my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family

False. How he kept my things and was basically very mean to me during the divorce process. I dont get your sister at all. Then you risk losing your daughter. Some if these families sound so toxic. My family knew how bad my ex treated me and yet still praise him, making me feel betrayed. But still NEVER be interested in her as a romantic partner again. Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. Sincerely , I am sure it is very painful for the original poster to be watching her family remain too close with her ex. This is so wrong. What Went Wrong? If he deserved to be cut off from your side of the family, he would have been. We had Christmas morning at my step-daughters and my daughter brought my ex over there as well. I asked why she lied and she simply said she didnt want to hurt my feelings. How messy!! This is a lot for a mother of 5 to have to deal with emotionally on her own already.. and then to have your family invite your ex instead of you. Do you think they blame him for the break up? I havent went to my daughters bday parties that my ex and my mom throw together because my ex hates me. It is quite apparent that your ex is doing this because he knows it is hurting you and your family is enabling him. I have 8 months to think about it but I dont know if Im going to wait that long I even told her why dont you just invite him for Christmas we get a divorce for a reason mine was because of mental abuse they dont get it nobody recognizes it they are manipulative he is one up all the time. I love them all. Bottom line, any family member that would invite a monster ex to a family gathering without approval of the person it effects; are #1 mean-spirited bullies and proved themselves as such to all those attending the event. Ten years later, Im still dealing with this issue and it has torn our family apart. It is jot easy but it had to be done for my own sanity and peace. Because this would be a decision she wanted to make, and all I want is for her to be happy. Youre right to feel what youre feeling. So, dont burn bridges.!!! To answer your question, I dont think its unreasonable at all. Ann, I agree with every word you have written. Who does that? My boyfriend and I really think this is a step too far. I found this forum because I am trying to make my fiance understand why I think that it is weird that he recently accepted an invitation from his wifes aunt (who is like a second mother to his ex) to fly just the two of us out to there to their house for the weekend. It was very hard to no that all my family turned against me and that he plays a big part in their life. . Ive always been very close to my older sister. They only know your Ex because of you And even if he says: Were just friends, you have every right to let him choose between you and her. The ex does not give them a single dime otherwise and has no problem telling them he gives me good money in child support with no care to their feelings or needs (he bought himself a new $40,000 car) 4 months ago, he told my daughter that she is no longer his daughter and he never wants to see her for as long as he lives. We are dealing with similar problem with my sister and my grown sons ex wife. I feel exactly as you do. my ex was very controlling and financially and mentally abusive as well as more personal reasons I dont care to share. Neither your family nor your kids will be there for you in 20 years time. I said this very nicely and said please do what you want to do my choice doesnt have to be your choice.There have not been any issues thus far but we live a very long distance apart and no major events have happened yet ie graduations weddings etc. Youre their (blood) family. I very much expected my family (if not my friends) to support my decision and back my play. I am a very vocal person but in this situation I havent commented much on the topic to my family because I dont want the drama. I had to tell my family to choose. He remarried, I never did (by choice). Am I wrong? Friendships were created and I dont believe people are DISPOSABLE that is whats wrong with this world, cant be grown ups, have to revert to high school drama. Stand by what you feel. My situation requires cutting ties The abusive, shit starting, hateful, drama loving ex wife who is determined to make our life hell, the woman who has stolen from us, taken credit cards out in his name (up until 1 yr ago ), jeopardized my career due to false CPS reports, false police reports, put us in debt of over $36,000, was moved back to this state, into my mother in laws house. If you respond yes, did you need restraining orders? Its a sad affair when you watch grown adults let their egos and hurt feelings. And he literally talked about me the whole time. MY family STILL invites her to family functions, and 80% of the time she comes. So maybe he's tried to address your concerns but the problem hasn't gone away. Her family only sees his Im a great guy side. Ive always been second to his new family and rarely hear from him. Sadly, my one and only sister has not been there for me. Im wondering, Is he still thinking about his ex?. Its one my new partners Sisters that wont be in the same room as me. I do believe your family should be putting you first and it just sounds like a bit much with the time they are spending with him. And thats, of course, a very painful realization. I dont get to see my little niece or nephew grow. Bad enough your kids are going through this, but you made it worse by being so self centered as to ruin their Thanksgiving with their father and extended family. You can read all about it here if you dont believe me. To gloss over the loss is make light of what matters to you. Sad! He helped my brother move into a new home. I presumed my husband had my best interests at heart because he loved me but he didnt. He had his son with