yamantaka mantra benefits

For those who are interested in iconography, Black Yamari is either with: Red Yamari is usually just in the one head, two arms, two-legged version. These are part of the commitments. waz film plot; asus vivobook pro fingerprint driver; hovercraft for sale australia He got the insight that we need a Guru to cross the ocean of samsara. A student asked Rinpoche about putting Yamantaka mantras inside a prayer wheel. Whats so special about this area that Guru Rinpoche comes from there, the tantras all come from there, and so on? If you find tsog difficult, never mind. Rather than saying hidden maybe thats not a good word here its encoded into these vajra expressions. One of the attributes of Yamantaka is, no matter how much negative karma we have collected, no matter how much negative deeds we have done, no matter how much suffering we have created for others, if we sincerely regret, and we do Yamantakas tantra, within one single short lifetime, we can purify that negative karma. Now we get to Lalitavajra (Rol-pai rdo-rje) in the tenth century. This is a Buddha according to Mahayana, who then manifests in so many different forms and in Buddha-fields, and he teaches to hundreds of thousands of devas and asuras and gandharvas all these figures from general Indian mythology or whatever you want to call it all these various beings in these incredible settings, and so on. In Buddhism, Yamntaka is a wrathful expression of Majur, the bodhisattva of wisdom who, in other contexts, also functions as a dharmapala or a Heruka. And then the second one is that you take control of yourself and just do it. Composed by. I dont know. To meditate on Vajrasattva is the same as to meditate upon all the buddhas. Ra Lotsawa meditated for eleven months. So dont get too attached to one form, thinking that This is the way that it is and My tradition is correct, and all the others are wrong. Thats a very closed-minded attitude. He took these as manifestations of the teachings of the Guru. This holy man meditated in a cave for forty-nine years, eleven months, and twenty-nine days so he was one day short of the fifty years and he was interrupted by two thieves who broke into his cave with a stolen water buffalo. Thats not the Buddha that theyre talking about. If one form becomes too popularized so that it becomes commonplace and trivialized as in having Kalachakra T-shirts and this sort of thing then theres usually a revelation of another form because it really has to be something sacred and private, not something popular. Now I can go back to just explaining a little bit about the history of the system, the different aspects of the system now we just get information so that you get a little bit of an idea of all the different aspects of it and how this practice actually developed and spread (since its not too appropriate to speak in very much detail about the actual practice, especially to people who are not practicing it). The pads of the feet and palms of the hands are red, and the nails are like iron hooks. All of that is completely clear in these texts. And one of Atishas teachers was Dharmarakshita, who was the author of this mind training (lojong) called Wheel of Sharp Weapons (Theg-pa chen-poi blo-sbyong mtshon-cha khor-lo). By representing them by all the arms and legs and heads, it helps us to keep all of these things simultaneously in our consciousness. yamantaka,yamantaka long mantra,yamantaka tibetan mantra,yamantaka mantra,mantra om yamantaka hum phat,mantra yamantaka,the yamantaka mantra,yamantaka dharan. Then you get three different ways of looking at the same thing. Along with practising Yamantakas tantra, one can perfect memory, clairvoyance, penetrative insight, one can have great debate, one can have great speech, one could have perfect understanding of the Dharma. That was kept in the Dharmaganja Stupa it was kept inside which was venerated by all the dakinis. New rebirth samsaric rebirth with another cluster or configuration of these habits being activated and generating the next samsaric life filled with the same types of compulsive behavior and confusion. And it works but not by some power of some magic or miracle. Thats the ancient, ancient Indian text. This is a little bit awkward, of course, when there are not so many people who are actually involved in the practice, so one is a little bit puzzled as to what to actually say. Its supposed to be kept that way because it could be completely misunderstood as some horrible thing, and that practitioners actually go out and kill people. "Like other wrathful deities, Yamantaka gives the forces of the Shadow [in the Jungian sense] a symbol that hooks their energy and provides a channel and direction for their expression and transformation" (Preece, p. 187). How could the historical Buddha teach like that?. Manjushri is the one that Tsongkhapa had all these visions of and relied on