hebrews 11:22 commentary

This then is the monument for such as we are. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God." In the Letter of Aristeas the writer says: "It is a fine thing to live and to die in one's native land; a foreign land brings contempt to poor men and shame to rich men, for there is the lurking suspicion that they have been exiled for the evil they have done." At first sight every one may have been surprised, especially those that read the New Testament in the language in which God wrote it, at the double meaning of the word which is here translated "covenant." Nowhere does the apostle give the smallest occasion for such a thought. It was by faith that he carried out the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroying angel might not touch the children of his people. Here were two persons, brethren, both of whom went in to worship God, and yet there was a vast difference. 27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. Demosthenes said: "Envy is the sign of a nature that is altogether evil." For the martyred saint's blood the earth cried to God for vengeance; but Christ's blood proclaims mercy from God, and the millennial day will be the glorious witness of its depth, and extent, and stability, before the universe. He went out, not knowing whither he went. 28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them. ", But again the solemn notice of Jehovah's oath is enlarged on. The ground of Abraham's faith, the call and promise of God. It was so sure to him that he instructed his sons to carry his bones with them for burial in Canaan. The gracious Lord gives and designs that we should take His own place both in heaven and here. "Everyone doth think his own Religion rightest," he said, "both Jews and Moors and Pagans; and how if all our Faith and Christ and Scriptures should be but a 'Think so' too?" (6.) They were not afraid of the king's commandment. The undivided place of Christ is more fully witnessed now, when there are no others to occupy the thought or to distract the heart from Him as seen by faith in glory on high. Nimrod sought to murder the infant but Abraham was concealed in a cave and his life saved. He was willing to do this for he reckoned that God was able to raise him even from the dead. Now when a child hears another child cry, he will cry too. The Lord forbid that anything should enfeeble our sense of the value and necessity of such daily grace, There may be that which calls for confusion of face in us, but there is unceasing ground also for thanksgiving and praise, however much we have to humble ourselves in the sight of God. Before Jesus came, there was no question of it among the Jews. He is labouring for this, and with divine skill accomplishes it, by the testimonies of their own law and prophets. This, however, does not mean the church, but rather the future seat of general heavenly bliss for the glorified saints. The first man replies: "I know." Expositor's Bible Commentary- It was when he thought he was near death that Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau (Gen 27:2, 4). The man of faith is the man whose hope is flaming bright and whose effort is intensely strenuous even in the grey days when there is nothing to do but to wait. Faith sets to its seal that God is true, and thereby settles and satisfies the soul. He always keeps up the evidence of the utter inferiority of the Jewish priest, as well as of the accompanying state of things, to that of Christianity. because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins." It was because of that that God was not ashamed to be called their God, for he had prepared a city for them. Hebrews 11:22 New International Version 22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones. Account en lijsten Retourzendingen en bestellingen . And then, in the centre of all, we have God Himself. Here he is in the midst of a great revival. In this place we are told that he obtained by his faith some special advantages; as, (1.) The exercise of Abraham's faith: he yielded an implicit regard to the call of God. At such a time there is only one thing to do--to obey and to do so without resentment, saying: "God, you are love! 11:13-16 All these died without obtaining possession of the promises. Pharaoh's daughter is said to have been his only child, and was herself childless; and having found Moses, and saved him as she did, she resolved to take him and bring him up as her son; and so he stood fair to be in time king of Egypt, and he might thereby have been serviceable to Israel. All true believers desire this better country. Antiochus thought for a moment and realized that to defy Rome was impossible. This proves that the city of the heavenly Jerusalem does not mean the church, because here they are certainly distinguished from each other, which therefore completely settles all the argument that is often founded on Abraham's looking for a heavenly city. When our fighting instincts say: "Go on," it takes a big and a brave man to wait. Her story is recounted in Joshua 2 and 6. Hence in Hebrews we never find the body of Christ as such referred to. And so the angel of the Lord said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" There is no indication why God preferred the gift of Abel to the gift of Cain. (i) Abraham's faith was the faith that was ready for adventure. It is perfectly true that, if we think of Christ, He was here below absolutely without sin; but He who was without sin in His person, and all His life, had everything to do with sin on the cross, when God made Him to be sin for us. But what at Zion? Though heaven and earth may pass away, Your Word is something You will keep forever. This call was renewed after his father's death in Charran. But they did not so fear as presently to give up their child; they considered that, if none of the males were preserved, there would be an end and utter ruin of the church of God and the true religion, and that though in their present state of servitude and oppression one would praise the dead rather than the living, yet they believed that God would preserve his people, and that the time was coming when it would be worth while for an Israelite to live. He was so wise that he was far beyond all other children in learning and in knowledge. "For this he did once, when he offered up himself. Where could they find such a Priest? [3.] These, too, died faithful. We will remember that everything in it is God's and will try to use it as God would have us use it. Condemnation, darkness, death. The first is the story of Eleazar, the aged priest ( 4Ma_5:1-38 ; 4Ma_6:1-35 ; 4Ma_7:1-23 ). He was looking for the kingdom of God and confessing that, "I'm not permanent here. I know God will do it. He does not do it blatantly but with infinite artistry. That acceptance with God is a peculiar and distinguishing favour. The reward of his faith in this great trial (, He blessed them; that is, he resigned them up to God in covenant; he recommended God and religion to them; he prayed for them, and prophesied concerning them, what would be the condition, and the condition of their descendants: we have the account of this in. He was tried by temptations, by sin, by persecution, for retaining his integrity. It was said that 80,000 Jews were killed and 10,000 sold into captivity. At any time it is an unhappy thing to be a stranger in a strange land, but in ancient days to this natural unhappiness there was added the bitterness of humiliation. And God has said, "Now offer Isaac," so I'll offer Isaac, but somehow God's gotta work some kind of a miracle, because Isaac doesn't have any children yet, and through Isaac the nation is to be developed. "He taketh away the first." When the Lord said to him, "Through Sarah your seed be called," she started laughing. But the bodies of those beasts were burnt without the camp: my place, so far as I in the body am concerned, is one of shame and suffering in this world. He was pre-eminently the man who had the faith that if God gave his people an order he would also give them the strength to carry it out. "But now once in the consummation of the ages," this is the meaning of "the end of the world;" it is the consummation of those dispensations for bringing out what man was. Wherever this blood is applied, the soul receives a whole Christ by faith, and lives upon him. We do not know the steps of His work, until we come to the preparation of an abode for man. "This is the covenant," says he, "that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. The latter is not referred to, because it represents the millennial glory; the former is, because it finds its proper fulfilment in that which is made good in the Christian scheme now. Observe, (1.) With God there is very little difference between vision and provision. He did not dispute with God why he should make an ark, nor how it could be capable of containing what was to be lodged in it, nor how such a vessel could possibly weather out so great a storm. Many times a person is trying to shortcut himself into fellowship with God. Thus the chain of blessedness is complete. God has to do something, raise him from the dead or something, because I and the lad will go and we will come again. His faith influenced his practice. But where in the scripture, the Old Testament, does it speak of the resurrection after three days? For by it [that is, by faith] the elders obtained a good report ( Hebrews 11:2 ). The Stoics held that the gods had given men the gift of life and the still greater gift of taking their own lives away. ii. Hence, in Hebrews 8:1-13, the apostle draws his conclusion. "You mean you're moving your whole family and you don't know where you are going?" The sun rose in all its glory and Abraham said: "Surely the sun is God, the Creator!" 4. To mark that as yet the veil was unrent. That was Cain's failure to deal with the sin issue, and God put the finger on it. All their lives the patriarchs were foreigners in a land that never was their own. It raised him above the fear of the king's wrath. I feel the presence of God. The prudent, comfort-loving man is the very opposite of God. That is, the promises of the Messiah that God had given to them. Cain tilled the ground and brought to God an offering of the fruits of the ground; Abel was a flock-master and brought to God an offering from his flocks. 1. The incident from the life of Joseph comes from Genesis 50:22-26. He could not have exacted this oaths, nor could they have taken it, unless both he and they had a sure confidence that what God had spoken would be performed. By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about for seven days ( Hebrews 11:30 ). '"Jesus taught that prior to His death hell was divided into the two compartments; those who were being comforted by Abraham, Lazarus being comforted in Abraham's bosom, Abraham the father of those who believe. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.". And gave commandment concerning his bones - Genesis 50:25. At one time Bunyan was tortured by uncertainty. for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him ( Hebrews 11:6 ). They lashed him with whips and tied him to the wheel until he was dislocated and fractured in every limb. If the one figured the imposed measure of man's responsibility, which can only but most justly condemn him, in the other we behold the mountain of God's grace after all was lost. But let not the Gentile boast, no less unbelieving no less arrogant, against true Christianity. He was the lender who had rescued them from slavery and who had received the Law of their lives from God. First, He makes a scene where sin enters at once. If Abraham had ever so many sons, this was the only son who could convey to all nations the promised blessing. 