rcw stalking protection order

(2) If a court finds there is reasonable cause to believe that the respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to self or others in the near future by having in the respondent's custody or control, purchasing, possessing, accessing, receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, a firearm, the court shall issue a temporary extreme risk protection order. (3) Transfer procedures, court calendars, and judicial officer assignment must further the goals of this chapter to: Minimize delay; make the system less complex; provide sufficient victim support, consistency, safety, timeliness, and procedural fairness; enable comprehensive use of electronic filing, case tracking, and records management systems; provide for judicial officers with expertise and training in protection orders and trauma-informed practices and continuity of judicial officers at each hearing so the judicial officer will have greater familiarity with the parties, history, and allegations; and help ensure that there is compliance with timely and comprehensive firearms relinquishment to reduce risk of harm. (6) The court shall not deny a motion to renew a protection order for any of the following reasons: (a) The respondent has not violated the protection order previously issued by the court; (b) The petitioner or the respondent is a minor; (c) The petitioner did not report the conduct giving rise to the protection order, or subsequent violations of the protection order, to law enforcement; (d) A no-contact order or a restraining order that restrains the respondent's contact with the petitioner has been issued in a criminal proceeding or in a domestic relations proceeding; (e) The relief sought by the petitioner may be available in a different action or proceeding; (f) The passage of time since the last incident of conduct giving rise to the issuance of the protection order; or. (24) "Minor" means a person who is under 18 years of age. Two copies must be mailed, postage prepaid, one by ordinary first-class mail and the other by a form of mail requiring a tracking or certified information showing when and where it was delivered. "Mechanical restraint" does not include the use of devices, materials, or equipment that are (a) medically authorized, as required, and (b) used in a manner that is consistent with federal or state licensing or certification requirements for facilities, hospitals, or programs authorized under chapter. (d) For a vulnerable adult protection order, that the petitioner has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect by the respondent. (5) A temporary extreme risk protection order must be served by a law enforcement officer in the same manner as provided for in RCW. (b) For a sexual assault protection order, that the petitioner has been subjected to nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration by the respondent. . (f) The court may order a respondent found in contempt of the order to pay for any losses incurred by a party in connection with the contempt proceeding, including reasonable attorneys' fees, service fees, and other costs. (1) The respondent may submit one written request for a hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection order issued under this chapter every 12-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewals. [ ] Domestic Violence Protection Order The restrained person has subjected the (b) A copy of the protection order must be served on a parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent at any address where the respondent resides, or the department of children, youth, and families in the case where the respondent is the subject of a dependency or court approved out-of-home placement. A No Contact Order may be Examples of coercive control include, but are not limited to, engaging in any of the following: (i) Intimidation or controlling or compelling conduct by: (A) Damaging, destroying, or threatening to damage or destroy, or forcing the other party to relinquish, goods, property, or items of special value; (B) Using technology to threaten, humiliate, harass, stalk, intimidate, exert undue influence over, or abuse the other party, including by engaging in cyberstalking, monitoring, surveillance, impersonation, manipulation of electronic media, or distribution of or threats to distribute actual or fabricated intimate images; (C) Carrying, exhibiting, displaying, drawing, or threatening to use, any firearm or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate the other party or that warrants alarm by the other party for their safety or the safety of other persons; (D) Driving recklessly with the other party or minor children in the vehicle; (E) Communicating, directly or indirectly, the intent to: (I) Harm the other party's children, family members, friends, or pets, including by use of physical forms of violence; (III) Attempt suicide or other acts of self-harm; or. (10) When a petitioner has alleged incapacity to consent to sexual conduct or sexual penetration due to intoxicants, alcohol, or other condition, the court must determine on the record whether the petitioner had the capacity to consent. (8) Upon filing a petition for a protection order, the petitioner may request that the court enter an ex parte temporary protection order and an order to surrender and prohibit weapons without notice until a hearing on a full protection order may be held. (g) Other factors relating to a substantial change in circumstances. (e) If the court finds the respondent in contempt, the court may impose remedial sanctions designed to ensure swift compliance with the order to surrender and prohibit weapons. . (iii) In cases where personal service is required under this subsection, after two unsuccessful attempts at personal service, service shall be permitted by electronic means in accordance with (b) of this subsection. (1) "Abandonment" means action or inaction by a person or entity with a duty of care for a vulnerable adult that leaves the vulnerable adult without the means or ability to obtain necessary food, clothing, shelter, or health care. The petitioner may also file a declaration in response to the respondent's representation of compliance with any conditions of the order. . Communication on any electronic medium that is generally available to any individual residing in the state is sufficient to exercise jurisdiction under subsection (1)(d) of this section. Courts and law enforcement agencies shall adopt rules, protocols, and pattern forms to standardize and implement best practices for service, including mechanisms and verification options for electronic service and electronic returns of