for getting real nonconceptual cognition of voidness., And it goes down the Gelugpa line to, eventually, the Fourth Panchen Lama. Should you wish to practice a brief visualisation and mantra recitation for Vajrasattva, recite the following: Now lets become a little bit like scientists and look to see does this make any sense from a historical point of view. You should offer two sets, of the offering every single day and recite the Yamantaka mantra, the first one, the second one, 21 times or more but you should focus on the third mantra. The Guru said It was worthwhile to lie. You want so much, because of your motivation, to have a clear mind, that you focus. The basic sahaja (two-armed) form of Vajrabhairava is blue-black in color, with the face of an extremely enraged buffalo; two sharp horns, with flames coming from their tips. Another day he saw several parrots involved in eating rice while another larger bird was killing them. Highest Yoga Tantra understanding Emptiness, overcoming death Alexander Berzin explains the Highest Yoga Tantra, such as Yamantaka practice, and how it helps us understand Emptiness (Voidness) and, with practice, ultimately overcome death, for the benefit of all beings: By ordering . Exposing these teachings is like exposing their heart. So its not for the weak-hearted ones that Ooh, Ill try doing a little bit and Do I like this? Yama is mentioned in the tenth book of the Rg Veda. So, mother tantra and father tantra, both can bring you to Enlightenment, but they focus on different types of afflictions to be converted. So theyre brought into the Buddhist fold and so Yama was as well. It has been identified archaeologically as Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan, present-day Pakistan. If you find our material useful, please consider making a single or monthly donation. When the Manchus conquered China, they identified themselves with Yamantaka and Vajrabhairava and Manjushri. Whereas in tantra, its much more challenging, its more difficult and its much more, it pushes you more, and it challenges you more, but the benefit is that you are able to become Enlightened faster. Father tantra emphasizes the practices to basically get illusory body (sgyu-lus) and the physical bodies of a Buddha, the Form Bodies of a Buddha. Proofread by Sarah Yap The full form of Vajrabhairava has nine heads, the central one being that of a buffalo, and the top-most being that of yellow Manjushri with a slightly wrathful expression. So even the most heinous crimes, if we do Yamantakas tantra very well, we can purify in one life. Thats one of the teachings of whats called virya, perseverance, one of the six far-reaching attitudes. codeiherbroyaw on Mahakala (6-armed) Short Practice (Screen Version) Yamantaka (gShin-rje gshed, gShin-rje mthar-byed) is specifically the type of practice that is done to overcome death. It was like the greatest occasion of his life., Then the Guru gave the full series of initiations. So what we want to do is to be able to overcome that kind of death and instead be able, in our meditation, to get to that subtlest level of mental activity. Ra Lotsawa came from Tibet to Nepal to get the Yamantaka teachings and all that the Guru he met did was give him a subsequent permission for a different tantra. His two horns symbolize two truth. everything is 100% complete. So now we have to qualify what I just said. Not that I want to scare anybody, but be realistic. That level of mind is more subtle than the disturbing emotions, so it defeats the mara of the disturbing emotions. Hence, thats called habituation. For people who have taken the Yamantaka initiation and registered with us, we have an extensive collection of practice materials. Vajrabhairava is sometimes called just Yamantaka. So these ideas about Yama are percolating in this cultural area, with influence from these three different ways of thinking the Iranian, the Indian non-Buddhist, and the Buddhist. What is it that is going to prevent us from attaining that state of a Buddha? And it was very, very difficult theres a whole long story and account of how much difficulty he had to get these teachings and to translate them with his Indian master Bharo Chag-drum (Bha-ro Phyag-drum), with whom he studied in Nepal but anyway he translated them and brought them to Tibet., Although a Yamantaka lineage was present at Radreng Monastery, teachings on it were not easy to find. Whatever understanding, whatever positive force has come from this, may it act as a cause for all beings to reach enlightenment as quickly as possible through a sincere practice such as this Yamantaka system. Disaster. So he does that.. First Yamantaka already appears as a protector early in the development of Buddhist tantra. There are also some Yamantaka terma revelations in the Nyingma and Kagyu schools. This evening Ive been asked to give an introduction to the Vajrabhairava (rDo-rje 'jigs-byed) system of the highest class of tantra, anuttarayoga tantra. Thats the reason. There was one big Sakya lama who was out there, and he complained to the Manchu ruler, saying Come on. Khenpo Sherab Sangpo suggests that his students recite . But if you understand the way that ancient Indian society functioned, then you see that all of these people lived together, and so you have this common pool there. Its not easy to memorize these things., He realized that it was beyond his ability to memorize so much (because it was quite big), and so he circumambulated the stupa and made requests to Manjushri for inspiration, and he was able to memorize three texts. Its the fact that a Buddha can appear in any form whatsoever in order to be able to benefit others. The Yamantaka empowerment is a secret mantra empowerment of the highest class known as Highest Yoga Tantra. So we really need some very, very strong force not to just give in and let ourselves be ruled by this confusion. Outer and Secret forms have buffalo heads, the Secret Yamaraja form does not. Black Yamari and Red Yamari dont have a buffalo head. Theres this whole thing that you get in the study of mythology to see what are the lessons behind the mythology, and is there a deeper psychological thing that is going on, and so on. After having his head cut off, this guy became so angry that he took the head of the buffalo that was cut off and put it on his own head and became Yama, the Lord of Death. The most ferocious, the most wrathful is Yamantaka. The Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva. As everybody says although a lot of people dont take it very seriously tantra is very, very advanced. Both practice texts are available in English translation on this website. Only give it to a few disciples. Later Ra Lotsawa regretted that he had given it to too many disciples so he couldnt attain enlightenment in his lifetime. She said, You can only take back what you can memorize in seven days. That in itself is a very interesting point, isnt it, that these teachings are really very, very sacred, special, not to be made public, and if you really want them, you have to really, really want it and work really hard, which means memorize it. So its the same thing: the practice of Yamantaka imitates the practice of death, what happens at death. He is adorned with bracelets, necklaces and a girdle all formed of interlaced bone ornaments, a necklace of snakes and a long necklace of fifty moist human heads. I encourage you to have good Guru Devotion. The Manchus were getting their power together, and eventually theyre going to conquer China and rule China as the Qing dynasty. We want to help others as much as possible. That has to be explained by a teacher. Out of these words you can derive all the different levels of practice, and it presents a system. During that period of death whats called the clear light of death before the bardo (the in-between state) and rebirth, we are just experiencing that clear-light level. To this very day it is considered one of the most important yidam practices, both for monastic and lay practitioners alike. He said, I am in complete possession of wealth as vast as space, I dont need any expensive offerings or praises. Ra Lotsawa had been thinking in too limited a way. Then the Guru appeared and said, When the sun rises in the east and there are no clouds, then the sun shines. Having the the opportunity to practise Yamantaka is extremely rare. Interferences that are supernatural in nature, magic, ghosts, spirits, cannot disturb that person, cannot disturb that person that he has blessed, or she has blessed. So in the sensory offerings Yamantaka, the GHENDE, or the perfume is after the flower. Among these rituals theres the construction of whats called a weapon wheel, so a wheel of sharp weapons.. Yama also appears as one of the eight directional protectors that appear, one each, in the eight charnel grounds that surround many anuttarayoga tantra mandalas, such as Yamantaka, Vajrapani Mahachakra, Chakrasamvara, Vajrayogini and Hevajra. Anuttara Yoga Tantra is divided into father- (Tib: pha-rgyud) and mother-tantra (Tib: ma-rgyud). To receive it there are many requirements: (1) very strong faith in the Guru, (2) many offerings made to please the dakas and dakinis, (3) offerings of what is most precious to you as a way to overcome your self-grasping and perfect your practice of far-reaching generosity. Kalarupa, the one with the form of kala which is time, time taking a form as the Lord of Death. And both Yama and Yamantaka have a buffalo head, a water buffalo head. Hence, if you do Yamantakas practice and you combine it with the four preliminary practices such as offerings, mandala, prostrations, Vajrasattva, etc. Important historical commentaries were written by Tri Gyaltsen Senghe for the Solitary Hero practice and Lhundup Pandita for the 13-Deity practice; both