what are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming

Extensive farms are more likely to revolve around livestock rather than crops. However, advantages never come for free. It also aids in solving the worldwide hunger problems to a great extent. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. What is the best example of extensive land use in agriculture? Extensive aquaculture includes systems of culture and rearing in which human intervention is concentrated on reproduction of the stock in addition to capture. In the EU, officials have defined intensive farms as those carrying more than 40,000 chickens or 2,000 pigs. Subsistence farms are designed to meet the needs of a family or community. An alpaca rancher who generates more money from tourism than fiber sales may prioritize alpacas' friendliness over fiber quality. Sheep production does not require elaborate facilities and equipment. The main characteristic of extensive farming is that it has less labor input than intensive farming. This may also reflect the generation of fewer jobs. Copy. Each group is moved into a phase of production together, such as . Higher risks of cancer and birth defects. Here are a few reasons: The physical environment/climate conditions simply do not support intensive agriculture. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. 4 Advantages of Monoculture. Grants and loans to buy new seeds and equipment. Large land requirements limit the habitat of wild species (in, Fish Farming Pros & Cons Pro: Replenishment Pro: Employment Pro: Nutritional Provisions Con: Environmental Damage Con: Feeding Con: Lice, Pests in fish farms can spread to wild aquatic animals. With the introduction of intensive farming, farm produce, such as vegetables, fruits, and poultry products have become less expensive. Ranching can be highly profitable. Less use of pesticide Less POPs in environment Less defforestation Less disturbance to soil No loss of biodiversity Protection to wildlifes Protection of watersheds, Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages The Fundamental Problem. Advantages of intensive livestock farming. It provides mineral as well as other nutrition by the assimilation from the mold. Livestock management requires more work, and profitability also raises an issue. The intensive farming techniques involves extensive input of capital, labor as well as pesticides and fertilizers to raise crops on a smaller land area. What is the main characteristic of extensive farming? Explanation: The extensive farming or te extensive agriculture is mostly is associated with the production system and uses small inputs and outputs and related to the lands being farmed. To deal with the increase of pests surviving each application, farmers begin to apply more often and higher amounts of pesticides in the future. Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Farming, Precision Farming Use Farming Tech to Improve Agronomy, Trimble Launches Farmer Core to Connect the Entire Farm Operation, The Role of Smart Farming in Developing Sustainable Agriculture, Modern agricultural technology adoption and its importance. Intensive livestock works with a smaller area, allowing daily and approximate monitoring. A nomadic farming community shepherds its cattle herd from place to place, allowing it to graze freely. Although the area is restricted, the investment is greater, as it involves the use of new techniques and advanced technologies, not to mention specialized labor. Ranching is an agricultural practice in which grazing livestock are left inside a fenced pasture. Extensive farming is a measurement of how much of an area of land is being exploited, and how much personal input is required to manage that exploitation. While it is true that agricultural intensification is necessary to meet the ever-increasing population growth, it is also true that intensive use of chemical fertilizers will largely affect the health of human beings, plants, fish, honey bees, frogs, birds, and livestock. Aquaculture Helps the Economy. Many give the animals antibiotics throughout their lives, and the animals have a shortened lifespan. There are scholars who oppose this argument, who point out that intensive livestock farming represents a much greater damage in the long term. What are the problems of intensive farming class 10? Factors that affect their properties include impact resistance, ductility, elasticity, translucence, reflectivity and brittleness. 2: Shifting cultivation swidden slash burn IMG 0575 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shifting_cultivation_swidden_slash_burn_IMG_0575.jpg) by Rohit Naniwadekar (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Rohitjahnavi), is licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en). Irrigation is one of the most feasible ways to grow cash crops like sugarcane, tobacco, etc. Fewer inputs are needed to produce yields, since extensive agriculture tends to make use of naturally-occurring resources, such as fertile soil. How much does a farmer leave to nature? Your email address will not be published. longer to provide financial benefits. Extensive farming is where the inputs are comparatively less. Thus, biotech foods may pose a human health risk. 1. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from the National University of Colombia: palmira.unal.edu.co, Cattan, P. "Livestock and conservation" in the TecnoVet extension magazine. Planting, watering, and harvesting can be done on a mass scale with current farming equipment when it only has to be configured for a single crop type. At the beginning of the 20th century, the mechanization replaced the strenuous human labor in agriculture and started the shift towards industrializationincreasing productivityAdvantages and Disadvantages of Monoculture Farming greentumble.com. Since many production processes have gotten offset to machines, farmers can easily monitor progress. 2 - A plot in India has been cleared for shifting cultivation. Under the right conditions, they will prosper and grow in numbers in a short time. The entire crop has the same environmental conditions generally has the same genotype means that the whole crop is sensitive to the same dangers. According to this researcher, the most intensive systems (those that produce more in less space) offer better returns in terms of the carbon footprint that is generated. of the users don't pass the Extensive Farming quiz! Another advantage is that large productivity of food is possible with less amount of land. Many different regulations and rules have been put in place by the EPA. Some Local and Regional Changes of Modern Agricultural Practices: According to studies, one of the leading causes of unsustainable agriculture is presence of inadequate and inappropriate policies. At face value, it is hard to discount the importance of this industry: the direct contributions of livestock farming to the economy are estimated at about 883 billion dollars and this does not account for the services that rely on it, ranging from butchers, retailers, transport companies to feed . It is practiced widely by many developed economies of the world. Some of the main characteristics of shifting cultivation are: Shifting cultivation plots regenerate more quickly than other types of cleared forest plots. The knowledge can be easily abused, resulting in greater risks. Its 100% free. The resistance applies to many different species of weeds that are becoming more and more resistant also. Environment. Because the ratio of livestock (or crop) per land is much smaller in extensive agriculture than intensive agriculture, the environmental impact is much smaller. Social sustainability With the human population continuing to rise, it is vital that the agricultural industry becomes more sustainable to meet the needs of the growing population. The most relevant difference between extensive and intensive livestock farming has to do with the fact that the former involves feeding livestock on the basis of the grass found on the land occupied by the animals. Rye may have been planted earlier. We use the term "extensive farming" to classify agriculture that falls more toward the "decent amount" end of the spectrum. It has also prevented the conversion of the surrounding commercial pieces of land into agricultural land. Extensive agriculture, on the other hand, employs larger tracts of land and lower quantities of labor and resources. Extensive farming is more environmentally sustainable than intensive farming, though some practices like pastoralism expose domesticated animals to predators and disease. - Extensive livestock farming contributes directly to the maintenance of landscapes; In addition, it participates in the enhancement of the biodiversity of the area. Generally speaking, intensive farming has higher labor (and cost) inputs and higher yields than extensive agriculture. Advantages of intensive pig farming. False! Because of the larger area, we are not maximizing results here. Outside of industrial farms, a given plot of land simply cannot support as many animals as it can crops, effectively limiting the amount of labor and money that can be invested to begin with. Extensive farming includes, for example, a three-acre farm with five cattle that are being raised for beef. Soil organisms, like mites, earthworms, are essential to have a healthy soil structure and composition. Followings are the major advantages of irrigation systems. Possibility of poor quality food products. True or False: Extensive agriculture is not practiced at all in Europe. Greater efficiency of labor means generally lower product prices. Select all that apply. Greater efficiency of labour means generally lower product prices. Farms closer to the city feel a greater pressure to be productive and profitable, so are the most likely to be intensive. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Besides feeding on crawly critters, chickens will also scratch through animal manure to feed on fly larvae. Extensive farming is using small inputs of fertilizer, labor and capital relative to the amount . Intensive farming provides more significant production with less space and labor to maximize profits. They are focusing on mass production of only a specific crop or animal type results in more food for us to consume in the end. This system generates enough money to help provide funding for states, regions, cities, and national governments. In many ways, extensive systems of sheep production that we find in the mountains, moors and rangelands across the world can be considered as natural systems of farming. The farmer needs to maintain the farm's infrastructure and make sure the cattle remain healthy, but the labor input is relatively low compared