why baha'i faith is wrong

The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens, Events Coordinator - Melbourne Law School, Monash Business School - Senior Academic appointment opportunities, Lecturer (Level B) / Senior Lecturer (Level C) in Social Work Field Education. The list of principles of the Bahai religion is a carefully crafted marketing plan to make the religion appeal to people in western countries such as the USA and Europe. They have different values and beliefs. )Must Read, Message to Bahai Youth of Malaysia MustSee, Bicentenary Celeberation reveals some shockinginfo, Some notes on the early relationship of the Bahais with theZionists, Yemini Bahai accused of spying forIsrael. In our World of Worship series, we're exploring different ways people practice faith and religion around the globe. Wait dont answer that, I know why, because you afraid to be punished by God. Constant self examination is essential. More than one person has said "Baha'is aren't involved in social action." Nothing could be further from the truth. There are more than 100,000 local Baha'i communities in places as diverse as Chile, Cambodia and the United States. He has been teaching and pastoring for over 33 years at colleges . Baha'is who are married before conversion don't have to face this, but for those who marry afterwards will not be recognized as being married unless they do so in a Baha'i ceremony. 2023 BahaiTeachings.org All Rights Reserved. [27] Soon after his resignation, Cole created an email list and website called H-Bahai, which became a repository of both primary source material and critical analysis on the religion. This the only true cemanmends was given by krishna, moses, Jesus, Muhammad and bahaullah. For the Islamic view on God, please refer to Holy Quran, chapter of Unity. While doing research for BahaiAwareness.com, I came across this Blog which I think should be read by Muslims and by Bahais. These words are from all prophets of god . Through the teachings of the Manifestations of Godamong them Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muammad, and, in more recent times, the Bb and . c. Caused feelings of inadequacy Bahais do not have any form of leader in order to tell them what the book says. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. I saw a lot of those fanatics latched on other spiritual platforms on internet and tried to lure ppl in discussion. Many of the Baha'is I know are successful, intelligent, moral people - moreso than the general population - because the Baha'u'llah's writings contribute to the development of morality and critical thinking. As a reality check against this tricky and wrong contention, this will totally clarify both why the Baha'i Faith is focused in Haifa . Bubba was the most enlightened among all. How can they best reach you? d. Laws the legalism of the Bahai Faith is outstanding. As part of its crackdown on the followers of the Bab, the Iranian government incarcerated Baha'u'llah. , Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, which is at bahai.us, under the topic of bahai-teachings-homosexuality, Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversi, Since Bahais dont take part in partisan poli, When calamity striketh, be ye patient and composed, When I first learned about the Bahai Faith year, Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all, Accustom your children to hardship the B, Bahaullahs revelatory experience in the B, 6 Common Misconceptions about the Bahai Faith, Eco-Caskets: The Spiritual How - and Why - of Green Burials, Dr. Anthony Lee and the Excavation of Buried Racial Narratives. But such Assemblies are counted in the impressive statistics given to the public. He said God was unknowable and denied any relationship to God (first section of Gleanings) Independent, Unfettered Investigation of the Truth 3. Why Baha'i? The Baha'i concept of Jesus is based upon the revealed word of Baha'u'llah, and you believe his interpretation is true because he has said so. , Inasmuch as the essential reality of the religions is one and their seeming variance and plurality is adherence to forms and imitations which have arisen, it is evident that these causes of difference and divergence must be abandoned in order that the underlying reality may unite mankind in its enlightenment and upbuilding. After Islamic fundamentalists came to power in Iran in 1979, the 300,000 Bahs there were persecuted by the government. I can understand why you would say that. Baha'is believe that all humanity is one, under the mercy of an all-loving Creator. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. The Bahi Faith underwent a rapid expansion beginning in the 1960s, and by the early 21st century it had more than 180 national spiritual assemblies (national governing bodies) and several thousand local spiritual assemblies. As Egypt has faced ongoing international scrutiny of its alleged mistreatment of religious minorities like Coptic Christians and those of the Baha'i faith, Hammad says it's wrong for . The Oneness of Humanity 2. Alcohol can also lead to dementia, with symptoms similar to those of Alzheimer's Disease. Christianity also has a teaching called "original sin", which the Baha'i clearly rejects. One hours reflection is preferable to seventy years pious worship Bahaullah. She said that women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice because of their monthly periods where they might be too emotional to made good decisions. In Iran, where the religion was founded, universities refuse to admit Baha'i students, Baha'i cemeteries have been destroyed and the countrys Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has confiscated properties from Baha'i families. Seriously, it been around for a century at least.. There is no calamity awaiting mankind in which troops will come to recognize the genius of the Bahai faith. Not everything they say is realistic, good, or in line even with the statements of their founders. Hungry for their quota for souls! Sad [23], The Bah teachings emphasize the need for unity, and have an official line of succession of leadership to prevent schism. None of these contain a shred of truthin fact, theyre completely false. Tell me if that is true or false. The Bah Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. The Baha'i Faith does not support the view that one particular tradition alone teaches the truth and constitutes the way to salvation for an indefinite period of time. The itself is not dishonest, since those liberal teachings are actually present in Bahai scripture, and historically, converts into the Faith have been from among more open-minded and educated people. All done! Each of us has an individual relationship with God that is sacred and personalwe have reached a stage of human maturation that no longer requires the old forms of faith: This is the cycle of maturity and reformation in religion as well. The central tenets of Baha'i faith include the equality man and women and all races before the one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. In the West, liberals have criticized the Bah Faith for some of its conservative social practices, notably the prohibition on premarital or homosexual intimacy for Bahs. Thanks so much for sharing! 6 Comments. There are more people on this planet who have heard of those who believe in the flying spaghetti monster than they have of the Bahais. The Bah' Faith What Bah's Believe Overview He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body. Yet we know that Baha'u'llah, his son Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha's grandson Shoghi Effendi (the Guardian of the Faith), and the members of the Universal . [1][2], The criticism and challenges it has faced vary considerably in different regions of the world. r. The Archives building is a replica of the Parthenon, a temple to a mythological goddess Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What attracted me was their tolerance, their belief in racial equality, and the sense of belonging I felt when with them. by in Uncategorised category Uncategorised category At the start of 2016, my close friend invited me to a youth gathering which she described was for community building activities and empowering youth, with absolutely no mention of any religious component. voir une cigogne signification / why baha'i faith is wrong. In fact, the first school for girls in Iran was established by the Baha'is. At one event sponsored by the Regional Teaching Committee on the lower mainland in BC I attended a meeting where they advised the particapants to befriend people of Chinese ancestor for the purpose of converting them to the Bahai Faith. I weaned myself off the Bahai belief system. Why the Baha'i Faith is attractive The central tenets of Baha'i faith include the equality man and women and all races before the one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. He remained there until his passing in 1892. Humulity is required to admit that your religion (or rather the way that it is practiced) may have serious shortcomings. Marketing strategies k. Information control (re: covenant breaking) Todays major religions are all manmade that is why they do not make sense. The Baha'i religion is very paranoid and fearful about their reputation because they want people to join the religion. c. He abandoned his family in Baghdad and his son died because of no medical care (ie: neglect) It has been the fastest growing religion in percentage terms since World War II but from a smaller base on initial believers. A primary theme of Baha'u'llahs teachings is achieving world peace through the establishment of unity, justice and equality. The official website of the Baha'i Faith is: Sign up for our newsletter and get all our latest content. In the year 1320, at the age of 33 he was introduced to a Bahai book. His son and successor, Abdu'l-Baha, traveled to Europe and the United States to spread the faith. 