have been translated. The left legs are extended straight and press upon eight birds and various gods; standing above a sun disc and multi-colored lotus completely surrounded by orange flames of pristine awareness. And in this practice, we have this forceful form of Vajrabhairava externally, and internally we have a Manjushri in our heart. Please continue to make your life most meaningful ,with the thought of bodhicitta in every action that you do. You have to remember when we talk about tantra and the accounts of how Buddha taught tantra not to think in terms of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha. In Kalachakra as well, Yamantaka appears as the protector of one of the gateways of the body mandala, as well as one of the sixty protectors in the protection wheel. Each face has three large round eyes, bared fangs and frightful expressions; brown hair flows upward like flames. Where is Ogyen? Its totally improper to bribe people to practice this tantra. But the Manchu ruler didnt want to get involved with this, and so he said, Take it to the Fifth Dalai Lama. That is not the full teaching. So he went back to the Guru and requested the actual teaching. Thats in the seventh century. He practiced it, and he achieved visions, and he achieved results. Manjushri acts as the focus for this with a sword, sharp, to cut through your confusion and because you have such force for wanting to get that clarity of mind and that understanding, your mind comes together, and it is clearer. So Yamantaka is already one of the protectors on this wheel in Guhyasamaja as well as on this wheel in the Yamantaka and Hevajra practices. So hence, while were practicing Yamantaka were not also practicing only tantra, were practicing sutra because Yamantakas path combines both sutra and tantra. If you like, this, this also can be burned. (1878 - 1941 C.E.) Why Ogyen? The subtlest energy of it to transform and appear in the form of a Buddha. The name Bhairava indicating one of Shivas main forms and the various attributes/implements like the trident, tiger-skin, ashes, drum (Skt: damaru), etc. By virtue he is purely 100% Manjushri and no other. Posts. instructions for painting the full single-deity Vajrabhairava, with a repeat of the full description of the deity as well as of the charnal grounds (cemetaries). lionel richie lytham st annes. What does it mean in the text that its to be hidden or secret?, You read and study Guhyasamaja which is actually the main thing that is studied in the tantric colleges in the Gelug tradition and the Guhyasamaja Root Tantra is written in so-called vajra language (rdo-rjei tshig). Heinous. You go a bit crazy because youre working with all these images in your imagination and so on, especially if you start to try to work with the energies of your body. One is a realistic attitude you realistically accept that its going to be difficult and take a long time. After all, in Buddhism it says that a Buddha will appear in a place where people are receptive, where its most needed, and will teach in a way that the people of the time can understand (thats called skillful means). Now you have no more obstacles and have been uplifted by Buddhas compassion., The Guru then told Ra Lotsawa to make preparation for the teachings in a different place. So the teachings were in fact there. And along with that, it would be very, very good for us, to also have an inner offering, meaning for Yamantakas practice its very important to have an inner offering, you can either use a small bit of alcohol or black tea, either way with a qualified Rilbu. Depending on the Yamantaka manifestation, Tibetans call him either gSin-rje-gsed or in the buffalo-faced aspect of Vajrabhairava rdo-rje jigs-byed. So like that there are many, many, many, many benefits to doing Yamantakas tantra. As we see with how we set our motivation in the Buddhist practice, we are moved by compassion. So if you want to do these more advanced practices and so on, you have to have the strength of conviction, the understanding of reality (so Manjushri in your heart), and this forceful energy to be able to chase away interferences your confusion, your selfishness, and so on chase away the interferences and stay steady in your practice. First about my own background. All the former are yidams (meditational deities) whereas Yamaraja (sometimes also called Dharamaraja) is a Dharma protector. He came from Odisha. A water buffalo is very, very strong and is used for work in India and its specified as a male water buffalo, not a female water buffalo so its very strong. Many months passed. As a strong man, Vajrabhairava, you can stand by the gate and chase them away, but why do that? Why not a goat or a dog or something like that? The passage of time brings death, doesnt it? Practice Being Kind Never Undo the Past Appreciate What You Have Practice being Calm always Be Compassionate to Everyone