to many other farms out there: the cows can essentially take care of themselves. Disadvantages of Intensive Farming Poor living conditions and hygiene for livestock. Fish Farming: Advantages and Methods Biology Discussion, Disadvantages in Fish Farming Sciencing, Fish Production Fish Farming and its Advantages, Best facial hair removal for sensitive skin, Best meal replacement bars for weight loss, Best tinted moisturizer with spf for oily skin, Best shampoo to pass a hair follicle test, Best tasting dry dog food for picky eaters, Best under eye cream for mens dark circles, Best probiotic for bloating gas and constipation. Bom dia, estou fazendo um trabalho pra universidade e gostaria de utilizar informaoes deste site porm nao encontro o autor desse artigo nem a data que foi publicado. There are many advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming. Disadvantages: Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Extensive farming is ideal for the farming of animals since the labor force required for rearing the animals will be lesser. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay: inia.uy, "Extensive ranching destroys tropical forests in Latin America" in FAO Press room. Fish farms can have a. The farmers may be nomads, or they may have a sedentary lifestyle with just the farms themselves changing location. In contrast, intensive livestock production generates N2O and CO2, which arise as a consequence of the effort to produce cereals and feed that are used to feed livestock. These are systems whereby animals spend all, or a substantial part, of each day outdoors and obtain most of their nutrients from pasture. - One of the main emphasis of extensive livestock is to use the natural resources of the space in an efficient way. Fig. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Robustec Indstria e Comrcio Ltda Commercial. Required fields are marked *. The production is high due to a large area but production per unit of land is low. False! Alternatives? Your IP: The biggest undesirable effect of pastoral farming is attack by pests and diseases. Fruits and vegetables purchased from farms that promote intensive farming are covered with invisible pesticides. TRUE or FALSE: Shifting cultivation is an intensive farming practice. Effect on Prices This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. In addition, extensive agriculture requires large areas of land to work, in order to compensate for its low productivity per hectare. consolidation of small farms. Threat to the environment . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'greener4life_com-leader-1','ezslot_0',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greener4life_com-leader-1-0');Different farmers focus on other areas of our food products while maximizing their amount to the end market. Jay Rayner, a restaurant critic of the Observer says, Sure, it might be cruel, but intensive farming saves lives. Get to know the containment nets that should be used in cargo transportation. So why is extensive agriculture practiced? You can probably see where this is going. Everything you need for your studies in one place. Animals from different groups are not mixed during their stay on the farm. Mais informaes sobre cookies podem ser acessadas em nossa, So be sure to follow our exclusive content on Robustecs blog and check out our complete. Like, in the days before agriculture, everybody's job was foraging, and it took about a thousand calories of work to create a thousand calories of food, and it was impossible to create large population centres. - Cattle are used that adapt very well to the geographical area. And, did you like to know more about the main differences between Intensive Livestock and Extensive Livestock? Which of the following terms is MOST appropriate for their farming method? Increased food production has played a significant role in meeting the rising food demand resulting from the ever booming human population. While Intensive agriculture is a very efficient system to maximize production. 1. As is evident, the most important disadvantage of extensive agriculture is that, unlike intensive agriculture, its farms take longer to provide economic benefits . If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. What are the advantage and disadvantages of organic and inorganic farming? Larger farm size: Farm size in extensive farming are very large, often exceeding 250 hectares. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. The crimean war it wa a conflict developed between 1853 and 1856. - Although the production is lower, the products generated as a result of extensive livestock farming may have better receptivity from the public because they are food produced in nearby areas, unlike those imported from other cities or even more distant countries . Sustainable intensive farming, intensive aquaculture, intensive livestock farming, and management-intensive grazing fall under this farming category. Shift cultivation is NOT practised in which of the following regions? Reduction in the need for Artificial Fertilizer: While manures from animals are natural, fertilizers are always artificial. Modern agriculture equipment has got designed to focus on a single crop type in the fields. Disadvantages Extensive farming can have the following problems: Yields tend to be much lower than with intensive farming in the short term. In Sweden, this practice is called svedjebruk. Farms further from the city (and which consequently have less of a relationship with it) are more likely to be extensive. What are 3 advantages of farming? Disadvantages of extensive fish farming system. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Mixed Farming: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages. This farming technique is also applied in supplying livestock. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from Key Differences: keydifferences.com. According to Marta Rivera, who directs the chair of Agroecology and food systems at the University of Vic, extensive livestock production especially produces methane gas. According to the United Nations backed study from 2017, one-third of the planets soils are degraded due to inconsiderate methods used in the modern agriculture.Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture www.theguardian.com. Suppose the three acres we mentioned above were instead used to plant, grow, and harvest 75,000 corn plants, including the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to ensure maximum yield. However, increasingly, intensive farming is favored due to extensive farming's disadvantages: Most extensive farming methods do not mesh well with modern urbanization and economic development, Extensive farming is not as efficient as intensive farming, a major concern as more and more land is developed, Extensive farming alone cannot produce enough food to support modern population sizes, Extensive pastoralism leaves herds vulnerable to predators and disease. Intensive farming is an agricultural method of increasing the crop yield by heavy use of chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc. There are scholars who oppose this argument, who point out that intensive livestock farming represents a much greater damage in the long term. True or False: Extensive agriculture is less harmful to the environment than intensive agriculture. Your email address will not be published. Intensive or Extensive Livestock: what are the advantages and disadvantages? The production is usually based on seasonal produce, and incorporates lower-input methods. Advantages of Pig Production The popularity of pig production is because of the following advantages: 1. But what you could do is maintain a small herd of hardy goats that could survive by grazing on desert scrub with relatively little exertion on your part. Even cleaning the manure from large stables rarely uses people. Plantation agriculture is a type of agriculture where crops are grown on large farms. 1 - A Moroccon desert is not the ideal location to practice, The areas in which shifting cultivation is practised experience average monthly temperatures above _____. Which of these animals are most associated with ranching? Intensive farming not only involves horticulture, but also livestock farming. Maasai men, armed with spears, guard the herds. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Ronald Reagan (b. Subsistence farms or farms that revolve around agritourism are more likely to be extensive farms. Destruction of natural rain forest . Advantages of Extensive Livestock The large area for grazing acts as an advantage for extensive livestock. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from La Vanguardia: lguardia.com, Surbih, S. "Difference Between Intensive and Extensive Farming" in Key Differences. It helps the farmer to easily supervise and monitor the land and protect his livestock from being hurt or hounded by dangerous wild animals. Extensive farming can be practiced anywhere, but it is more common in areas where intensive farming is either economically or climatically unfeasible, such as North Africa or Mongolia. The large area for grazing acts as an advantage for extensive livestock. Disadvantages Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. This leads to more production and lower costs. Intensive farming for animals (livestock) will only focus on one type, allowing for the same birth, development, and maturity procedure.monoculture field of wheat growing Dag Endresen. The soil's microbe biodiversity slowly begins to alter and reduces in number. In the developed world, the average lifespan is approaching 85 years for top nations. Extensive farming generally has _____ inputs and ______ outputs than intensive agriculture. The further you move away from a city, the cheaper real estate tends to get, and the lack of population density (and associated cost of travel) drives profit margins down. The Extense livestock farming It is one that seeks to take advantage of the land in the most efficient way possible, giving priority to sustainability and specializing in the most suitable breeds for the space available. What is the advantages of extensive system? Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from Platform for extensive livestock and pastoralism: ganaderiaextensiva.org, "Extensive livestock in the least sustainable" at the National University of Colombia. Crop yield by heavy use of naturally-occurring resources, such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc soil 's biodiversity... The advantages and disadvantages and protect his livestock from being hurt or hounded by wild! 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what are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming