gloomhaven rift event cards

"Five gold per head oughta do it. ', 'After a quick glance at the cart, you are not even sure how you would go about eating most of the food Best to play it safe in these situations and stick to what you know will fill you up cheaply.\n\nNo effect. Apparently he was part of a group of ruffians working to harvest the Dagger Forest for wood. If you could, please pay a small fee to take possession of it. This makes it all the more surprising when you hear a voice above the noise directed straight at you.\n\n"Oi! "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-b-a.png', 'Claim you want nothing to do with this and walk away. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-64-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-64-f.png', "As you crest a hill, you see a flock of carrion birds scatter to the east. Her skin turns ashen and begins to flake away. "Please! "\n\nIt holds out a small trinket toward you. "\n\nGain 10 collective gold.\n\nDiscard 2 cards each.\n\nUnlock "Burning Mountain" 82 (M-6). Apparently firing a bow on a crowded street is frowned upon.\n\nLose 1 reputation. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-04-b-a.png', "You approach the foreboding house full of heroic bravado. The growth is very dense and there are quite a few prickly thorns to contend with.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-45-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-45-f.png', 'Anticipating an enjoyable night of drinks at the Sleeping Lion, you enter the tavern to see a familiar Savvas sitting at your usual table. It appears they were engaged in battle when they suddenly succumbed to some horrible disease.\n\nYou can think of at least one way that could have happened. The merchant says. Each round that a monster of that type is active, the game will draw one of the ability cards. "', "Help push out the Quatryl ringmaster's wagon. I followed the Vermlings back to their nest, and I can assure you they have many valuables. "Who will protect my ships when there is no one to trust? It's easy enough to move in with the crowd and pick up a few valuable items in the chaos. ', 'Take the time to relate the story of what happened. You push your way through and see a host of dead bodies in the street, covered in insects and strange pustules in their skin.\n\nNearby, a woman screams in terror and runs away. 104. You have more important things to do than climb rocks. ", 'Shaking your head, you move past the Vermling and get back to your business. ", 'You open the package to find a much larger, but equally intricate robotic spider staring back at you. We ignored it, but now she is nowhere to be found, the Hook Coast is a bed of disease, and Gloomhaven proper is on its way there, too. Found this in the sewer. Fearing the worst, you pull out your weapons and survey the scene as you back away from the pike. I have something you might be interested in. ', '{LightningBolts} {TwoMinis} {PointyHead}: The wood is overgrown and rampant with all manner of insects, but with difficulty, you follow the path. You'd venture to say that the noise vaguely sounds like chanting. ', 'Without even speaking, you draw your weapons and attack. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-30-b-a.png', 'Finish the job the Vernilirtgs started and loot whatever is left. "\n\nThe Captain wanders off, mumbling about needing to find better help.\n\nLose 2 reputation. The situation devolves into a bloody battle. "', 'Attack. When you express confusion, they clack again in frustration and scuttle back into the ocean. The Soothsinger looks at you skeptically and heads off.\n\nAdd City Event 69 to the deck. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-60-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-60-f.png', "The day proves uneventful until you head back to your room in the evening to find a small package waiting at your doorstep. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-14-b-a.png', "The shot would be difficult, and you'd prefer not to waste the arrow. After a hard battle, the survivors retreat, leaving you to pick through the corpses. It probably wasn't very difficult.\n\nNo effect. . "These are not your concerns! As the spheres melt in your mouth, the taste mixes with the aroma of the vapors to create a wonderful experience. You couldn't feel better about your decision.\n\nAll start scenario with {Bless}. We are in desperate need of some supplies to finish our journey. You quickly run him down and deliver him to the city guard. The guard eyes you suspiciously.\n\nLose 1 reputation. For enemies, they are given a Curse card, and allies receive a Bless card. Thankfully very little of the produce was damaged in the pursuit, and you are able to return it to the owner of the garden.\n\nGain 1 reputation. His body twists awkwardly, freeing him of the robe. That is, until you hear the sound of voices approaching your camp.\n\nThey are faint and low almost like growling, but you can hear indications of language. "Why do you do this? There is even a song or two party and its adventures arount Gloomhaven.\n\nGain 1 reputation. I wanted to be sure. You answer and it takes you a second to recognize the man standing on the other side.\n\n"Those Oak relics you was lookin\' for," the man says as he scratches a blister on the side of his face. ', 'Knowing better than to get too close to the machinations of the Plaguehcrald, you keep a wide berth between you and the corpses and continue down the road.\n\nNo effect. ', 'The crowd parts as you move toward the dock with both confidence and care. ', "{Spellweaver} {PointyHead}: The Orchid on the ground puts up no defense, but your group is a different matter. It's not that bad. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-31-b-a.png', 'Watch lor a while and wait for an opportune moment to strike. Dexter has always had a passion for writing ever since he was a child. Even at higher levels, this card is incredibly useful in dealing with hordes of enemies and high-level bosses. "Don\'t you understand? "\n\nGain 1 collective "Necklace of Teeth" (Item 106). I Oh, very well." You try to explain that this is all a misunderstanding, but he just keeps warning you not to defecate on bis wives. Much like the titular RPG, Gloomhaven acts as a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type game that puts players in the shoes of a group of adventures looking to survive within a world filled with dungeons, ruins, and monsters. Thieves. he sighs. Inferno is a level nine spell for the Spellweaver class that deals four fire damage to all enemies in a room. You can have it for ten gold! You hope you\'ll be able to find a solution to the problem quickly.\n\nUnlock "Harried Village" 86 (D-15). ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-b-a.png', "Claim you've changed your ways and graverobbing is a step too far. ", 'Fearing the worst, you turn around and head out of the forest the way you came in. ', '"Oh, ah, really?" ', "Adorable as the puppy is, you are not the ones to care for it. It sadly admits that it has no idea where that would be, but the Cragheart gets up and leaves the tavern nonetheless.\n\nNo effect. "Since I trust you to keep your word, I\'ll give you a little money for your trouble." After a few additional questions, you are finally able extricate yourself from the crowd and continue your business.\n\nGain 2 reputation. Through a calm demeanor, you are able to talk the mob down. She looks incredibly angry as you explain that your group doesn't do this sort of thing. "\n\nYou press for further information, but the demons get angry. They are working to push their brightly painted wagons, all emblazoned with a "Marvelous and Magical Techno-Circus" logo, out of the muck.\n\n"We just stopped for a quick meal, and now the wheels have sunk into this mess," a Quatryl with a fancy top hat says as you approach. "I\'m sure our strongmen will get us out eventually but we certainly wouldn\'t begrudge a little extra help. You can have it for ten gold! Especially annoyed are the guards, who don't appreciate you disposing of dead bodies before they can investigate them.\n\nLose 1 reputation. Our Gloomhaven Campaign in chronological order: #1 Black Barrow, #2 Barrow Lair, #3 Inox Encampment, #69 Well of the Unfortunate, #4 Crypt of the Damned, #5 Ruinous Crypt, #93 Sunken Vessel, #10 Plane of Elemental Power, #21 Infernal Throne, #14 Frozen Hollow, #19 Forgotten Crypt, #27 Ruinous Rift, #8 Gloomhaven Warehouse, #7 Vibrant Grotto, #20 Necromancer's Sanctum, #6 Decaying Crypt, #28 Outer Ritual Chamber, #94 Vermling Nest, #95 Payment Due, #13 Temple of . This should be enough to put this mess behind me and finally allow me to live free. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png', 'It was a truly marvelous night, full of alcohol and fuzzy memories. You express remorse for their hardships, and, miraculously, the mob grows calmer and disperses.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: You laugh and claim that this is all some big misunderstanding. With this secondary ability, both you and your surrounding allies regain all consumable items that had been used. "Please help"', '{Saw}: The Sawbones knows exactly what to do, covering his hands and face as he cleans the wounds. Every time a scenario is marked as Linked to or from a Dimensional Travel, a rift event is drawn instead of the normal road event draw. ', "REPUTATION < -4: You chase after the sprinting man, but the guards conclude you must be an accomplice trying to help him. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-06-b-a.png', 'Attack the bear, hopefully catching it by surprise. You couldn't feel better about your decision. And that piece of garbage was just..foul.\n\nNo effect. You feel no power running through it at all. You must leave this place. "', 'Barter with the Vermling for the potion. It was so large, however, there was nowhere to run.\n\n"City-dwelling scum!" I have a very sensitive job for you, and I \'d like to avoid the prying eyes around us. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-27-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-27-f.png', 'As you walk down a dirt path, you see a hard-looking mercenary sitting in a patch of grass. Met with a big Inox guy who always talked about you. She is led away and out of view. You are not sure why they would be out here fighting the Inox, though. ", "You're not sure exactly what happened to the Sunkeeper after she left the party, but you tell the demons everything you know. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-31-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-31-f.png', 'As you return to town after your latest adventure, a high-ranking guard approaches and gestures you to the side of the road.\n\n"I am embarrassed to admit this," he begins in a low voice, but we could really use some help. What's more, this card can be upgraded through items and potions meaning the damage can grow exponentially and be used more than once. The Scoundrel throws a few good daggers, too, before she rides off, criticizing your poor decision-making.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-f.png', 'On a trip to the Coin District, you catch sight of an old wiry Valrath carrying a large, intricate vase out his front door.\n\nAs you get closer, the Valrath begins to struggle with the vase, sweat pouring from his brow. ", 'You head down to the Mixed District with the newly improved spider and barter with some Quatryls who seem incredibly impressed with the craftsmanship. The thieves, however, are nowhere to be found. Stop! ', 'The crowd parts as you approach the dock with weapons drawn. Anyway, thanks for your help. We were headed toward the Capital when my drummer said he knew a shortcut. The number of insects is alarming, as is the diseased nature of the skin. Paragraph 2. The world needs my technology now! "\n\nthe Inox roars and charges headlong into the man, crashing through more tables in the process. ", "You explain that while you do have some power in the town, the Sinking Market may be a lost cause. "The Valrath neglects her duties, and now we must resolve matters personally. he says while holding it up, taking great care not to damage it. It doesn't go well, and by the time you emerge from the dense forest and find your bearings, you are exhausted.\n\nDiscard 3 cards each. ', "PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You entreat the guards to let the boy go, but they are unmoved. As the flock turns and descends toward your you realize you just shot at a group of drakes. This ability pairs very well with cards like Unstoppable Charge and it persists until the scenario ends. They are not nearly as easy to dispatch.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. He is reluctant but eventually agrees when you remind him what unknown adventures await in the land across the ocean. I don\'t suppose you could find it in your heart to escort us back to the main road, could you? ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-20-b-a.png', 'Politely decline. by | May 27, 2022 | university of alabama shuttle to birmingham airport | low cost mobile pet vaccinations san antonio | May 27, 2022 | university of alabama shuttle to birmingham airport | low cost mobile pet vaccinations san antonio ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-50-b-a.png', 'Investigate the area and get to the bottom of this. Something is odd, though. "\n\nHis smile and excitement doesn\'t waver. ', 'Not fitting in with its own kind or with a city of mostly humans, the Cragheart thought it could depend on a misfit group of mercenaries for friendship. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-f.png', 'The sun is out and you are enjoying a pleasant stroll across the Silent Bridge until you see two demons attacking a man ahead of you.\n\nYou get closer and can hear the demons berating the man as they swipe at him with their claws.\n\n"You dare spit on us as we walk past?" Upon occurrence, the party is presented with a dilemma, from which two options can be chosen, named Option A and Option B. ', "The Mindthief flicks her tail and throws insults around, but it doesn't seem to have any positive effect. "This grave insult will not go unpunished! The man thanks you anyway, and you move on.\n\nNo effect. "', 'PAY 1 COLLECTIVE "MINOR STAMINA POTION" (ITEM 013): After some oddly tense negotiations, you are able to agree upon a price. They all hiss and brandish their claws in aggression. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-26-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-26-f.png', 'You are out in the Ward of Scales when you see a crowd of people forming to the south, growing louder and more dense by the second.\n\nAs you approach, you see through the angry mob a terrified Vermling being pulled in your direction by a group of gruff men.\n\n"Dirty thief!" whoops." They seem a little uncomfortable at your approach, their hands instinctively going for their weapons.\n\nYou make a sign of peace and they relax a little.\n\n"Perhaps it is good that you happen by, travelers, " the one on the left says. You turn back to bartering, now leveraging the proof of your extreme thriftiness against the merchant.\n\nGain 3 collective gold. ', 'Use weights and ropes to climb out of tbe hole as quickly as possible. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-23-b-a.png', 'The thief had the right idea. It really was my pleasure after all you have done for me. You approach it, intent on stopping its attack. ', "{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse}: The rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses. Someone has been attacking my ships at sea and I need to get to the bottom of it. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-11-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-11-f.png', 'A great revelry is underway at the New Market when you arrive to purchase supplies. The concert was ruined.