Reach Your Full Potential by eliminating Fear Have Peace in Your Heart Let Your Light Shine Thru What can I do to make a meaningful difference in the World May All Beings enjoy Happiness Hindi Posters Once you have that yidam, it is the yidam of Tsongkhapa, it is the vehicle in which Tsongkhapa became Enlightened. Within the Maha Anuttara tantra, you have two divisions again, ma rgyud and pha rgyud, ma rgyud is mother tantra, pha rgyud is father tantra. The benefit of that is, that if we do Yamantakas practice, we can overcome our inner, real, self-grasping anger. So you think Well, thats what it means for it to be a hidden tantra. Its not. It is possible, though, that in western Tibet (Ngari) where Atisha taught, Vajrabhairava teachings were already present directly via Ugyen. So the Second Buddha is called Gyalwa Nyipa. Rilbu means qualified inner nectar pill put inside. So the mara of death. Otherwise it sounds really weird, like Wear an amulet, andyoure not going to be harmed a red string, the whole red-string Buddhism thing. Thats why he is also called Yamantaka, the Slayer of Death. Hence, within this, the Sutra path is much longer. Already there was an association between the Manchus and the Dalai Lamas. Both do both, but the emphasis is different. So he bribed people; he said, Memorize the mantra. There is a version that you find in the Pali canon, where Shakyamuni was a prince, and he had his life, and there are all these accounts of what he did during his actual historical life. Remember Yamantaka is the one that puts an end to Yama (Yama is the Lord of Death), and remember I explained the whole reason why you want to get rid of ordinary death.. Its the region just south of that. It was a woman who transmitted all of this and got it all started. According to the Ngor Mandalas which correspond to the 139 mandalas of the rgyud sde kun btus (collection of initiation texts, sadhanas, and explanations for those deities) the following individual variations can be distinguished: In the context of this website, we focus on the two main forms practiced as meditational deities in the Gelug school. Yamantaka also appears in other tantras before Lalitavajras time. Theres no separate me experiencing it.) Sponsoring initiations and teachings is a practice of the highest form of generosity - giving the Dharma. Eventually Atisha brought the tantras of Vajrabhairava to Tibet, and his disciple Dromtonpa (Brom-ston rGyal-bai byung-gnas) founded Radreng Monastery, (Rva-sgreng rGyal-ba'i dben-gnas). Vajra language is completely symbolic. For that you need a teacher.. Let him decide. So the Fifth Dalai Lama instructed his representative at the Manchu court to banish this Mongol missionary to Hohhot, present-day Inner Mongolia to get him to stop this improper practice of bribing people to do Yamantaka practice. Yamantaka comes in two forms: (1) as Solitary Hero (Skt: Ekavira; Tib: jigs-byed dPa-bo gcig-pa), and (2) in union with his consort Vajravetali, called the 13-Deity Yamantaka (because of the twelve more deities in his mandala; Tib: jigs-byed Lha-bcu-gsum). Theres nothing especially Buddhist about it. So you have this division of mother and father in Gelugpa., So in the Guhyasamaja, its talking about all the very, very advanced practices where you use the energy of desire for getting down to the subtlest level, and that is hidden in a different way with these vajra expressions. So therefore, Buddha gave two sets of teachings according to these four types of principals. Whereas in other tantras its OM, whatever deity, After the initiation, the Guru snapped his fingers and the mandala disappeared. Alright? Thats the story., And he was still so angry and upset, he decided to kill everybody in Tibet. Ive made offerings to Manjushri for you, for the success of your practice. And so you have a structure, which you get in Chandrakirtis commentaries to Guhyasamaja tantra, in which he gives the structure of six alternatives and four modes (mtha'-drug tshul-bzhi) for explaining these so-called vajra expressions. It seems that the term Yamantaka (and Yamari) is used in a more general way than Vajrabhairava which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. This is very, very dangerous, very delicate. "In the practice of Highest Yoga Tantra, try to focus on everything causing great bliss within you. In his outstretched right hand he wields a vajra, and his left hand holds a lasso with which to bind demons. First they beheaded the water buffalo in front of the hermit, and the hermit pleaded with them Please wait a few minutes more till I finish my fifty years of meditation but they beheaded him as well, before he could finish. Representing as 34 arms holding all the tantra symbols and sixteen feet symbolize sixteen types of emptiness. Yamas also called Kala in these texts. 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yamantaka mantra benefits