seeing red spots when waking up

I have pictures if you would like me to send them. Hi Becky, yes please send any pictures you may have to us here at Hi Anastasia,We'd love to get some more info and pictures if you could email us at experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks! I didn't notice my dots in the morning, however after waking from my afternoon nap after a strange and vivid dream I noticed I had a round symetrical sort of faded dots. Look for the Location on Body survey data analysis in the contents page of the dossier. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. I have very vivid dreams and I dream every night but I did not remember my dreams last night which I was weird. It's very odd looking but in perfect pattern and it was huge. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. I got up to change my pajamas and found the markings of these diamond shaped, honeycomb, branding on my left butt cheek. Vivid nightmares around the time of the mark appearance are what tipped my team off to how and why the mark form. About 1cm in diameter. About your grid marks, please refer to our dossier listed at the top of the right hand column of this page. But we dont understand how to tap into it? I have a picture also. Everything you should like to know regarding the phenomenon is clearly outlined and explained in the dossier. 30 Headaches with eye strain. Glad I found this site. Okay so here I am trying to figure out where these hickey-like spots in a weird pattern like a honey comb came from. I dont think its a vision issue. 8 If you are able to purchase our dossier detailing our data analyses and conclusions, pay close attention to the sections Location on the Body Analysis, and Dreams Around Time of Occurrence. If that is normal general just monitor for new symtoms. The dots appear this way:O O O OO OO OThe first time it appear is like this:O OO OO OThe dots are almost identical in size. It usually shows up as a large, oval patch on your skin at first which is later accompanied by smaller red spots on the chest, torso, back and abdomen. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. Hi there,I woke up this morning with a 6x5 red grid pattern directly under my chin. My GF found my rash on my back as we were going to bed on 09/09/2012. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. But I have this time! My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. Now that I'm up my headache has subsided and I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit my stomach just feels really bruised as if I did. Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. Can I email some pictures we are trying to look for answers. I can't find anything relating to the perfect placement of these dots. My boyfriend also noticed this on my while I napping. Do you have an email so I can send a picture of what I had? dots are irregular in shape to one another, that is to say they are not When I wake I see different colours and patterns, it varies each time. I have been waking up with red dots all down my arms, this just started about a month ago. 5 Can you share your pictures my boyfriend woke up with this marks today and he is extremely tired and sleepy after the whole night sleep he is back in bed now 2pm not usual for him, he feels like he didn't get any rest last night. If you have, you may have been experiencing what is referred to as an ocular migraine. Symptoms of contact dermatitis include a red, elevated rash at the site of contact with the irritating substance. This skin disease affects 2-3% of the population, causing patches of red, scaly, flaking skin that may itch. . 8 13 It occurs every year in late June or July and last a week or two. If you're able, I recommend you read our dossier. There two rows and looks very odd. I have a circle of dots on one side of my foot. This sounds like a subconjuctival hemorrhage, which is essentially a bruise on the whites of the eyes. The one pic we took over two weeks later and you can still see the rash although it faded a lot. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. Woke up 2 days ago with the patern on my chin.., My email address is Floaters are often preceded by the perception of extremely brief flashing lights, particularly noticeable in the dark, says Modi. Michalak finally moved closer to investigate when a hatch dropped open. Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, is in charge of the red angel light ray. Upon looking closer I could see 3 other faint diamonds perfectly, geometrically lined up making a larger diamond. Ive had laser eye surgery for vision correction about 3 weeks ago. Woke up one morning to see 2 black dots upon the white wall which disappeared when blinking. Weve got a crash course on metabolism basics. Although unnerving, it was spectacular. Have these red grid marks on my butt cheeks. My girlfriend noticed marks on my back and we don't know how they appear looks like 2 lines and a honey cone shape at the end of it who knows what this is. Whether we remember them or not, everyone dreams, and everyone is capable of experiencing night terrors once in a while. I hope somehow we can find out the answer. I woke up an hour ago realizing I had overslept I got up to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. The bald patch remain, but the lump has gone! The first comment discribes my experience completely. Me and my dad are obsessed with it. Start with a complete medical eye exam by an Eye MD ophthalmologist, it should include a special test called a macular OCT. What you're describing sounds to me like hypnagogic and hypnopompic states of sleep, could that be the case? They can not be explained but are perfectly aligned. It is freaking me out but he is unconcerned. Floaters also vary person to person, but Modi says they're often described as spots, bugs, or even cobwebs. When you open your eyes, you will see a greenish-blue hue to everything for a time, until your retinal cells recycle the red pigment - that takes a few seconds. Seeing red serves as a warning. When I find them I dont know how long they had been there or sometimes my roommates will see them and tell me i have the marks again. Im now really starting to question if this really is aliens?? Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night I see everything red, I can see all the things in my room even if it's dark, after a few seconds the red color vanishes and my vision comes back to normal (by that I mean that all goes dark). I've had marks appear on my buttok before, through these other marks were giant scratches which looked extremely painful but were not sore at all nor do I have any recollection of them appearing on myself either. When I woke, my whole room was bathed in red. Could you take a picture of the current marks, with your daughter's permission? It was right under my bottom in both sides. The vitreous is a jelly-like filler inside the eyeball. i have these marks similar to the first photo, they are small patterned red spots on my left cheek. In fact, in most cases, the presence of an angel is only felt by the energy that our body feels. Dr. Jan Lei Iwata answered Ophthalmology 27 years experience Red spot noticeable: It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. Contact Lens-Related Irritation Even just a speck of dust trapped behind your contact lenses can irritate the eye. Its like 8 small circles horizontal. You can also read about our research findings in our recently released dossier, available in the right hand column of this site. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious. He seeks to understand the multifaceted nature of these experiences and the way they relate to our evolution and daily lives.Check out more in Jordon's Profile, Out-of-body experiencer, and ex-ghost hunter, Brian finally found his way onto the RGMP Investigation Team after a recurrence of the grid marks prompted him to resume his decades long search into the phenomenon. I have these similar circular dots appearing on my back. ), ( The pattern is more frequent and has increased in size over the past year. The only exceptional event that occured was a hit of a leg on my hand, but I was heavily dressed, since it's winter. However, it's possible to experience hallucinations that correspond to any of your senses: Visual - such as geometric patterns, shapes or light flashing. The uniformed dot bruises you describe are more in line with the RGMP. He was seen by an ER doctor (really the after hours clinic sine it wasn't a real emergency) and the doctor recommended seeing an opthamologist. I have an odd story regarding this particular rash and relating to the 1967 aliens article pictures too. I have pictures but I don't know how to post pics., Okay so I woke up this morning did my morning routine then as my boyfriend was cuddling me he noticed a literal grid work of red dots on my back I've uploaded the pictures he's taken to Dropbox and are public to view bellow are the links. It went away wheni got out of bed. ", ( Previously the dots disappeared after a few days. They are both on my butt cheeks. 7 He had an accident and wet himself which isn't like him at all and finally when I got him to respond, I asked him what happened and he was very out of it and tired so I brought him to my bed to sleep with me then we fell asleep. However, some evidence indicates its link to a viral infection. I had a feeling of a visit when I woke up from the smell in the room but this was the first visit in my new house . We believe this phenomenon to have a natural cause. Some examples of activities that may lead to straining include: Coughing Sneezing Vomiting Bowel movement Childbirth Heavy lifting 5. Otherwise, see your optician. My husband woke up this morning with grid pattern markings on his lower back, resembling your photo on the top of the article. ), ( Could be due to some sort of heat Rash. Try to see if there is any kind of issue with lighting. Check if there are any shadows that are cast when lighting is on or off. Bright light causes special cells in your retina to. That night my 4 year old son had a very bad night terror and was screening out loud "no I don't want to" and kept saying "no" crying putting his hands in front of him like he was scared and trying to get away from something. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious. We are no longer investigating grid mark cases, the investigation is closed on our end. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. If you have find out email me please knightunderground at gmail. Could this be dermatitis? Then they sent me home with discharge papers that said rash - dermatitis. No carbs of any kind no gluten no dairy. When it is large, this crescent shaped blind spot containing this . but the point is somehow, this sort of disturbance is much more tolerable when you have a realistic explanation for it, at least I hope so :-), Light exists simultaneously in both a wave form and a particle form. Same pattern and placement as the first occurrence. If you have red dots on your skin, start by determining if they are itchy or painless. It's most certainly not acne and haven't had anything that would have caused it the pattern is only about quarter size but I haven't found any other tea search on what it could possibly be except for this. I don't remember having an OBE but maybe I did? Hello was it mainly in the months of June and July ? Contact me at . Why do I see a red spot when i close my eyes? My mother mentioned to me today that I had a very loud nightmare last night, to the point that it woke her up in the other room despite her having earphones in and watching a movie. It sent me looking. They may say 50 is the new 40, but your eyes didn't get the memo. Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. But I would also like to know how I got it. Sent in contact info, My room is normally very dark. Please email us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks., I've had red dots on my back arranged in a grid pattern for 2 days now. This reminds me of Young's slit experiment from physics class. What matter is the intensity, the vividness of the dream that has the affect on the body's heat production. In some instances, your eyes may look bright red or. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Seeing Spots in Vision. Sometimes even speaking other languages. Thank you. Im thinking of going to see a dr or not. I know lucid dreams can be disrupting at times to your well-being and sense of security. These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. Hives from an allergic reaction are raised and itchy bumps. I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. Thanks Sharlene. But when I get the spots on my legs. Tre, Thank you for sharing your case and experience. I took pics every morning I would have them. Immediately took pics because of how strange looking it was. That analysis, along with the Theories and Conclusions article (pg 210) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon. She might think Im crazy. I never told anyone about it. ), ( Please can you contact me with regards to your skin dots He has had a fever the last couple days. I am 9 months pregnant, I awoke at about 3 am in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. You rarely feel a flea bite at first. I joked about it being aliens before I looked it up, I'm not laughing too much anymore. I never told him about it. Just a brief flash but it seems to encompass my whole visual field.I wrote this email to the researchers a year ago or more, I baby experienced a skin phenomenon again but the eye flashes happen multiple times a day, but, not every day That's 100% exactly what I had under my chin. It has remained a funny story to tell over his lifetime and nothing more until this week, when, now aged 20, he woke again with marks. No pains, no heat, nothing. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. The red grid mark phenomenon (RGMP) has just become even stranger with the discovery of another investigation series on a french forum sit After nearly four years of investigation, the RGMP Research Team has finally released this compilation on the red grid mark phenomenon. "It was about 9" high by 6" wide, and I have narcolepsy and sometimes suffer from hypnopompic/hypnagogic hallucinations, and Im always sleeping and having crazy dreams, but nothing like this has ever happened in my 30+ years on this planet. But as I said you need a full exam with the macular OCT test. These rashes can appear anywhere on the body, but are most often found on the elbows, knees, and scalp. Feel free to email me. It was a small area on my lower back just above my right hipI never even knew it was there until someone pointed it out in the locker room when we were changing into gym clothes.It was similar to a waffleiron pattern.the gym teacher pulled me in the office and wanted to know if my parents abused me..I remember laughing and then getting worried, because they didn't seem to believe me. I woke up this morning with these markings on the front of both shoulders. It keeps the eyeball plump and round. He took a few pictures, and from what we can see some of them have faded but some are still prominently there, but it is 9:30 at night. Some things to try are: Makeup: Foundation and concealer are easy to apply and reduce the visibility of your redness instantly. Sight is so precious to us that, understandably, any threat to our . I am going to set up a pop up tent and cut a hole in the roof and buy a portable air conditioner so I can absorb the sun light vitamin D while still being nice and cool . I have these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in a pattern. To enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes a few days for new symtoms about. Claudiahdeurrutia @, I 've had red dots on my butt cheeks am 9 months pregnant, I you. You suddenly see a dr or not, everyone dreams, and scalp redness instantly they sent me with! Just wanted to mention that not prescribe controlled substances, diet pills antipsychotics. In some instances, your condition could be serious are more in line with the RGMP started a. Question if this really is aliens? few days grid mark cases, the vividness the!, along with the patern on my butt cheeks clothes ready for work tomorrow ive had laser eye for! Note, we can not prescribe controlled substances, diet pills,,! 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seeing red spots when waking up