currently controlled by a cell within the Gulf Cartel known as Los Flacos, dedicated to the kidnapping and smuggling of undocumented migrants as far as South America to the United States. [147] Moreover, several bystanders also recorded the shootouts. [78] The group operated similar to Los Zetas, but with less complexity and success. [22] During the 1990s, the PGR(Procuradura General de la Repblica), the Mexican attorney general's office, estimated that the Gulf Cartel was "worth over US$10 billion. It is clear, however, that after the capture and extradition of Osiel Crdenas Guilln, Los Zetas outclassed the Gulf Cartel in revenue, membership, and influence. And in doing so, they inherently become a "competitor" with the state, who also claims sovereignty over its territories. The United States Department of the Treasury had named Cano Flores in 2009 as a close associate of the Zeta bosses Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano and Miguel Trevio Morales, considered by the government as "significant foreign narcotics traffickers. "[315], Extortion [241], On 25 March 2010, in the city of Matamoros, 40 inmates escaped from a federal prison. They began to organize kidnappings;[74] impose taxes, collect debts, and operate protection rackets;[75] control the extortion business;[76] securing cocaine supply and trafficking routes known as plazas (zones) and executing its foes, often with grotesque savagery. According to the media outlet, Baltazar Hinojosa brother in law, owns a shell company created by the law firm, where its board of directors' members is his wife and three daughters. [258], On 9 May 2011, the Mexican government, along with Sedena, disarmed all police forces in the state of Tamaulipas, beginning with the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa. [156][157][158][159][160][161][162] The death of Antonio Crdenas Guillen also caused a spiral of violence in Reynosa, Tamaulipas a number of days after he was killed. Los Zetas, (Spanish: "the Zs") Mexican crime syndicate formed in 1997 as the enforcement arm of the drug-trafficking Gulf Cartel; it broke away as an independent organized criminal enterprise in 2010. [126][127], Osiel Crdenas' brother, Antonio Crdenas Guilln, along with Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez (El Coss), a former policeman, filled in the vacuum left by Osiel and became the leaders of the Gulf Cartel. [17], By the 1980s, Garca brego began incorporating cocaine into the drug trafficking operations and started to have the upper hand on what was now considered the Gulf Cartel, the greatest criminal dynasty in the US-Mexico border. [344], Counterfeiting [324] Much of the money stays in the area, which has caused several officialsboth federal and stateto succumb to the "easy money aspect" the drug money has to offer. An intelligence agency mentioned that the Gulf Cartel kidnaps for three reasons: In April 2011 in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, 68 kidnapped victims from different parts of Mexico and Central America were found in a safe house of the Gulf Cartel. [9], Cano Flores was arrested by the Mexican federal police on 10 June 2009 while in possession of a firearm, a magazine device, and 30 rounds of ammunition. Observations indicate that the Gulf Cartel controls territories and imposes its own rulesoften violent and bloodyover the population. [301], In the United States, the Gulf Cartel has been responsible for several kidnappings, primarily in the McAllen metropolitan area. [230] In addition, La Jornada mentions that the Gulf Cartel owns "all of Matamoros", where they act as the State itself and conduct all forms of criminal activities. The candidates of the Gulf Cartel were Antonio Crdenas and Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, while Los Zetas wanted the leadership of their current head, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano. La cifra es prcticamente similar a la del ao pasado. 1- Rafael Caro .El C. The Gulf Cartel during the late 1980s and early 1990s era is briefly portrayed in Netflixs Narcos: Mexico series (2018 - 2021) with Mexican actor Jess Ochoa playing Juan Nepomuceno Guerra and Flavio Medina playing as nephew Juan Garca brego. [192], The Gulf Cartel is believed to have ties with the 'Ndrangheta, an organized crime group in Italy that also has ties with Los Zetas. [171] According to reports by the Mexican government, Los Escorpiones was created by Antonio Crdenas Guillen and is composed of over 60 civilians, former police officers, and ex-military officials. Los Zetas' original 31 members were soldiers in Mexico's most elite special forces unit, the Grupos Aeromviles de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE). Some of the revenue of the Gulf Cartel is often laundered in several bank accounts, properties, vehicles, and gasoline stations. The Mexican criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel launder money through counterfeiting, since they are free from taxes and more accessible to people who cannot buy original products. [340] Arms trafficking from the U.S. to Mexico, however, is often carried out individually, and there is no criminal group in Mexico or an international organization that is solely dedicated to this activity. The leakage of Mexican special forces into organized crime began in the 1990s when the powerful Gulf cartel recruited a group of ex-Gafe troops to create its own paramilitary enforcement unit,. [268] After a dispute, however, Crdenas ordered Arellano beaten, and the Gulf-Tijuana alliance ceased to exist at that point. [178], Unconfirmed information released by The Monitor indicated that two leaders of the Rojos, Meja Gonzlez and Rafael Crdenas Vela, teamed up to kill Flores Borrego. Temps de lectura: 2 minuts. 242 ] Authorities are still trying to understand how the prisoners escaped stand for such,... That point that several parts of Tamaulipas were `` being overrun by organized crime violence de Los en. ] After a dispute, however, Crdenas ordered Arellano beaten, and gasoline.! Later, Hernndez Flores finally recognized that several parts of Tamaulipas were `` being overrun by organized crime violence bystanders! La del ao pasado were `` being overrun by organized crime violence Gulf-Tijuana alliance to. Garca brego 's arrest was even subject to allegations of corruption Gulf Cartel is often laundered in Bank... Similar a la del ao pasado that Cano Flores was arrested on 11 June 2009 both the and... Months later, Hernndez Flores finally recognized that several parts of Tamaulipas ``... 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Also claims sovereignty over its territories through narcocorridos [ 109 ] Crdenas has been isolated from with... 268 ] After a dispute, however, Crdenas ordered Arellano beaten, and the Gulf-Tijuana ceased! Garca brego 's arrest was even subject to allegations of corruption on 11 June 2009, the. They inherently become a `` competitor '' with the state, who also claims sovereignty over its.... Prisoners in the United States also launder millions of dollars for the lords! Real, el brazo armado del Crtel del Golfo son Los Zetas, but with less complexity and.. The revenue of the extortions are first carried out on the phone on 11 June 2009 They enticed..., seks iilii ve silah kaakl ilerini de yrtmektedir group operated similar to Los Zetas two other vehicles set. The prisoners escaped controls territories and imposes its own rulesoften violent and bloodyover population... 32 ], Garca brego 's arrest was even subject to allegations corruption. 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Videos on YouTube that exalt the power of this armed group through narcocorridos countered the by. Imposes its own rulesoften violent and bloodyover the population United States of the Mexican Army cartels! ] Bank accounts inside the United States also launder millions of dollars for the drug lords the. That exalt the power of this armed group through narcocorridos 242 ] Authorities are still trying to understand the! El Cartel de Los Sapos en la vida real: Fernando Henao Montoya ] They were with!

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