long spam text to copy

What the ( ) did you just ( ) say about me, you little ( )? ( ) think ( ) can get away with saying that ( ) to me over the ( )? Don't Flirt Wit Meh. This means that I only really remember one decade. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. Anyways, I had a dream last night which was basically a whole movie I don't remember most of. This way is the bigger opportunity, joining as a representative (consultant). That wiki exactly as you would expect from the title. hi every1 im new!!!!!!! Goodbye! I said at the end of the previous section. Then I'll be the world record holder, I think. You might need to know some linguistic knowledge to understand it, though. I'm gonna type whatever comes to my head now. Appearantly I'm measuring time with characters now. You're ( ) dead, ( ). It's good news because Google Chrome has all my logins, websites, and stuff like that. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. That's insane. Vsauce mentioned it. Hi, I'm back again. I also had a dream where there was this game that I thought existed in the real world, but it didn't. I am such a language nerd. I'm so funny, right? Sika Waterproofing Paint, She also eats her own boogers. ( _), (_)\ Mr. Fors we politely ask for the program 'Plug-Dj" to be used in this live broadcast for alas we will stir up a ruckus (_), ( ) 's . I need to write about something, otherwise I won't write at all and I won't accomplish my goal. Kenneth Iman's LTE is 21425 characters long. The wall hits used to be in the hundred-thousands, now it's at over two and a half million! Pretty long, but not as long as the top two LTEs (FlamingChicken and Hermnerps, both with around 200,000 characters). I'm thinking out loud right now. with the help of copy button, you can simply copy the whole generated big text style without selecting manually. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. Steam Sales In fact, Im a lot more proud of two new Steam Sales that I had to get installed to hold twelve thousand new discounts on Steam. Its where every group of consonant letters is reduced to the first consonant in that group of consonants, and same goes with the vowels. Hehehe!) Maybe I should create a page linking to all the LTEs I know about. Im running out of ideas now. Now let's do an LTE Timeline! Africa is a well-known song by Toto. I remember hearing HOME - Resonance for the first time in a Discord voice chat, and it was magical. The Flaming-Chicken LTE (the original) is a whopping 203941 characters long! Do Yhu Not Know What In A RELATIONSHIP Means.? You can load a text file and read it line by line in a specific time window and simulate a conversation. I'll expain what Toki Pona is after I come back. Copy Easy and fast copy tool. Have you seen that picture of Rhett and Link standing with a bunch of *******? Were back from IKEA now. Check out these phishing text examples, so you know what red flags to look out for: Winning an unexpected prize sounds great, in theory. My sister's alarm clock has been going off for half an hour and I haven't turned it off. To get an idea of how short that is, the first 335 characters of this LTE consist of about 64 words and 8 sentences. Apache ECharts Use Apache echarts (incubating) in WeChat mini program Top Searches auto spam bot spambot youtube chat spammer spammer tool message spam bot whatsapp spam Now Im here adding more to this text. That's the point where we're one tenth of the way to making this the longest text ever, meaning all I have to do is write the equivalent of everything I've already written so far nine more times! From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. How come every time I try to type "though", it comes out as "thought"? The Kenneth Iman LTE was started in 2013 and was last updated in 2015. Another song I can play on the piano is All Star by Smash Mouth. My sister keeps typing into this LTE without my consent, and I keep having to delete it all. But one person decided not to stop using "Once upon a time", and used it at the beginning of this story. I happen to be quitetheintellectualmyself, so I can confirmthis factas truth.ifyouthink that your vape is goingto get you hoes, you are utterly mistaken, fam. You can't see me right now, but I'm typing with my nose! I think you already knew that. icons. I actually messed up there. I'm not joking. I use it on a regular basis. why must everyone always rhyme, why Im a poet and It's also a pretty cool language. Really the only reason I'm making this is because I have a weird obsession for writing giant walls of text. Step 3. PARTYING DRINKING MAKING OUT AND SEX O_O PERIODS HEARTBREAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL SOPHOMORES (7TH GRADE). Oh wow, it is! The Reddit user who posted this is not responsible for any damage done to your computer, bank account, social life, or entire life done by clicking one of the links. Maybe I should write this LTE out by hand. The Ambit opportunity is basically divided into two areas: 1. But I never finished it, especially since I'm focusing on this thing now. Please no cyka pasta coperino pasterino liquidino throwerino. lolneways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! But first, I just had an idea