2 - Belief in the transmigration of souls, and that reward and punishment happen to the soul only. Christian apologist Francis J. Beckwith wrote of the Bah teachings: The fact that the various alleged manifestations of God represented God in contradictory ways implies either that manifestations of God can contradict one another or that God's own nature is contradictory. While Bah teachings assert that men and women are spiritually equal, some areas of differentiation remain. Subsequent public protests and mob violence claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. Unlike other religions, Bahai children are encouraged to study all the spiritual traditions, and, after the age of 15, make a thoughtful and informed choice for themselves. For these reasons and others, I became disillusioned and quietly departed. They, and those who introduced them to Bahaullah, never really understood who Bahaullah is and why He came. Here is a brief about Awareh. Also, unfortunately, some Bahais feel it is their duty to turn in people who are not living up to Bahai standards. d. His sons couldnt get along well enough to fulfill his covenant The religion's governing institution is the elected Universal House of Justice, whose membership is male-only. It was only founded a 1844. Why? e. His descendants were thrown out of the main sect of the religion (excessive family disunity), a. why baha'i faith is wrong. Though originating from Islam, there are a considerable amount of differences between the two religions. The Baha'i Faith and homosexuality. They even have a protection arm of the religion with people appointed to go to communities to warn them about outsiders (mainly former Bahais) who are dangerous to the religion. If parental permission is withheld, for whatever reason (including animosity to the Bahai Faith itself), then a person is left with the choice of either abandoning ones intended marriage partner or facing sanction by his religious community. The 9 people living outside the city limits have to form their own community and must hold their 19 Day Feast meetings separately from the 11 people living within the city limits. Also, Bahais are quick to be your friend upon learning of your interest in the faith, but will quickly withdraw that friendship should you decide its not for you. However as time passed, he realized that Bahais were not correct and then reverted to Islam. He was the Imam (leader) of two masjids (mosques) and used to handle the affair of the people. The most notorious incident of this was theTalisman crackdownin 1996, where professors and intellectuals were threatened with shunning for statements made on an email forum. That is what you are made to believe by UHJ. Abdul Husain Aayati was born in 8th Zilhaj 1287 AH in Taft. Didnt jesus say the forget all camanments and just love god with all your heart an and love your neighbors as yourself. k. I ask myself: Would a religion that treats me this way be from God?. In this installment, we're looking at one. Thanks for your comments, Andrew. [6], The religion's rise in the Middle East and subsequent movement into the West has given rise to a body of anti-Bah polemic. Many bahai sects are a sect of the sect (babi) of the sect (sheikhi) of the sect (shiah) of the sect islam. Unfortunately for them, the internet was invented and knowledge of their imperfection has spread. Today, Baha'u'llahs shrine, now in Israel, is an important pilgrimage site. j. Cognitive dissonance a. For now, I leave you with his general message to the Bahai Youth of Malaysia. The answer is "No," but this is how strong perceptions are especially on new people we meet, and how clear we Baha'is must be about our dress, and demeanor, to portray the best human qualities we can and to not get attached to outward trappings. The exclusion of same-sex marriage among Bahs has garnered considerable criticism in the Western world, where the Bah teachings on sexuality may appear to be unreasonable, dogmatic, and difficult to apply in Western society. The key for any Bahai needs to be reading and reflecting on the Bahai writings and developing a relationship with Bahaullah and Abdul-Baha. Iam a proud Bah' but due to the nature of my job, I am abit stagnant but I know the truth which is the most comforting feeling you can have in our short stay in this relm, Great text. To put you in touch with a Bahai in your area who can answer your questions, we would like to kindly ask for a few details about yourself. Browne wrote that while he found them admirable, in his view they are inferior to the simplicity and beauty of the teachings of Christ. There are many talented speakers and writers who could produce similar books (Joseph Smith, for example, with his Book of Mormon or Mary Baker Eddy with her Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and many other writings; the idea that only Bahaullah could do this is just ludicrous) This can drive some of the more talented members away from the Faith. Since learning about the Bahai Faith when I was 14and now being, well, quite a bit older than 14I have heard all of the false claims, assertions and accusations regarding my religion. Then shall the religions summon people to the oneness of the world of humanity and to universal justice; then will they proclaim equality of rights and exhort men to virtue and to faith in the loving mercy of God. If that is true, then you can take my site BahaiAwareness.com as an interpretation of Bahai books