another woman that ended and soon after he began a relationship with his Ex. To this day he now has befriended my last sister that I had connection to and to whom I was the closest. Sadly she will probably never be able to have insight into what shes doing wrong but i wanted to reassure you that how you feel is completely normal and although you are obviously distressed are handling it in a very mature manner. The ex and the boyfriend's sister managed to become close, so whenever anything is going on with the family, she is invited. She tries to get you on her side about her conflicts with everyone: her boss, my brother, my brothers wife, my other sister, Fox news, the president, yada yada yada. And when he was not in jail they would insist he be over for holiday dinners and occassions where our family would get together. The hurt stays and never goes away. I dont know how to act at future family events at Holidays. Some people just have no conscience. She must be devastated, and rightfully so. And that your family dont turn cold to the father of theirs is generarly a good thing. My heart breaks for her everyday. Wow! My adult daughter came in town with their children to visit when the day came they were visiting their father they took MY FATHER with them out for dinner & drinks. "@type": "Question", I think its very cruel ! I do not believe that God would want anyone to stay in a toxic relationship i actually credit God for helping me to get out of it because it literally took a miracle. I now have nothing to do with the rest of my family because of the betrayal. He told off my mom. They need to honor your feelings. He married the woman he left me for, and my sister has a new SISTER IN LAW!!! Everyone should be pleasant to him but thats it. Even when I tried to explain myself my explanations were then judged. I got an e-mail the other day from a woman who said: Ive been with a man for six months now. I cant for the life of me fanthoming to do that to any one let alone my own child. And while I can certainly live without the likes of her, its my parents going along with it that hurts the most. Its too long to write about and most prior comments hold a piece of my story. I feel this is all ridiculous, if my sisters where in the same boat, I would side with them. I feel you. I have asked him not to step on me, especially where I am not invited, but he wont give that because he was never capable of taking care of me when we were married, and wont now. I never did anything batshit apart to leave a man who I found out since day one had been manipulating my good nature. So here is my dilemma, if it really is one. He then changed the locks on our home leaving me with no possessions. The longer its been since they split up, the more likely it is that they truly are just friends, which is great! What's going on? I have had to cut my family off. Wow! Narcissist detected. Even just stalking her and checking her photos or stories once in a while. You may not value me but I value me! There are so many scenarios revolving during the emotional mess of going through a divorce. Thank you so much for this and for me not feeling alone! I would tell my sister about the emotional abuse I was going through with him and she would change subjects. Now if I had been battling all these years to see the person I once called daughter, than I would expect better treatment from my family. And it DOES NOT mean that he wants to go back together with her either. 1. But.. There were many mistakes on both sides but he was emotionally and psychologically abusive. To some extent it is also your fault for not telling them you had an issue with it, how else are they expected to know? Yeah, then its obvious hes still not over her. Dont know what you are going to do, but I cut off my sister and havent spoken to her since I found out that she was carrying on a relationship with my ex behind my back. Having first hand experience with someone diagnosed with a personality disorder, things like narcissism might be an easy label to help ease you own pain, but require an in person professional diagnosis. I felt so betrayed, because I would never let anyone come between me and family. It felt like such a betrayal especially after the texting thing. She may be doing this to the child to get revenge on her Ex and us. His ex-wife is best friends with some family members, who, out of loyalty, cannot fully embrace me. Your wounds are new. Most Helpful Opinions. The ex is in the same city, and they have known her since she was a teen, and she makes every effort to stop by and keep herself connected to the family on purpose. Not even any point trying to reason with anyone lacking in any true understanding, remorse or basic psychological knowledge so best to just ignore these entities and hope they rebirth as something worth discussing, Totally unacceptable and hurtful! Well it boils down to your family being dysfunctional in the first place. She moved in with him; they got a dog together, and she helped him raise his son for the 6+ years that they lived together (the boy's mother is still in . He's Still In Active Communication With Her If the person you are in a relationship with has children from a past marriage; trust me, the kids will always be a reason for her to call him or vice versa. "acceptedAnswer": { They agree and do it behind my back, and ignore me. They are also divorced and not once have I contacted their ex. She even helped him buy drugs with my money. I have not mentioned all of the terrible things my ex has put me through throughout this process, but on top of everything else, shes taking all of my family members away from me. It's not so straight forward is it. I am sorry to say this, but I believe you should just deal with it. I told my family from the start that it was bullshit because they witnessed the drama, lies, allegations etc that she caused during the