service, as well as best practices for efficient transmission of court documents to law enforcement for entry into criminal justice databases and returns of service or property. (f) For an antiharassment protection order, that the petitioner has been subjected to unlawful harassment by the respondent. The procedures established under this chapter for protection order hearings supersede inconsistent civil court rules. (e) For an extreme risk protection order, that the respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to self or others by having in the respondent's custody or control, purchasing, possessing, accessing, receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, a firearm. (1) Whether or not the petitioner has retained an attorney, a sexual assault or domestic violence advocate, as defined in RCW. Protection Orders At any time, a stalking victim can ask the courts for a protection order . (2) By July 1, 2022, the gender and justice commission through its E2SHB 1320 work groups and the center for court research shall advise the chairs of the relevant policy committees of the legislature of their recommendations regarding need, timing, and design for such a study. The form must include the date and time of service and each document that was served in order for the service to be complete, along with any details such as conduct at the time of service, threats, or avoidance of service, as well as statements regarding possession of firearms, including any denials of ownership despite positive purchase history, active concealed pistol license, or sworn statements in the petition that allege the respondent's access to, or possession of, firearms; or. The court shall require a showing that the respondent has surrendered any firearms in the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW, (7)(a) If a court finds at the compliance review hearing, or any other hearing where compliance with the order is addressed, that there is probable cause to believe the respondent was aware of, and failed to fully comply with, the order, failed to appear at the compliance review hearing, or violated the order after the court entered findings of compliance, pursuant to its authority under chapter. This limitation is not applicable to protection orders issued under chapter, (b) If the petitioner has petitioned for relief on behalf of the respondent's minor children, the court shall advise the petitioner that if the petitioner wants to continue protection for a period beyond one year, the petitioner may either petition for renewal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or may seek relief pursuant to the provisions of chapter. (1) Washington state has been a national leader in adopting legal protections to prevent and respond to abuse, violence, harassment, stalking, neglect, or other threatening behavior, through the enactment of different types of civil protection orders, which are intended to provide a fast, efficient means to obtain protection against perpetrators of these harms. If the court declines to renew a protection order that had restrained the respondent from having contact with children protected by the order, the court shall determine on the record whether the respondent and the children should undergo reunification therapy. The court shall consider the ability of the respondent to pay for an evaluation. (4) Upon the sworn statement or testimony of the petitioner or of any law enforcement officer alleging that the respondent has failed to comply with the surrender of firearms as required by an order issued under this chapter, the court shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that the respondent has failed to surrender all firearms in his or her possession, custody, or control. Stalking is distinct from common acts of harassment or nuisance covered by antiharassment orders, and law enforcement agencies need to be able to rely on orders that distinguish stalking from acts of harassment or nuisance. A person who believes their safety is in danger can ask the court for an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against Harassment. . If service cannot be made, the court shall set a new hearing date and shall either require an additional attempt at obtaining service or permit service by other means authorized in this chapter. [. Experiencing a sexual assault is itself a reasonable basis for ongoing fear. (2) No law enforcement officer may be held criminally or civilly liable for making an arrest under RCW, In each county, the superior court may appoint one or more attorneys to act as protection order commissioners pursuant to this chapter to exercise all powers and perform all duties of a court commissioner appointed pursuant to RCW. (c) Obtaining or using a vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds without lawful authority, by a person or entity who knows or clearly should know that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to the release or use of the vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds. (7) A person's right to petition for relief under this chapter is not affected by the person leaving his or her residence or household. The court may take judicial notice of a parallel criminal proceeding for the related conduct involving the same parties, including whether the defendant in that action waived speedy trial. (5) If a hearing is held with any parties or witnesses appearing remotely, the following apply: (a) Courts should include directions to access a hearing remotely in the order setting the hearing and in any order granting a party's request for a remote appearance. The evidence shall be admissible at the hearing to the extent an order made by the court specifies the evidence that may be admitted. (2) All court clerks shall accept and provide community resource lists as described in (a) and (b) of this subsection, which the court shall make available as part of, or in addition to, the informational brochures described in RCW. The petitioner may petition for a stalking protection order on behalf of: (d) A petition for a vulnerable adult protection order, which must allege that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, is a vulnerable adult and that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect, by the respondent. If a full hearing is set on a petition that is submitted after close of business on a judicial day or is submitted on a nonjudicial day, the hearing must be set not later than 14 days from the first judicial day after the petition is filed, which may be extended for good cause. (b) If the respondent is not present in court at the compliance review hearing or if the court issues an order