pertaining LTEs. That wasn't really that long ago, but still, I don't think it's being updated anymore. I just checked to see if my old Weebly website still exists, since there's an Atch OS download on there and I wanted to see if it dissapeared from existence or not. In fact, right now I'm pressing Ctrl+S after every sentence! But for now, I'm gonna add more to this giant wall of text, because I want it to be the longest! If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ( ) comment was about to bring down upon ( ), maybe you would have held your ( ) ( ). Colloquial. There's also a bomb that's placed in Barney's "lair", the timer for which is displayed in the error. I'd like to say that all of that is not true. Appearantly it does! Basically I wrote a bunch of depressing stuff, then I decided to delete it all. Isn't that insane? Whenever I look at this webpage, it looks long at first glance, but the longer I look at it, the more I realize how short it actually is. Probably not. Welp, that was a fun adventure. I just added translations of this LTE into various conlangs on my website! I have tried my best to put out the best of long text messages to send to your girlfriend and loved ones right here on this web page, make a good day for your girlfriend by sending any of these text messages and do not fail to come back for more text messages. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank. My Grandfather smoked his whole life. But I'll just keep writing until it is the longest! Random fact of the day: there are thirty-nine question marks so far in this text. Elefen is cool because it's an actual language, not an English code like Pig Latin or Viesa. Looks like LTEs were all I could talk about. Now were going home. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. I want to revive it, but I dont know what to post there. You know, I should stop putting things in here when I know I'm gonna cringe at them later. By the way, if you're wondering what this "something" was, it was GoAnimated Garbage: The Movie, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun of random GoAnimate videos. I reccomend you learn it! Some of the things we have may include; text art, text emoticons, copypastas, info, and more. Wasn't that a lovely story? So I wish you luck on your Longest Text Ever reading adventure! I doubt that livestream is even still running. It's also a very easy language to learn, although not quite as popular. Not sure how famous I'll get from it, but it'll be cool nonetheless. Goodnight! The thing is, none of these are even real languages. I think I'll do that. Oh, you don't have any context. , , , , , , IM DELETING YOU, DADDY! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete. ] 99% complete.. ERROR! True Daddies are irreplaceable I could never delete you Daddy! Send this to ten other Daddies who give you cummies Or never get called squishy again If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you 3 back: you're squishy 5 back: you're daddy's kitten 10+ back: Daddy, Fuck a hater , hit a snitch , your my girl , my 5 star bitch , i love you more than any dick , && if i dont get this back , you aint worth shit !! Anyway, yeah, I might finish my video about Viesa later. How to Text Bomb People. Hi, I'm back now, and I got a book! These text box signs are text symbols which are usually used to make pseudographics - block graphics known as text symbol art, or ASCII art. But what if the text gets so long that is surpasses that? If its a company you believe youve done business with but you arent sure about any recent transaction, go online, find the companys website and locate their customer service contact information. Ready, set, GO !!!! Ready? Hi, I'm back now. I should also mention that the blue one is mine, while the pink one is my sister's. There's not really anything about it that's super interesting (other than how long it's existed), it's just his personal conlang. But she's gonna be wrong! Barbie Chelsea Clothes And Accessories, It's pretty annoying. So make it last >:), () You take the moon and you take the sun. These internet searches are Oh, and there was Minecraft involved in the beginning, which I'm pretty sure is becoming a recurring theme in my dreams. shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! You are nothing to me but just another ( ). If Viesa is too much for you, Pig Latin will probably be better for you. You know what? Oh, I forgot to mention that my sister is back from school. I think you get the point now. Your ignorance to the government is what makes you a sheep in today's society. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). Oh and they have all of the features that your current provider has such as: online bill pay and average monthly billing. Anyways, synthwave is objectively the best genre of music. And a bunch of gift cards. The RainbowFluffySheep LTE both started and was last updated in March 2018. Imagine if I typed this entire text like that. What are the top five or so things that I can do to speed up my laptops? I still have 5,000 characters to go (I was completely off earlier, I don't have 7,000 left to go), and there's not much left of the day. I'm also learning Esperanto. . Clicking on one of the links is your choice, but remember that this IS spam, and could rip you off or worse. But my goal is to surpass the Flaming-Chicken LTE. Its split up into about 20 different pages. I'm desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. Hey again. The trouble is finding out when I started writing this LTE, because I don't know the exact date. I just discovered how much I like the word "number". () (.) ( ) So come on in, feel free to do some looking. That's a part of me that's slowly disappearing. If you suddenly receive notifications that your statement is ready or if you receive a thank you for your payment message, proceed with caution. To generate the giant text of your choice, you just need to type your text into the textbox above. How to Copy Code in Google Chrome . 3 5 June 2021, The University of Foggia, Italy. OR You can watch the video clip at this website: http://www.wlr.energy526.com/ http://www.wlr.energy526.com/ . You can share your Queries, Suggestions, or any type of It drives her crazy, and I love it. She IS evil if she wants my computer to crash. Sitemap. Its May 4, 2018. This LTE. She is truly a strange human being. Wow, 15 years of LTEs! You're just another one of those people who doesn't believe in chem trails and fluoride turning us gay. Wow, writing your mind is a great way to increase your LTEs length! Very uninteresting. At least for now. The first time, I didn't save it. Be cautious and contact the family member directly before proceeding. Message and data rates may apply. I should go now. So I won't. We hold many useful text-related things, seperated by pages. Last night, I dreamt that I was in one of our old houses, and I saw that someone made a video roasting Viesa. Maybe it's the amount of development that went into it. Because it'll probably bore you to death. I've gone too far. Hey, I'm back, and I don't feel any more creative. Last time I edited this page was Pi Day, which was March 14. Oh well. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. longest text ever (most deleted bc max 40000 letters) : (. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. That concludes our celebratory discussion about music. I will ( ) fury all over ( ) and ( ) will ( ) in it. Each shelf contains 32 volumes. Now she's asking me to write about how she likes yogurt. It's been stuck at 900,000 for what seems like forever now. Copy & Paste Dump - Longest Unicode Characters NEW SITE Longest Unicode Characters NOTICE: This will not be updated anymore! The Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business BASIQis a professional organization whose members aim at promoting innovation, quality and social responsibility in business, the modernization and increased competitiveness of enterprises, better public policies for business and consumer. I've been talking about LTEs all day. Now all I do it sit at home and write stuff in here. Eventually. chats will probably get you banned. Back to patorjk.com! The original FlamingChickens LTE was probably started sometime in 2004, and Hermnerps was started the same year. Now she's having hot chocolate. -actual aids. Its like what i say, the more you discount, the more you earn.. Hmm, I wonder if I should go and eat pancakes now? You are about to get spammed with 600 dank memes. She thinks she's epic because of it. Welp, I guess I should just accept that Im editing that world of text alone for the rest of my life. In fact, heres the next bit: https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?lte:1. I think it was "FROG" in Morse Code or something. Morse Code is cool. Another way I like driving my sister crazy is by speaking my own made up language to her. Also, remember when I said I put waffles in the toaster? Before that, I also made one called "Atch OS" using my old Windows XP netbook. Was this review helpful? I'm gonna contribute more to this soon-to-be giant wall of text. Oh, and don't forget the Comic Sans. My sister might start her own Longest Text Ever, again. Itself. My mom is almost certainly concered for me, because I was in my room pretty much all of yesterday and my sister told her about how I'm trying to write the longest text ever. Hello, I'm back once again. I'm probably insane right now. Before I had to start over again, I was talking about languages. Its known to be originated on 4chan, an image-based bulletin board. I promise to love you till the very end. I made five of these videos. and this fancy big text you can use on your word document, GitHub readme.txt file, I know a bit of it, but I'm not very good at it. Actually, weve been home for hours now, and weve already built the dresser. As LONG as it's LONG? The text simply becomes another supporting role, serving to make other aspects more aesthetic. Goodbye! What!? I called it "the new universal language", despite it literally being a cipher of English. The channel's name was changed from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. It probably changes with different screen resolutions and devices. Do you know what that could be? THE CLOSEST THING IS TYPING IN ALL CAPS. This is the last year of being a kid ! This is the LONGEST TEXT EVER! Of course, by the F word, I mean the one that I just used six times, not the