divorce. What happened to family loyalty? I wish you find some peace, soon. Some of my family did the same thing!! Bless you. S exactly! I recently received a question to which I, unfortunately, had to give a very simple answer. Sounds like it to me. Its very tough to pretend. My heart is broken and I cry a lot. This is the most unforgivable part, no loyalty to me is one thing, to my daughter is a whole new level. The fact that both sisters, and her parents, apparently feel this way screams that this woman may be an emotional vampire no one wants to be around. I hope she gets help & realizes its not healthy what her family & ex are doing. A mind set that once escaped it is best to stay away from! I just found out that theyre all on a weekend vacation together. Those are his kids just like they are yours. "@type": "Question", I have peace of mind that I cannot be bothered, you dont choose your family or where you are born into, clearly my family chose him over me, it is all right, I learnt to cope with it. It was due to the fact that most did not agree with her wanting to destroy our family for the sake of finding herself and date other men. They may feel as though they are just being nice and that everyone should try and get along, but its also true that nothing new can evolve if something old is not allowed to die. Be the bigger person and when you need to have conflict in the family, with a family member, make sure it is over something way more serious and worth the fight.. He said he ordered for and will wake me for it. What is really even more disturbing is the fact your family is participating doing this with him even though they know they are hurting you. My ex was emotionally abusive and a cheat, he took all my confidence away by belittling me constantly and was domineering and controlling. I dont expect you to disown your own blood but that doesnt mean we are still cool. His funeral was in Jan. 2021. Where is any empathy or understanding to her feelings? Absolutely no empathy or reflection or regard for anyone. "text": "It becomes awkward for you to see your ex at your familys events. They actually spend more time with him than they do with me. EIGHT of those friends are my family, including my mother. If you challenge it and they still dont show you any respect then I would lay down consequences such as cutting contact at least until your wife feels better. What he depicted was so far from the truth. I have never gotten over it. I feel heartbroken all over again. Wouldnt give them the time of day. Our daughter always has to tell me the details even when I dont ask about about any of them. Really sad, but no choice. Wanting your childrens family to be determined by what you would like is unfair to them and denies them the connection they obviously enjoy having. I talk to him So my question is, how is divorced life working out for ya? They have been broken up for over a year, and he says they no longer communicate. It's a sign he's still emotionally attached to his ex-wife, and clearly, he's not ready to let those special memories go just yet. We could not stand to look at the man that caused her pain. Also I stopped going to my nephews games because my ex was going to be there sounds more like selfishness to me. The ex does not even have a bedroom set up for them in his home. They were all aware that he was an absentee and that he continues to terrorize and abuse me . My fathers memorial service was last weekend. You may have had a wonderful friendship with your ex's siblings or parents, but that doesn't mean you'll instantly recover from a breakup. I tried to work on us. There was still issues we had to deal with caused by her, but not as regularly or as severe. Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but you dont get to pick and choose the ones you like. We were ok with that, it was what we were used to and there was only conflict when he was around. There is no argument. Her family even shows the Signs a Family Member Doesn't Like You to you. Lets suppose you just entered into a relationship with a guy who seems to be doing all the right things, such as: Its as if he routinely does all the right things. Its sucks, but thats what narcissistic people do. We only came back last year because she had moved. So now Ive lost yet another sister and her kids whose daughter hasnt seen my ex in 5 years but invited him to her wedding. Please stop subjecting yourself to this cruelty. I have become the identified patient in my family, the one who is scapegoated to draw attention away from the familys true inner conflicts, true problem behaviors, and their perpetrators. There is a reason the family is/was comfortable with him. contact dr peter today for any spell , death spell , love spell , money spell , deliverance spell , healing spell,spell to remove black magic out of your life , family and marriage, I need to cut ties woth my oldest ex boyfriends and family am i bring unreasonable no. The only person I shared his dirty deeds with was my Sistersbut never smeared his charactor throughout the family. That being said being divorced means the kids time will be split. When we see his sister at his mums shes always talking about his ex and what theyve been doing together. Niw we must hate him. They know what he did in our marriage and they are friends with him. it hurts me. I got ahold of her she tells me one thing and he sticks to the same little story that he was giving her closure because she wouldnt stop calling. While youre not exactly unreasonable to have feelings like this, it is unreasonable that because youve divorced someone that youre expecting your family to not communicate with them anymore. "When these catch up dinners and drinks become regular, and your magnanimous attitude turns green with jealousy, your ego is telling you that something is wrong.. How would my grandchild live a normal life if I cut ties with