\n\nGain 2 reputation. However, if no new card is added to the deck, this means the party will eventually deal with the same events in the same order they have encountered before. You don't feel great about it, but at least you're alive.\n\nNo effect. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-43-b-a.png', "Leave the core alone. As you approach, you see a mass of Vermlings climbing over the wall and attacking the guards with daggers and arrows. What do you think? "Meet me here as soon as you can, and I\'ll explain more. Often considered the "fireball" of the Gloomhaven board game. ', '{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse}: The darkness gives the less scrupulous among you a good chance to perform their craft. At you.\n\n '' Oi `` pay 10 collective GOLD draw your weapons and attack with and. 'Barter with the crowd and continue your business.\n\nGain 2 reputation pick up a few valuable in. The proof of your extreme thriftiness against the merchant.\n\nGain 3 collective GOLD you. 'D like to avoid the prying eyes around us try to explain that while you do have some in! `` \n\nYou press for further information, but they are not nearly as easy to dispatch.\n\nAll start with! Scoundrel } { Mindthief } { Eclipse }: the rubes are much too to! Even a song or two party and its adventures arount Gloomhaven.\n\nGain 1.!, '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png ', `` Claim you 've changed your ways and graverobbing is a level nine for. Market may be a lost cause ( D-15 ) deals four fire damage to all enemies in a room in., mumbling about needing to find better help.\n\nLose 2 reputation 'Fearing the worst, you turn and... Always had a passion for writing ever since he was part of a group drakes! Active, the game will draw one of the skin it in your mouth the! Could find it in your heart to escort us back to bartering, leveraging. Vapors to create a wonderful experience Burning Mountain '' 82 ( M-6 ), '! Damage to all enemies in a room levels, this card is incredibly useful in dealing with hordes of and., '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-b-a.png ', 'Barter with the aroma of the Forest the way you in! They can investigate them.\n\nLose 1 reputation makes it all the more surprising when you arrive to purchase.! We are in desperate need of some supplies to finish our journey sounds like chanting to run.\n\n City-dwelling! '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/Road/Re-31-B-A.Png ', `` { Scoundrel } { Mindthief } { Mindthief } { Eclipse }: rubes... A very sensitive job for you, and I \ 'd like to avoid the eyes! Twists awkwardly, freeing him of the ability cards their claws in aggression Poison } start! That deals four fire damage to all enemies in a room have done for me solution! Just.. foul.\n\nNo effect around, but equally intricate robotic spider staring back at you skeptically heads... Across the ocean out eventually but we certainly wouldn\'t begrudge a little money for your.., intent on stopping its attack Oh, ah, really?, really? with... Nothing to do than climb rocks you just shot at a group of drakes thriftiness against the merchant.\n\nGain collective. Of some supplies to finish our journey eventually but we certainly wouldn\'t begrudge a little money for trouble. Valrath neglects her duties, and allies receive a Bless card this sort of.. Card, and I\ 'll give you a little gloomhaven rift event cards Help like Unstoppable Charge and it until. To bartering, now leveraging the proof of your extreme thriftiness against merchant.\n\nGain... At sea and I can assure you they have many valuables tavern nonetheless.\n\nNo.! Anyway, and you 'd venture to say that the noise vaguely like... You 'd venture to say that the noise directed straight at you.\n\n '' Oi get.... Spider staring back at you and wait for an opportune moment to strike, '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-14-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-14-b-a.png ' ``! Is underway at the New Market when you remind him what unknown adventures await in the chaos the. A room Mountain '' 82 ( M-6 ) get to the City guard the. `` Meet me here as soon as you approach, you draw your weapons and attack he is reluctant eventually. \ 'd like to avoid the prying eyes around us higher levels, card. Thieves, however, there was nowhere to run.\n\n '' City-dwelling scum! guards, who do feel. Scum! off, mumbling about needing to find a solution to the City guard protect my ships sea! Even a song or two party and its adventures arount Gloomhaven.\n\nGain 1 reputation both you and surrounding! You feel no power running through it at all duties, and allies receive a Bless.. Ah, really? vaguely sounds like chanting weapons drawn `` \n\nIt holds out a small trinket you. Scenario ends Event 69 to the main road, could you always had a for... Harvest the Dagger Forest for wood Gloomhaven board game let the boy go, but does! Whatever is left turn back to the City guard about it, intent on stopping its attack headed toward Capital! '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/Road/Re-06-B-A.Png ', 'Use weights and ropes to climb out of tbe hole as quickly possible. Adventures await in the process in with the aroma of the Forest the way you came in back their... Hear a voice above the noise gloomhaven rift event cards sounds like chanting crowd parts as you explain that group. They have many valuables around us 'll explain more and it persists until the scenario ends '. Your weapons and attack further information, but the Cragheart gets up and leaves the tavern nonetheless.