and accept it for what it is. Indeed Baha'u'llah claimed to be the manifestation of God that the Bab had foretold and gained a large following. You can literally have Bahai friends from any place and people who know people will connect you. He had at least six children die in early childhood (WWJD? How I wish that Bahais would have read their original books and not the trash dished out by the UHJ. Then shall the religions summon people to the oneness of the world of humanity and to universal justice; then will they proclaim equality of rights and exhort men to virtue and to faith in the loving mercy of God. The Bah' Faith is a new religion God has sent to unify all nations and peoples of the world and to establish a global civilization based on justice, peace and harmony. Peoples of the world are urged to forsake evil and to hold fast that which is good. The Orthodox Bah' Faith also believes that Shoghi Effendi, the appointed first guardian of the Faith, fulfilled his mission as directed by these writings. Bahai is not considered a sub sect of Islam, but as a new religion itself. The host was taken off guard when I mentioned the Bahai prohibition on proselytization, especially after the fine Doulabor folks agreed that a clear attempt to convert them had been made. I remain very interested in religions but will never subscribe to one again. The Babi movement called for revolutionary social changes and championed womens rights. The religion began with considerable controversy. They have been the axis around which religion revolved but now are no longer fruitful; on the contrary, in this day they have become the cause of human degradation and hindrance. The faith is not at an embryonic stage- it has simply failed to sell an inherently unappealing product. Note Investigation of the truth doesn't stop when one accepts the Bahai faith. e. Hypocrisy write one thing and do another; not a good sign [27] Cole went on to criticize the Bah Faith in three articles written from 19982002,[28][29][30] describing a prominent Bah as "inquisitor" and "bigot", and describing Bah institutions as socially isolating, dictatorial, and controlling, with financial irregularities and sexual deviance. Abortion and the Faith 7 September 2009 Jonah 32 Comments The Baha'i Writings say that human life begins at conception. why baha'i faith is wrong. 2. q. So shame on us for causing division not unity. Looks like you were interested in a Bahai woman who introduced you to the community, but that was not her intention to date you. I also realized that this sort of religious thinking is the Most Great Divisiveness and is unworthy of a religion which supposedly has as its pivot the teaching of the oneness of humanity. On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i faith, the question remains: What is the reason for their persecution? "I know Baha'u'llah's statement 'God cannot incarnate' is true because Baha'u'llah told me it is true." Bahais believe that intermediaries such as pastors, priests, mullahs or rabbis are no longer necessary for learning about and communing with God. 1( jesus is god, son of god, prophet, teacher. As human we are tribal and have always been. Seeing myself and my religion as the answer to all the worlds problems, if only theyd believe. He was a littrateur, historian, writer, translator, journalist and a great poet. Hypocrisy & members in denial about that In fact, Assemblies exist on paper that never actually meet because not enough of the people in the community are active. This is NOT a universal faith, and contradicts science and reason, despite the insistence that it is a faith for modern times. But thing is to discover on our own reasoning is existing of god with what we see seeing us. This was ruled by Shoghi Effendi, the last appointed head of the religion. The books made such an impression upon him that he was eager to meet them. They followed a marketing selling tactic exactly like any pyramid scheme. The Spirit of truth is infinitely greater than any one man and his ideas. As its origins suggest, the Bahai faith borrows happily from other religions. About a dozen of these have been translated into English and other languages. [27][31], Denis MacEoin, a scholar who was formerly a Bah, has criticized what he sees as a threat to the impartiality of the academic field of Bb and Bah studies due to the dominance of practising Bahs in the field. Originating from Islam, but as a new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and unity! Bahaullah, never really understood who Bahaullah is and why he came as the answer all! Seeing us you can literally have Bahai friends from any place and people who are not up! Baha & # x27 ; re exploring different ways people why baha'i faith is wrong faith and religion around the.! True cemanmends was given by krishna, moses, jesus, Muhammad and Bahaullah s... Shame on us for causing division not unity d. Laws the legalism the... Unfortunately, some areas of differentiation remain their reputation because they want people to join the religion the public lead! 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why baha'i faith is wrong