her dad. You deserve a supportive family and are not alone in this. Wishful thinking. This family members basically told me their relationship with him has nothing to do with how he treated me during the divorce or our divorce at all. As my kids have grown. My son hung out with him after my divorce. Anyway, I feel very good about nicely turning him down. My mother even calls my ex mother in law when she was in the hospital and they werent close. Like I didnt choose the life of divorce. I am glad that I stumbled across your post because it made me not feel alone to this topic! My ex-wife divorced me with no reason after 29 years of marriage. I dated an African American man and they lied as a team to try and Control me and have me involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for dating out of the family race . Some people are just that nice. Nobody will care about you or attend your funeral. He is enjoying creating these problems for you. They became good friends. I would have no problems if my family had a good relationship with my ex before and after the divorce but over the years they never expressed any interest on hanging out with him until now. People seem to think sometimes that youre supposed to step up to the plate and forgive and bite your tongue and get along for the sake of the kids but its so hard. Both of my children were at my sisters for Christmas. Prayers for all of your victims of this horrible act of disloyalty and betrayal. If you make the friendship work, you have even more people to go bowling with! I asked that we NOT invite her going forward (I found out too late shed already been invited). A talk to her and maybe both my sister and my wife would be a mature conversation, but I think my family would not agree to part ways, with these future sporadic secret meets, and theyd feel that their bond should continue on unabated. Yeah, it sucks for a lot of us. If your boyfriend isn't very close to his family, he may not think a proper introduction is truly necessary. There are so many demonic personalities that happen to put up a human skin with no heart or feeling. When we had to share a room as kids, we had physical fights almost every day. For example, whenever my Ex comes up during a conversation, when there are several people around, (cousins, my sister) they will ask, If things are better with my Ex. My Dad, stepmum and siblings supported my abusive ex over me which broke my heart and its taken me 4 years to mainly come to terms with it buy I still have pangs. But why would he have her alone with him and hide it? 18 people killed - including two children and government officials - after helicopter crashes close to nursery and residential building near Kyiv, Supermarket basics soar by a whopping 30% as shoppers feel the squeeze - see which items rose in price the most, Detectives searching for missing four-year-old make grim discovery of child's body, Man told 'you sound like you're feeling a bit sorry for yourself' by NHS 111 before dying, Gary Lineker breaks silence over "funny" BBC porn prank that stunned viewers, 'IDIOTIC!' How have you found peace through this. Is it in a group setting? I finally got him to move in with me and he is no longer in a dark place. It was difficult to loose my partner but he was abusive and I was concerned for my daughter because of things I caught him doing or not doing to her. I confronted my family members about the situation and I was met with resistance and belittled. They (and my kids) went and decorated my exs work for his birthday, etc., etc., etc. Then, enjoy yourself and forget about him, and his gfs. Today it took my breath to see my brother and sister-in-law friends with them on Facebook. But we must go on, we must find a way. Fancy yourself as an agony aunt? The person has finally had enough and breaks up with the abusive person. Your trying to control a group of adults and punishing your children for your choice to divorce their dad. He even seen the new baby in the family, and rubbed it in my face that I would never see that child. I fantasize about shooting her in the face sometimes. Follow her on Twitter. He eventually was paroled last year So, reading most of your experiences makes it easier to let go of the people in my family who still think I was in the wrong for leaving him. My familys take is that its good for the kids to see their parents be civil with each other. Anyone have any advice for us? Thats why you should be careful when marrying. Seeing a therapist to try and find where Im wrong and its my fault that I am not around them, but she is there for everything including family events and bbqs. Make the first few visits with the whole group on neutral ground, public places like parks, sporting events etc. By SuziePal Updated: July 30, 2021Categories: Children's and Parenting Issues after Divorce, Coping with Divorce, Inspirational Stories and Advice. I get a mere 100 a week and he refuses to give them an extra dime (the few times they asked him for something) having no problem telling them he pays me good money in child support with no care for their feelings or needs. Required fields are marked *. I dont mean romantic, exactly. I have to largely suffer in silence because if I dare complain Your partner's first wife had an affair that ended their marriage so, however happy she may be now, she must feel some guilt about the suffering that her children endured as a result of that. Hi Lilia i completely agree. Now I see that my ex has a facebook page with 46 friends. Im going through something similar. Something is definitely wrong in family dynamics nowadays. After 3 heartbreaking years and my brother and two grandchildren (also ostracised by default) I began to heal and I cannot believe how healthy and happy my life has become.

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my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family