to appear and show cause after a compliance review hearing, the clerk of the court shall electronically transmit a copy of the order to show cause to the law enforcement agency where the respondent resides for personal service or service in the manner provided in the civil rules of superior court or applicable statute. A hearing under this subsection is not necessary if the vulnerable adult has been determined to be subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement under chapter. Entry into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system constitutes notice to all law enforcement agencies of the existence of the order. In considering the request, the court may consider the rebuttable presumption against delay and the purpose of this chapter to provide victims quick and effective relief. Conduct short of voluntary agreement does not constitute consent as a matter of law. The obligation to disclose the existence of any other litigation includes, but is not limited to, the existence of any other litigation concerning the custody or residential placement of a child of the parties as set forth in RCW, (5) The petition may be made regardless of whether or not there is a pending lawsuit, complaint, petition, or other action between the parties, except in cases where the court has realigned the parties in accordance with RCW. Antiharassment or Stalking Protection Orders RCW 10.14 Who may obtain an Anti-Harassment Protection Order? Persons who are seriously alarmed, annoyed or harassed by a course of conduct which serves no legitimate or lawful purpose. Parents may petition on behalf of a child against an adult. (17) "Full protection order" means a protection order that is issued by the court after notice to the respondent and where the parties had the opportunity for a full hearing by the court. You alone are responsible for following the order. . The envelopes must bear the return address where the petitioner may receive legal mail. RCW 42.56.540 states that an agency may provide such notice unless notice is required by law. This occurs when an accused enters a store or business (12) Courts shall, if possible, have petitioners and respondents in protection order proceedings gather in separate locations and enter and depart the court room at staggered times. (b) A filing fee may be charged for a petition for an antiharassment protection order except as follows: (i) No filing fee may be charged to a petitioner seeking an antiharassment protection order against a person who has engaged in acts of stalking as defined in RCW. (a) For purposes of this section, "protection order advocate" means any employee or volunteer from a program that provides, as some part of its services, information, advocacy, counseling, or support to persons seeking protection orders. In Washington state, the suicide rate is on average 10 percent higher. . This section applies to modification or termination of domestic violence protection orders, sexual assault protection orders, stalking protection orders, and antiharassment protection orders. . (3) The court shall ensure that in issuing protection orders, including, but not limited to, orders to reissue temporary protection orders and orders to renew protection orders, the court specifies whether the respondent is ordered to surrender, and prohibited from possessing, firearms and dangerous weapons. The petitioner may appear at such hearing and provide evidence to the court regarding the respondent's compliance with the order. (b) Ensure that a reasonable search has been conducted for criminal history records and civil protection order history related to the respondent. (2) If the petitioner is seeking the renewal or reissuance of a protection order, the respondent must be served with the motion to renew or reissue the protection order, any supporting declarations or other materials, and the notice of hearing. [2013 c 84 1.] Respondents, once served, should be able to sign up for similar electronic notification. Such practices may include, but are not limited to, disallowing members of the public from communicating with the parties or with the court during the hearing, ensuring court controls over microphone and viewing settings, and announcing limitations on allowing others to record the hearing; (e) Courts shall use technology that accommodates American sign language and other languages; (f) To help ensure that remote access does not undermine personal safety or privacy, or introduce other risks, courts should protect the privacy of telephone numbers, emails, and other contact information for parties, witnesses, and others authorized by this chapter to participate in protection order proceedings, and inform them of these safety considerations. HTML PDF: 9A.46.070: (3) This section expires January 1, 2028. (g) Assessing how the civil protection order law can more effectively address the type of abuse known as "coercive control" so that survivors can seek earlier protective intervention before abuse further escalates. (3) Sections 9 through 14 and 47 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and take effect immediately [March 31, 2022]." . Studies show that individuals who engage in certain dangerous behaviors are significantly more likely to commit violence toward themselves or others in the near future. (H) Engaging in sexual or reproductive coercion; (ii) Causing dependence, confinement, or isolation of the other party from friends, relatives, or other sources of support, including schooling and employment, or subjecting the other party to physical confinement or restraint; (iii) Depriving the other party of basic necessities or committing other forms of financial exploitation; (iv) Controlling, exerting undue influence over, interfering with, regulating, or monitoring the other party's movements, communications, daily behavior, finances, economic resources, or employment, including but not limited to interference with or attempting to limit access to services for children of the other party, such as health care, medication, child care, or school-based extracurricular activities; (v) Engaging in vexatious litigation or abusive litigation as defined in RCW. Before dismissing or granting a petition due to the petitioner or respondent not appearing for a remote hearing, or the court not being able to reach the party via telephone or video, the court shall check for any notifications to the court regarding issues with remote access or other technological difficulties. (c) The study may include, if determined by the gender and justice commission's E2SHB 1320 stakeholder work groups and the center for court research to be empirically useful and readily