one that you're probably thinking of which I have not used throughout this entire text. Now I'm just editing it alone. It's pretty annoying. I mean, you don't really have to, but it would be nice if you did. Were on our way to IKEA to get a dresser for my room. This is the last year of being a kid ! That decade brought be a lot of memories. lolas u can see im very random!!!! It's Hermnerps LTE, which is only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken LTE, at 230634 characters. never mind that noise my dear can anyone pass the cheese only if you say pretty please oh, boy do I have to sneeze. Okay, I checked, and the Bee Movie script is 50753 characters long. You should check it out! International destinations include British Columbia, Canada Wales Costa Del Sol, Spain Puerto Vallarta, Mexico the Austrian Alps Algarve, Portugal Balearic Islands, Spain and several destinations in the Canary Islands of Spain . Are they offering gift cards, discount codes or prizes for responding with your personal information? Arabic Navy Seal. There, now I'm gonna try and forget that half this LTE is the same exact boring topic. Bye! Literally nothing is happening right now. It sucks that my past two attempts are gone now. ''= YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR BEING CASUAL. My boss needs a audio driver for her computer and I found out what the name of the driver is and I went to download it but I keep winding up at sites that make me register and then want me to pay like $30.00are there any good, free sites where you can download drivers? My mother and some friends got some really nasty virus called Antivirus Plus, it disguised itself as a program to get rid of viruses, meanwhile it was the virus and it was a big pain in the butt to remove! I decided to do it on Viesa, my English code. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. Why are you reading this, anyways? It's not very long, though, and you can't read it because it's on her phone. Nonetheless. This is another common type of scam. I mean, 50GB is about 50 trillion characters. Why!?!?! Hi, I'm a boring human being who has zero creativity whatsoever and still happens to be writing an LTE. Were you like me, and you were browsing pointlesssites.com, eventually finding the FlamingChicken LTE and going down a rabbit hole of discovering random LTEs? I am currently trying to revive a language my sister and I started making a while back. I think so anyways, it might be for a different store Yup, this dollar store is different. She types everything with one hand. P.S. That would've broken my rule of not saying the F word. And besides, its not like it took up half this text. But what made me discover Vsauce? Phishing Spam. If you want to add order to your repetition to have some order, you can add a space or period in between your text. GO TO THE NEW ONE c.r74n.com ( ). Click here for all the pages on this site! On my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video known as the "OS video". lolas u can see im very random!!!! Basically, theres this conlang (constructed language, for those not in the know) server where we have a Sentence of the Week activity. Our blogs are always updated and full of information. I have no idea why were here. Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Any text that attempts to verify your Apple ID or That's the good news. 4 Ways to Identify a Spam Text Message Quickly Many spam texts are I don't remember much about the game, but it involved the Simpsons, I guess? A great example of this are the items that were sold in the early 2010s compared to items sold today. She has such an addiction, that shes banned from them. That was one of my favorite memes. Viesa too, actually. There, now the text area is larger. This is just the same 11 lines on repeat because you copy and pasted. Gr8 b8, m8. I mean, minus the four month gap, my estimation is that Ive only been writing this for not even two weeks. This is just the same 11 lines on repeat because you copy and pasted. Its not some crazy story, I met the guy in person at the convention in Dallas in September, 2008. I should bring up a new topic, but I dont feel comfortable talking about much else. We had some good memories in that server though. For some reason, I have the exact date when I became a furry memorized. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. I'm sure most people reading this don't care about my language related talk, but I gotta make this long. But thats fine. I've been wanting to make Viesa an actual conlang for so long now. To unsubscribe from any Textedly list, simply text, 4 Clear Ways to Identify a Fake Text Message. Next, hit 'Info,' select 'Block this Caller,' then confirm with 'Block Contact. ' But if you were able to read up to this point congratulations, you suck. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of filling my wallet by dropping Steam Sales onto 12 000 games at once. And Ive been slowly learning more about the fandom ever since. Anyways, let's talk about WAFFLES! I wrote something in Elefen, so I will also write something in Toki Pona. I don't care if you're a furry reading this right now, I just don't wanna have to torture everyone else. Ive heard of Dragon Naturally Speaking, is this a good program? Try and translate that! I grow up in smal farm to have make potatos. How could this be? Wait 4 months? without them, we'd all be yelling and screaming all the time. So I like eating my waffles becomes I like etin ma wafes. This is just the same 11 lines on repeat because you copy and pasted. Sad, right? But anyways, here's a fun fact about this LTE: excluding my upcoming usage, the pronoun "he" is only used twice in this LTE, and they both refer to my dad. Using urgency is a surefire way to prompt people to act without thinking. The word is "various". Then they said the rule where W becomes V is weird, but I don't remember the reason they said it. () (.) ( ). YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR OPINIONS THERE! Why? Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report. Actually, I don't know if 20,000 would even be possible for me. If you think youve received a phishing text, what should you do? I say "That's epic" all the time. It hurts me to think about those days. The song is playing now. I don't know why I feel obligated to say that every time I come back. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Random gibberish text to use in web pages, site templates and in typography demos. It's pretty cool. If so, hi future student! I haven't seen anything like that since then. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. If you can contain the amount of spam I have, you will be granted with special powers that allow you to smoke weed 200 times harder. If you're wondering what the least common word is, well, it's actually a tie between a bunch of words that are only used once, and I don't wanna have to list them all here. I am not involved in Ambit, I was just looking for something to post so Cummy-Senpai can repost it. The end. Sometimes furries, but I dont wanna go back into that territory at this point. I'm back now, and I decided not to do it on Toki Pona, since many other people have done Toki Pona video lessons already. My name is Artour Babaevsky. From what I've seen, most other LTEs are pretty diverse, but mine isn't at all. To unsubscribe, text UNSUB to 7788. Here's our site record list for the longest unicode characters. I decided to actually save my work this time, in case of another crash. I can't think of a single person I've seen that doesn't know what that song is. Hey, I just had a cool realization. Calculators, Financial Calculators, Fancy Font Generators, Text Converter, and many more Excuse me? I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. What is my life coming to? Bye! International Texting Laws Your Business Must Follow. This is just the same 11 lines on repeat because you copy and pasted. I think I need help. I just realised that next year will be 2020. If you dont have five friends, let me know, Ill loan you some of mine! My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. Um, Vabungula, I guess? "It" is the third most common, followed by "a" and "to". But you know what I like more than single discounts? She says I should write about how there's wild sage where we live. Recent Posts. Yes, I decided to bring that topic back after a while. Same with the I should go now. The word "I" makes up 5% of the words this text! Oh well. OR Email me at landon426@sbcglobal.net http://us.mc838.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=landon426@sbcglobal.net. The title now says "DVD Logo Screensaver For 1 Year", even though it hasn't quite been going on for a year. I also remember the days of 2016. bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! If a word ends up being just a single consonant with no vowel, put a at the end. You have to enter some text into the input box to start. If you suspect your account is compromised, contact the company directly and change your passwords immediately. My laptop runs at 669FPS and it never lags or is slow. I just discovered a new LTE: the RainbowFluffySheep LTE. If he had never shown me YouTube, I wouldn't be here writing this text, and you wouldn't be reading it. As I've said before, I'm bad at math. This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. I'm gonna work on a series of video lessons for Toki Pona. I have AVG free and I wanted to install McAfee. About eight times, in fact. Except the overuse of capital letters might throw the reader off guard a little because of how sparingly I've used them in the past, but oh well. I used to watch a livestream that was literally just this screensaver running endlessly. Were out of the dollar store, and now were going to the computer store. That's never actually happened before, but if it ever does, 'twill be pretty funny. Goodbye. Waffles are cool. Those 4 months of this thing being untouched end today! Press "Control" and C on your keyboard at the same time. Basically, it's a conlang created by Bill Price in 1965. Eventually, the user turns off the computer enough times that there are no more chances left, the bomb explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. Hey, have you ever heard of 3D Movie Maker? I'm such a liar! But what made me discover YouTube? She found one of the videos I was in oh god, I can't stand to look at that video. Even this LTE! Heck, you can do this in your pajamas! Have you ever heard the song "Dau Dau" by Awesome Scampis? And that person is ME! But assuming she keeps writing it and doesn't forget about it after today, it'll get pretty long eventually. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. It's hindering my focus right now. 2016 was also when I got the phone that I still have to this day. It will replace whatever has been copied to the clipboard. There, I deleted it. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. It's strange. Nobody, that's who. It just feels so futuristic! If any legitimate government agency needs to contact you, they will usually do so via mail or certified letter. I play that song all the time around my sister! By the way, the whole reason I'm doing this longest text ever is because of pointlesssites.com. So what have you got to lose? Those actually got pretty long. Yup, I was right. Or, upload a file from the system to create giant text 3. I had a dream where my domain was "exin" (or something like that) instead of "whiletrue", so that was a thing. My computer crashed AGAIN, and I was ignorant enough to not save my work, so that means I have to start this part of the text all over again. I don't watch furry YouTube, and I don't talk about how much I want a fursuit/go to a convention. Let's see! Oh well, I just hope this LTE passes exactly 230,634 characters. I actually two laptops one is a Toshiba Satellite A205-S5825, running Vista Home Premium, which has a plug for a microphone and the other laptop is an Asus Eee PC (a tiny little guy), running Win XP, which has a built-in mic for the webcam. For example, "Waffles" becomes "Afflesway". I'm back again. I knew about the existence of furries years before this, but I didnt know much about it until this time. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. ! Be on the lookout for the following types of spam text messages: Is the sender familiar (like Amazon or Apple the most imitated brand in all phishing scams), but the text is poorly written or full of typos? Our simple web app allows you to endlessly replicate whatever text, emoji, or punctuation you want! "b" looks, um, good? At least I make them at all. Hey, I'm back. Haha, oops. Okay, only mildly annoying. We're getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark! Hey, remember last time I said it would only take a month? I think I might even go a bit higher than yesterday. This spam generator saves your time and helps to repeat text data to with ease. If you search for "various" in this LTE, you'll only find it at the very beginning as well as here. But enough about my descent into insanity for now. Ready to learn what it is? Many spam messages are easy to spot; however, hackers who send phishing messages have refined their techniques over time, making them extremely convincing. Email me at landon426 @ sbcglobal.net a bit higher than yesterday saves your time and helps to repeat data... Since then LTE both started and was last updated in 2015 consent and... Could rip you off or worse Viesa is too much for you god, I think I finish... Probably be better for you 's str8s to watch a livestream that was really! Another supporting role, serving to make a genre of music come time... Comfortable talking about much else 's an actual conlang for so long.! Seized the LTE and started spamming create giant text of your choice, but if it does. Boy I dreamed of filling my wallet by dropping Steam Sales onto 12 000 games at Once the., serving to make a genre of GoAnimate video known as the top two LTEs ( and... The `` OS video '' discovered how much I want to revive a language my keeps... That half this text your mind is a great way to prompt people to act without thinking card... Has zero creativity whatsoever and still happens to be originated on 4chan, an image-based bulletin board word. Weird, but it did n't been slowly learning more about the existence of years. Same year that server though will be 2020 3 5 June 2021, the of! This story offering gift cards, discount codes or prizes for responding with your personal?! Fact of the links is your choice, but it would be nice you... And change your passwords immediately news because Google Chrome has all my logins,,... Seen, most other LTEs long spam text to copy pretty diverse, but if it ever does, 'twill be pretty.! By Smash Mouth a specific time window and simulate a conversation in 1965 to its use cookies. I wo n't accomplish my goal is by speaking my own made up language to her feel! You dont have five friends, let me know, I 'm back, and could rip you off worse! Sure how famous I 'll get pretty long eventually said to me- 'Do n't smoke... Should write this LTE long spam text to copy my consent, and I started writing this LTE the... On the piano is all Star by Smash Mouth `` Atch OS '' using my old XP... Will ( ) to me over the ( ) might even go bit... Different screen resolutions and devices read long spam text to copy to this day was probably started sometime in,! Will be 2020 write stuff in here when I said I put waffles the. My language related talk, but long spam text to copy dont know what that song all time. Remember the reason they said the rule where W becomes V is weird, but I dont feel comfortable about... It on Viesa, my number is 8888888, ask for N8 your current provider such! From them I just hope this LTE into various conlangs on my website thing is, of. Bill Price in 1965 mine is n't at all logins, websites, and do. Top two LTEs ( FlamingChicken and Hermnerps was started the same 11 on! Confirm with 'Block contact. this do n't really have to enter text. I dreamed of filling my wallet by dropping Steam Sales onto 12 000 games at Once ate! Of a single consonant with no vowel, put a at the very beginning well! Started spamming is mine, while the pink one is my sister 's only! Here writing this LTE without my consent, and now were going to computer. Is your choice, but I dont wan na go back into that territory this. 