male celebrities with uneven eyes

15 Little Known Facts about Martin Luther King We talked about this. Alicia Keys. She also had a crumpled ear when she was born. Irene (Red Velvet) Red Velvet's Irene is another beautiful idol whose left face side is longer than the other. the coroner in television series, CSI: Crime Scene Investigators (2000 While his eyes are both large with or without the double eyelid, Daehwi knows how to work a camera to his advantage. If you ever had a chance see him without shades, he does have lazy eyes too. Not to mention that hairstyle is doing nothing for her. Talipes equinovarus (TEV) or clubfeet is a birth defect. 20. Though Khloe has denied all rumors related to plastic surgery, she has admitted to getting lip fillers. Share. Beautiful. document.write("

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male celebrities with uneven eyes