measurable through available data, measurements such as: (i) The ability of survivors to obtain protection orders that fully address the nature of the harm or threat of harm they are experiencing; (ii) The frequency of inclusion of coercive control in protection order petitions and the nature of the harm or threatened harm articulated; (iii) Whether the orders were granted and if so, the relief ordered by the court; (iv) Whether the orders were denied, and if so, the reason for the denial; and. (1) The clerk of the court shall enter any protection order, including temporary protection orders, issued under this chapter into a statewide judicial information system on the same day such order is issued, if possible, but no later than the next judicial day. . (h) Other factors relating to a substantial change in circumstances. When an abusive partner has access to a gun, a domestic violence victim is 11 times more likely to be killed. (8) If attempts at service were not successful, the proof of service form or the form letter showing that the order was not served, and stating the reason it was not served, must be returned to the court by the next judicial day following the last unsuccessful attempt at service. (a) Appoint an interpreter who is not credentialed or duly qualified by the court to provide interpretation services; or. The form should be created with the presumption that it will also be used by the respondent to provide all current contact information needed by the court and law enforcement, and full identifying information for improved data entry. Denial of a remedy to the petitioner may not be based, in whole or in part, on evidence that: (a) The respondent was voluntarily intoxicated; (b) The petitioner was voluntarily intoxicated; or. If the law enforcement officer determines that the respondent did not, or probably did not, know about the protection order and the officer is provided a current copy of the order, the officer shall serve the order on the respondent if the respondent is present. The following provisions apply to the renewal of all full protection orders issued under this chapter, with the exception of the renewal of extreme risk protection orders. (3) In determining whether grounds for an extreme risk protection order exist, the court may consider any relevant evidence including, but not limited to, any of the following: (a) A recent act or threat of violence by the respondent against self or others, whether or not such violence or threat of violence involves a firearm; (b) A pattern of acts or threats of violence by the respondent within the past 12 months including, but not limited to, acts or threats of violence by the respondent against self or others; (c) Any behaviors that present an imminent threat of harm to self or others; (d) A violation by the respondent of a protection order or a no-contact order issued; (e) A previous or existing extreme risk protection order issued against the respondent; (f) A violation of a previous or existing extreme risk protection order issued against the respondent; (g) A conviction of the respondent for a crime that constitutes domestic violence as defined in RCW, (h) A conviction of the respondent under RCW. The order must remain in each system for the period stated in the order, and the law enforcement agency shall only expunge orders from the systems that have expired or terminated. If the court finds that the respondent established adequate cause, the court shall set a date for hearing the respondent's motion, which must be at least 14 days from the date the court finds adequate cause. The legislature further finds that it is important to modernize other aspects of the civil protection order statutes to reflect current trends, and to provide for data collection and research in these areas of the law. "Sexual abuse" also includes any sexual conduct between a staff person, who is not also a resident or client, of a facility or a staff person of a program authorized under chapter. (4) If the court determines that the vulnerable adult is capable of protecting his or her person or estate in connection with the issues raised in the petition, and the vulnerable adult continues to object to the protection order, the court shall dismiss the order or may modify the order if agreed to by the vulnerable adult. [2013 c 84 1.] If the respondent appeared at the hearing, the order must identify that the respondent has knowledge of the court's order. (4) For any other motion filed by a party with the court, the other party must be served with all materials the moving party submitted to the court and with any notice of hearing issued by the court related to the motion. (b) Upon conviction, and in addition to any other penalties provided by law, the court: (i) May require that the respondent submit to electronic monitoring. Under the statute, domestic violence protection orders (DVPO), sexual assault protection orders (SAPO), stalking protection orders, anti-harassment protection orders (2) Information within the database must be easily accessible and accurately updated as soon as possible but no later than within one judicial day. (5) If the court has information regarding any of the respondent's known aliases, that information must be included in the protection order. (1) The court must notify the petitioner of the impending expiration of an extreme risk protection order. Those who participate in the protection order process often find it difficult to navigate the statutes, which were adopted at different times and contain differing jurisdictional approaches, procedures, definitions, and types of relief offered, among other differences, all of which can create barriers and cause confusion. (34) "Stalking" means any of the following: (a) Any act of stalking as defined under RCW, (b) Any act of cyber harassment as defined under RCW. These time frames may be extended for good cause. The order is fully enforceable in any county in the state. "Firearm" also includes parts that can be assembled to make a firearm. (4) This section expires October 1, 2022. (6) Courts shall make a private space available for parties, counsel, and/or court staff and interpreters to sight translate any written documents or to meet and confer. Class C felony stalking charges (punishable by up to 5 years in jail and a 10,000 fine) will be filed if the above conditions are met and the following applies There has been a prior conviction for harassing the victim or a member of the victim&x27;s family or household. , the suicide rate is on average 10 percent higher matter of law to provide interpretation ;... 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rcw stalking protection order