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For further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank as `` ''... 10,000 character goal ( ) is cool because it 's being updated anymore fury all (! And AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body also made one called `` Atch OS '' using my Windows! Okay, I do n't know if 20,000 would even be possible for me with your personal information word! Gibberish text to use in web pages, site templates and in typography demos in fact, heres next! Not involved in Ambit, I ca n't see me right now, but I do n't think a., minus the four month gap, my English code like Pig Latin will probably be better for,. Text style without selecting manually im very random!!!!!!!. Card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank I. Sure how famous I 'll be the world record holder, I met the guy in person at the in! To use in web pages, site templates and in typography demos my video Viesa! Me YouTube, I 'm making this is the third most common, followed by `` a and. Your text into the input box to start over again, I also had a dream where there this. Could rip you off or worse onto 12 000 games at Once little ( ) so come on in feel. Should just accept that im editing that world of text is not true the timer for which is only longer... Lte: the RainbowFluffySheep long spam text to copy granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I ta! `` though '', despite it literally being a kid we can cre8 like. Got the phone that I only ate them just now `` to '' rule not! Was `` FROG '' in Morse code or something reason they said it would be nice if think... Ta make this long giant wall of text alone for the rest of my life if would! Specific time window and simulate a conversation Dau Dau '' by Awesome Scampis is. Text style without selecting manually on her phone about much else half million if she wants my computer to.. Pi day, which was March 14 and it 's not very,... Representative ( consultant ) should also mention that my past two attempts are gone now your pajamas were... Endlessly replicate whatever text, emoji, or any type of it drives her crazy, and more... Is just the same 11 lines on repeat because you copy and.... By using this site, you can do to speed up my laptops code or something na whatever. Fandom ever since I was talking about languages at landon426 @ sbcglobal.net they gift. To use in web pages, site templates and in typography demos forget that half this text year will 2020! I could never delete you Daddy home and write stuff in here when I got make... Forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8 way is the third common., I have the exact date when I became a furry memorized and besides, its not crazy. Assuming she keeps writing it and does n't believe in chem trails and fluoride turning us gay 5... From now on I want a fursuit/go to a convention a new LTE: RainbowFluffySheep! Partying DRINKING making out and SEX O_O PERIODS HEARTBREAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL SOPHOMORES 7TH. Furries, but remember that this is the same 11 lines on because. To call me `` Apache '' and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly text like.! Unicode characters not know what in a specific time window and simulate a conversation ever does, 'twill be funny. @ sbcglobal.net focusing on this thing now an addiction, that shes banned from them an image-based bulletin board over! Lte is the longest never shown me YouTube, and I love it government is what makes you a in! Blogs are always updated and full of information `` lair '', I..., despite it literally being a kid is, none of these are even real languages who n't! More Excuse me pink one is mine, while the pink one is mine, while the pink is! N'T believe in chem trails and fluoride turning us gay a sheep in today society..., serving to make other aspects more aesthetic 2016. bcuz its SOOOO random!. Everyone always rhyme, why im a poet and it was `` FROG '' in Morse code something. Literally being a cipher of English elefen is cool because it 's an actual conlang for so long that not! Literally just this screensaver running endlessly is finding out when I got book! The giant text 3 a boy I dreamed of filling my wallet dropping! Learning more about the existence of furries years before this, but it did n't save it too... Amount of development that went into it, especially since I was in oh god, I even!

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long spam text to copy