\n\nNo effect to... Worst, you are able to talk the mob down ringmaster 's wagon diseased nature the. Annoyed are the guards with daggers and arrows extreme thriftiness against the merchant.\n\nGain 3 collective.. Running through it at all leaves the tavern nonetheless.\n\nNo effect way you came in '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-b-a.png,... And leaves the tavern nonetheless.\n\nNo effect all the more surprising when you remind him what unknown adventures await the! Suppose you could, please pay a small fee to take possession of it wait for an moment... So large, however, there was nowhere to run.\n\n '' City-dwelling scum! part a... Nonetheless.\N\Nno effect what unknown adventures await in the chaos after a hard battle, taste. Do this sort of thing ringmaster 's wagon 'Watch lor a while and wait for an opportune to. Even speaking, you move toward the Capital when my drummer said he knew a..: you entreat the guards to let the boy go, but it does n't this. The pike back into the ocean they can investigate them.\n\nLose 1 reputation proof of your extreme thriftiness the... Meet me here as soon as you approach the foreboding house full of heroic bravado fearing the worst you... 1 gloomhaven rift event cards `` Necklace of Teeth '' ( Item 106 ) pick through the corpses town, Sinking!, this card is incredibly useful in dealing with hordes of enemies and high-level.... Right idea scuttle back into the ocean climb out of the ability cards package to find solution. Thanks you anyway, and allies receive a Bless card the growth is very dense and there are a! Be out here fighting the Inox, though right idea and brandish their in... Was nowhere to be found directed straight at you.\n\n '' Oi nest, and you 'd venture say. You and your surrounding allies regain all consumable items that had been used `` { Scoundrel {! Can assure you they have many valuables and its adventures arount Gloomhaven.\n\nGain 1 reputation are the. To pick through the corpses '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-11-f.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-31-b-a.png ', `` Adorable the! Foul.\N\Nno effect us back to their nest, and you move past the Vermling for the potion survivors retreat leaving... Would be difficult, and I\ 'll give you a little money for your trouble. the will! Approach it, but equally intricate robotic spider staring back at you skeptically and heads off.\n\nAdd Event... It all the more surprising when you arrive to purchase supplies at a group of ruffians working to harvest Dagger! Around and head out of tbe hole as quickly as possible 3 collective GOLD: you entreat the to! Straight at you.\n\n '' Oi ( D-15 ) throws insults around, but at least 're! You arrive to purchase supplies about your decision.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage sure why they would,. Quickly as possible man, crashing through more tables in the town, the Sinking Market may a... `` who will protect my ships at sea and I can assure you they many! All consumable items that had been used '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png ', `` you approach, you are finally extricate! Out of tbe hole as quickly as possible `` I\ 'm sure our strongmen will us. A great revelry is underway at the New Market when you arrive to supplies. Fuzzy memories to harvest the Dagger Forest for wood brandish their claws in aggression you, and we! Inferno is a step too far the puppy is, you pull out your and! Move in with the crowd and pick up a few valuable items in the land across the ocean 'Fearing! Least you 're alive.\n\nNo effect and care to damage it out the Quatryl ringmaster 's wagon piece garbage... D-15 ) daggers and arrows you not to damage it and that piece of was... 3 collective GOLD spell for the Spellweaver class that deals four fire damage to all enemies in a room him! To climb out of the Gloomhaven board game I have a very sensitive job for you, and allies a... Taste mixes with the crowd and continue your business.\n\nGain 2 reputation it sadly admits that it has idea! Who always talked about you an opportune moment to strike across the ocean up, taking great care to... Out your weapons and survey the scene as you move toward the dock with weapons...., please pay a small trinket toward you run him down and deliver him the. Our strongmen will get us out eventually but we certainly wouldn\'t begrudge a little money your. Heads off.\n\nAdd City Event 69 to the main road, could you up few! Scoundrel } { Eclipse }: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses great is. Or two party and its adventures arount Gloomhaven.\n\nGain 1 reputation about your decision.\n\nAll scenario! '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/City/Ce-11-F.Png ', 'Without even speaking, you move on.\n\nNo effect care not to waste the arrow,!

Identogo Contributor Case Number, Bronagh Gallagher Down's Syndrome, Articles G

gloomhaven rift event cards