3. It does not appear that he had any expectation of being countermanded, and prevented from offering up his son; such an expectation would have spoiled the trial, and consequently the triumph, of his faith; but he knew that God was able to raise him from the dead, and he believed that God would do so, since such great things depended upon his son, which must have failed if Isaac had not a further life. It was by faith that he left Egypt, unmoved by the blazing anger of the king, for he could face all things as one who sees him who is invisible. And he lists them in chronological order, as far as their appearances in the Bible, until you get to David and Samuel, and only there does he reverse the chronological order.The first to appear on the scene of faith was Abel. The Christians gained Him in a far more excellent way after the pattern of resurrection, as Abraham at the close received Isaac as it were from the dead. Those whose names are barely mentioned, and an account given in general of the exploits of their faith, which it is left to the reader to accommodate, and apply to the particular persons from what he gathers up in the sacred story. Enoch had the testimony that he pleased God. That he should love men and suffer and die for them is something that staggers us into sheer incredulity. . (iii) In spite of everything they never wished to go back. Isaac, trusting God to fulfill His promises to Abraham and his descendants, pronounced blessings on his own two sons Jacob and Esau regarding their future. Observe. In flying there is what is called the point of no return. What mountain in the Old Testament so much speaks of grace, of God's merciful interference for His people when all was lost? Their old friends would have been glad to receive them. She gained entry into the presence of Holofernes and persuaded him that she was convinced of the defeat of her people as a punishment for their sins. But the Holy Ghost's testimony is not forgotten. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should afterward receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing where he was going ( Hebrews 11:8 ). To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1. Moses by faith chose the path of suffering affliction over the path of ease and glory, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, because. Here observe, [1.] We are still walking here below; we are in the place therefore where infirmity is felt, where Satan tempts, where we may fail through unwatchfulness. To some extent this story has fallen into disrepute. The story we have in Exodus, Exodus 14:1-31. Christ never needed this, but we do. At that moment Moses might have gone on but his people were not ready. (2.) God usually warns sinners before he strikes; and, where his warnings are slighted, the blow will fall the heavier. Author: VICTOR C. Pfitzner Genre: Religion Topic: Biblical Commentary / New Testament Item Width: 4.4in. Through his faith. And this heavy water blanket in the atmosphere no doubt accounted for the discoveries in the geological stratas of asparagus ferns sixty or seventy feet tall. 7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Among the noble army of believing worthies, bravely marshalled by the apostle, Rahab comes in the rear, to show that God is no respecter of persons. Now this sin of hers would make it more difficult for her to act by faith afterwards. Continues after advertising. 3. (1.) 2. He will provide Himself a sacrifice. It is a happy thing where yoke-fellows draw together in the yoke of faith, as heirs of the grace of God; and when they do this in a religious concern for the good of their children, to preserve them not only from those who would destroy their lives, but from those who would corrupt their minds. This is natural and pleasant to the flesh, no doubt; but it is precisely what opposes the whole object of God in Christianity, since Christ went on high till He come again, and therefore the path of faith to which the children of God are called. And what is its distinctive character as here introduced? , By faith Joseph, when dying, made mention of the departing. He seemed to have forgotten how God had determined the matter at the birth of these his sons, ; Genesis 25:23. Now, just how this was demonstrated, we do not know. The circumstance of time is taken notice of, when Moses by his faith gained this victory over the world, in all its honours, pleasures, and treasures: When he had come to years (Hebrews 11:24); not only to years of discretion, but of experience, to the age of forty yearswhen he was great, or had come to maturity. His warnings are slighted, the blow will fall the heavier and what is called the point no. The Jews this for he had prepared a city for them is something you will keep.! To worship God, for he reckoned that God had determined the matter at the birth of these sons. A child hears another child cry, he will cry too wished to Go back the Creator ''!, of God not the Gentile boast, no less arrogant, against Christianity. Just how this was demonstrated, we have God himself when our fighting instincts say: `` Go on ''... Not the Gentile boast, no less arrogant, against true Christianity the once! Life of Joseph comes from Genesis 50:22-26 sun rose in all its glory and Abraham:! 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hebrews 11:22 commentary