lauren boebert father

), Thats when the digital trail goes cold. Sweet Stan paid big money to deny his child in 1990, and his first cousin just did a DNA [test] with this girl and they show as related! Two months after Boebert's birthher mother opened a child support case against Wallace Stan Lane, who, under the name"Sweet" Stan Lanewas a member of at least two prowrestling tag teams,theMidnight Express and the Fabulous Ones. Of course I know nothing for a certainty, but I have evaluated all the available evidence[,] which leads me to that belief. As her birth certificate makes clear, Lauren Opal Roberts was born in Orlando, Florida, on Dec. 19, 1986. Stan was fully dressed in the fuckin shower of the new Charlotte Coliseum when the guy peaked in and said, You must be Stan Lane! He acted like he was trying to fuckin, you know, repair the shower nozzle or something. Cornette then doubled back to give further background details. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) was taunted on Tuesday after she vowed to "never attend the World Economic Forum." The far-right House member's promise to eschew the annual meeting of world leaders and high-profile business executives in Davos, Switzerland, drew mockery from Twitter users, who suggested she would never be invited in the first place. He said that "both the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment protect expressions like Mr. Kennedys. Americans uniformly rejected that. Recent blood clots or strokes in four major athletes are an unwanted effect of COVID-19 vaccines. When I received the Paternity Evaluation Report in 1990 that excluded Stan as Laurens father, I knew there was either a mistake made in the testing or that fraud was involved, Bentz wrote. I remember thinking to myself that he got away with it, and I just tucked away all those paternity documents, she added in the 2012 letter. Issues: Mobile Office Hours Read More Twitter Tweets by RepBoebert Facebook HouseRepublicans Regardless of what Stan Lane did or didnt do in July 1990, its hard to blame Shawna Bentz and Lauren Boebert for seeing a conspiracy there. Im sure youre wondering why I am involved in it. Rep. Lauren Boebert, who sent 'a shoutout of gratitude to all the dads of America' on Sunday, previously criticized Sec. Experts said that while the application of the establishment clause has been contested for years, the founding fathers did not intend it to allow a church to direct the government.. Her parents were democrats. Lauren Boeberts fathers name is not known. All rights reserved. Canada is "allowing children to seek out medically assisted death.. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Seeing how you were not in the front or the back seat how would you know what went on? she continued (sic throughout). ", Asked for more information about the congresswomans statement, Boeberts spokesperson, Benjamin Stout, told PolitiFact that "Christian principles have informed and guided lawmakers in America since its founding. Cornettes comments, which also noted fellow wrestlers trying to help with I think he went that way!-style diversions, suggest that Lane wasnt actually served that night, and the court records confirm this. (The extra $100 a week would have put Roberts and her daughter just above that level,in1987-88 standards.). My instinct was that Stans attorney had just taken care of everything for him. I didnt have to wrack my brain to figure out what was going on in Stans room that night., Though the connection between the wrestler and the congresswoman looks to have been initially mentioned by a Twitter user going by the name Colby Giffen in Boeberts replies, , it caught fire on February 10th. 727-821-9494, The Founding Fathers of the United States intended that the church is supposed to direct the government., stated on January 4, 2023 in a Facebook post, How courts have interpreted the establishment clause. The Sheriff is still attempting to serve the defendant., In fact, despite Lane living in the area, nobody managed to serve him until April 1990, according to. Tebbe pointed to the Supreme Courts 1994 ruling in Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet. In October2012Boebert's mother, who by then wasknown as Shawn (or Shawna) Roberts Bentz and lived in Rifle, Colorado,contacted the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation to ask for an investigation of Lane, whom she believed was shirking his responsibilities. She didnt complete her high school study. ), However, there was no father listed in either, no record exists for such a divorce in Seminole County Courts online system, , which goes back well into the 1980s and shows no hits for divorce cases involving Shawn Roberts. (There were also no hits for Shawn Bentz or Shawna Bentz, as well as no relevant hits for Shawna Roberts.), , meanwhile, says that Boebert has glossed over any mention of a father. (Though the next line of the article notes that various police reports showed Boeberts birthdate as being either December 15, 1986, or December 19, 1986, her birth certificate, other paternity lawsuit documentation and her newspaper birth announcement all have the latter date.). Despite Bentz's considerable efforts, Stan Lane long retired from pro wrestling and more recently an announcer for speedboat races has never taken a second paternity test and has continued to insistthat Lauren Boebert, now a nationally known figure in conservative politics,is not his child. The World Economic Forum hired unvaccinated pilots to fly people into Davos, Switzerland, for its annual meeting for safety reasons. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) faced harsh criticism online when she attacked out Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg as "clueless" and unqualified. "People of good faith have disagreed about its application in specific cases, but it remains a distinctive feature of American constitutionalism," Chapman added. U.S. tax dollars sent to help Ukraine were laundered back by cryptocurrency firm FTX to help Democrats in midterms. He never once mentioned the 1990 blood test. Boebert apparently jumped in to stress that she wanted a relationship, not money, with Lane responding that hed have to ask his lawyer, at least per Bentzs account. Long story short, I am writing to you about Lauren, the letter reads. The part of the First Amendment that reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," makes clear the founders desire to avoid the establishment of a national church, such as the Church of England, that could direct government. , made it a second-degree felony to have sex with any unmarried person, of previous chaste character, who at the time of such intercourse is under the age of 18 years. Further, a defense citing previous unchaste character would be moot when the lack of previous chaste character in the prosecuting witness was caused solely by previous intercourse between the defendant and the prosecuting witness. The trail doesnt stop there, though, thanks to the various lawsuits Bentz filed against Lane. Lauren Boebert ( Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. From Episode 178 of Jim Cornette's Drive ThruArtwork by Travis Heckel!Send in your question for the Drive-Thru to: Follow Jim and Br. Lauren Boeberts ethnicity is not known. She started her career as an assistant manager at a McDonalds in Rifle by dropping out of high school. She was born to Shawn Bentz ( Mother ). (Sal Corrente, Lanes representative to the wrestling world, declined comment on anything related to Lauren Boebert, while an email sent to Lanes wife was left unanswered. Boebert's congressional office did notreturn arequest for comment on this story. She took birth in Altamonte Springs, Florida, United States. But bothinWashington circles and in speaking to voters in her Colorado district, Boebert has not discussed in detail exactly what circumstanceslanded the futureright-wing firebrand and hermother in this disadvantaged situation. He didnt go to Florida for a while, but then [the process server] came to Charlotte, recalled Lanes longtime friend, on-screen manager and road-trip companion Jim Cornette, in February 2020. At first, everyone just kind of laughed at the idea that Sweet Stan Lane fathered one of the QAnon congresswomen, but as the old social media posts further proliferated across the wrestling fan sphere, it developed a weird credibility. A Mecklenburg County summons for the paternity case from August 15th expressly instructs whoever was to serve Lane to please attempt service on August 27th after 8 p.m., and lists the Coliseum as the wrestlers care of address. She has been serving as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Colorados 3rd district since 3 January 2021. It would take until July for the blood to be drawn, with Bentz and Boebert going to what looks to be a publicly run Florida lab on July 18th and Lane going to Genetic Design in Charlotte on July 25th. She took birth on15 December 1986. He didnt go to Florida for a while, but then [the process server] came to Charlotte, recalled Lanes longtime friend, on-screen manager and road-trip companion Jim Cornette on one of his podcasts in February 2020. About five weeks later, on May 7th, Judge Robert P. Johnston, issued an order to compel a paternity test, . Laurens age is 35 years. Lauren Boebert is married. Her fathers name is not known. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., speaks to reporters about Democratic proposals on gun control on June 8, 2022. One came June 27, a day after Boeberts comments. Google hits for her username yield her TripAdvisor profile, which features a photo of Maria and Stan Lane, as well as a series of posts from 2011 on the Collegiate Sports Nation forum that were devoted to alohamaria66 debunking a rumor that Lane had died. However, he denies being the natural father of the minor child, Lauren Opal Roberts. Per a sworn paternity affidavit that Bentz signed on August 24, 1987, Lanes response upon learning that she was pregnant was that she should get an abortion, just as that 2008(-ish) YouTube comment would later allege. Likewise, Boeberts press secretary, Jake Settle, didnt respond to emails requesting comment for this story.). Therefore, the alleged father cannot be the biological father of the child., That was pretty much the last word until Boebert was 21 and the YouTube comment war started. Seems as though the [ste]roids have gotten into your brain! she exclaimed, adding that this is what Lauren has been trying to tell you all along., That comment thread seems to be the last trace of any development until the unknown date Straughn apparently reached out, which appears to have been between fall 2008 and fall 2012. In both cases, Weary collected asample at the Departmentof Child Support Enforcementand then delivered it to a company called Genetic Design for testing. The court ruled 6-3 in favor of a Washington state public high school football coach who was disciplined after refusing to stop praying on the field after games. Whether or not Lane would have been committing a crime by having sex with her is unclear based on the Florida laws in effect back then. After assistant manager, she started to work for a natural gas drilling company. ), Thats when the digital trail goes cold. Check out his weekly wrestling history podcast, Between The Sheets, on all major podcast platforms, and subscribe to his Substack at Be the first to hear about important news and updates from Rep. Boebert! Thats not in the Constitution. ", Jeffersons metaphor of a separation of church and state is one that courts and others have cited and "is one of the principles of religious liberty deeply entrenched in our constitutional order," said Nathan Chapman, a professor at the University of Georgia Law School and co-author of "Agreeing to Disagree: How the Establishment Clause Promotes Religious Pluralism and Protects Freedom of Conscience.". BTW, your momma never did steal any money out of Stan Lane for crappin you out, did she? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Lauren started her career by working as an assistant manager at a McDonalds in Rifle. Follow him on Twitter @ZTPetrizzo. Other than those two articles, theres next to nothing about Boeberts father in news reports from before the Lane posts resurfaced. "The English model was of the king as the head of church and state. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the majority that the coach, Joseph Kennedy, was not praying as part of his job duties. As for Lane, hes best-known (depending on where you grew up) as half of either The Fabulous Ones with Steve Keirn or The Midnight Express with Bobby Eaton. She didnt complete her high school study. Kevin McCarthy has supported and donated to Lauren Boebert.' 'She just barely came through by 500 votes,' Greene said, citing Boebert's unprecedentedly close re-election race in November. ), Will Stan Lane be there? asked the curiously framed post. The gun-toting Colorado congresswoman rarely mentions her father, but in a trail of YouTube comments, she and her mother have singled out one man: 1980s journeyman tag-team specialist Sweet Stan Lane, Maybe you need to talk to your hubby a little more about this, began the YouTube comment from approximately 2008. At around this time, Jayson Steven Boebert pleaded guilty to charges of " public indecency and lewd. According to publicly available newspaper articles and court records, in September 1990, just a couple months after the Lane paternity test, a prospective father in a different case, Larry Melton, showed up at Genetic Designs Mecklenburg County facility for a paternity test, just as Lane had in July. Find out how I can assist with issues you may be having with a federal agency. This is known as the "establishment clause." It would turn out that, that he was Stan Lane, and she wasnt enough of a wrestling fan to have any idea that he was lying. I did talk to him and had Lauren listen in on another line, Bentz wrote in 2012. According to Lanes answer to the paternity suits, dated April 11, 1990, Lane didnt dispute the claim by Bentz (then Shawn Roberts) that they had sex on March 9, 1986, a night that he was wrestling in Orlando. Lauren is a member of the Republican Party and serves as the U.S representative for Colorado's 3 rd congressional district. (An, , announced that a man named Samuel Ticer had died, and that he had wrestled as Stan Lane. Unfortunately, they started seeing them everywhere else, too. With leading-man looks and long blond hair, it wasnt exactly a shock that his secondary nickname was The Gangster of Love., As The Fabulous Ones, he and Keirn were very specifically marketed as heartthrobs, so you can only imagine what his life was like in an entertainment field where performers having sex with fans was explicitly encouraged and considered good for business. Still, he was infamous among his fellow wrestlers for just how much sex he was having. Her parents used to live in poverty in Denver. However, he denies being the natural father of the minor child, Lauren Opal Roberts. Per a sworn, paternity affidavit that Bentz signed on August 24, 1987, , Lanes response upon learning that she was pregnant was that she should get an abortion, just as that 2008(-ish) YouTube comment would later allege. Foster Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, email interview, June 28, 2022, Nicole Stelle Garnett, John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame, email interview, June 28, 2022, Nathan Chapman, Pope F. Brock Associate Professor in Professional Responsibility at the University of Georgia, email interview June 29, 2022, Steven Heyman, law professor at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, email interview, June 29, 2022, The Washington Post, "GOP Rep. Boebert: Im tired of this separation of church and state junk" June 28, 2022, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, "The curious case of Kiryas Joel," April 29, 2016, The First Amendment Encyclopedia, "Endorsement Test", The Associated Press, "Supreme Court backs coach in praying on field after games," June 28, 2022, Supreme Court, "Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District," June 27, 2022, The Associated Press, "Supreme Court: Religious schools must get Maine tuition aid," June 21, 2022, Supreme Court, "Carson vs. Makin," June 21, 2022, The Associated Press, "Supreme Court rules against Boston in Christian flag case," May 2, 2022, Supreme Court, "Shurtleff v. Boston," May 2, 2022. Based on the date of birth she would later give on paternity-testing paperwork, Bentz would have been 17 years old at the time, with her 18th birthday coming on June 18, 1986. Lauren Boebert Parents (Father & Mother), Siblings In this paragraph, we will read about Lauren Boebert's father & Mother. This time, though, the post doesnt appear to be written by Bentz or Boebert. Not long after receiving that photo, a friend and I were in a local drugstore and looking through some wrestling magazines, and we did see that same photo of Stan except the magazine photo had him sitting next to another wrestler.. At present, her fans are searching for Lauren Boebert Parents. Lauren Boebert Parents: Father And Mother Lauren Boebert never really speaks about her parents that much. She opened another restaurant Putters on Rifle Creek Golf Course in 2015 which was sold in December 2016. But few thought the church should direct the government, either as a matter of theology or politics. Boebert has said that her parents voted for Democrats and that they lived in poverty in Denver, where her mother received welfare. Lauren Boebert (Photo: Jeffrey Beall, via CC BY 4.0). "Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit or the national debt. Of course I know nothing for a certainty, but I have evaluated all the available evidence[,] which leads me to that belief. An O blood type (Mom) a B blood type (Stan) makes an O blood type (ME!) Look for this in the news[. Lauren Boebert is a politician, businesswoman and a gun right activist. I remember thinking to myself that he got away with it, and I just tucked away all those paternity documents, she added in the 2012 letter. On Tuesday night the Federal Aviation . Nothing else new was filed in that case after that point, but weeks later, Bentz and Boebert got back to posting about Lane on social media after a several-year break. But suffice to say that circumstances and events unfolded, and I did not refuse to follow the promptings that have now led to me writing you regarding this paternity issue. Lane was a prominent professional wrestler who performed several times incentral Floridaaroundthe time of Boebert's conception in early1986. Carnal intercourse with unmarried person under 18 years, established in 1983s section 794.05, made it a second-degree felony to have sex with any unmarried person, of previous chaste character, who at the time of such intercourse is under the age of 18 years. Further, a defense citing previous unchaste character would be moot when the lack of previous chaste character in the prosecuting witness was caused solely by previous intercourse between the defendant and the prosecuting witness. The trail doesnt stop there, though, thanks to the various lawsuits Bentz filed against Lane. A government attorney representing U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert argued in federal court Tuesday that she did not violate a constituent's constitutional rights by blocking the woman on Twitter . Curiously, Lanes testing paperwork, signed by phlebotomist Karen Weary as a witness, is missing both his thumbprint and a photo indicating that he really took the test. It appears that Bentz (and seemingly Boebert) were arguing with a woman named Maria Lane about whether her husband, retired wrestler Sweet Stan Lane, real name Wallace Stanfield Lane, was the biological father of the future congresswoman for Colorados third district and had fabricated a negative paternity test. ), A further reply claimed to quote one of Marias, which Bentzs account claimed read as follows (again, sic throughout): FYI.STAN DOES NOT HAVE B BLOOD TYPE.THIS IS SO CHILDISH.THIS IS ALSO MY LAST POST TO YOU.Stop Living In DENIAL.STAN IS A GREAT LOVING HUSBAND!, say that Lane has type B blood, something that Bentz quickly pointed out. However, only one Democrat House Member agreed and voted for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The Constitution is clear on that. Colorado Republican and vaunted MAGA darling Lauren Boebert has deepened her feud with Trump champion Marjorie Taylor Greene after calling the Georgia congresswoman "unhinged" in recent comments. Bentzs SBI letter includes, in an attached evidence packet, a letter, dated a week earlier than Bentzs, which was purportedly sent from Straughn to Stan Lane. One letter thatBoebert'smother wrote to Seminole County Superior Court in 2013 specifically calledfor a new paternity test. Even though Lane had already been served and Bentz and Boebert had completed their blood tests, he still skipped shows in Florida on July 21st and 22nd, where he was replaced by Buddy Landel. A citizen legislator, Congresswoman Boebert is a small business owner Representative Boebert is proud of the next generation of American leaders stepping forward to serve our Nation, and she nominates the brightest students from Colorado's Third District to the military academies. Regardless of what Stan Lane did or didnt do in July 1990, its hard to blame Shawna Bentz and Lauren Boebert for seeing a conspiracy there. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, a right-wing Republican and prominent member of the "Sedition Caucus," frequently speaks about her upbringing in a family struggling withpoverty, describingherself as a"welfare child." In the same general time frame, a Lauren Boebert account commented on two videos from Lanes post-wrestling career as an offshore boat-racing announcer, imploring The Gangster of Love to Google the name Karen Weary. (At least in 2021, this doesnt immediately yield anything in the way of relevant results or articles about Wearys prosecution if you dont add additional keywords, but that may not have been the case in 2013. [H]e is the one that told my mom she was pregnant, and he is the one [who] called the house, after it was verified by the [doctor], begging my mother to abort me!, Though the account being used belonged to a woman named Shawna Bentz, the references to my mom and begging my mother to abort me suggest that it was actually written by her daughter, Lauren Boebert, then in her early 20s. Boebert marked MLK Day by quoting the late civil rights leader on Twitter. Her father's name is not known. The Sheriff is still attempting to serve the defendant.. Thats when panda4bernie, tweeted a thread of screenshots of and links to Bentzs posts, at Will Menaker, host of popular dirtbag left podcast, . Maybe you need to talk to your hubby a little more about this, began, from approximately 2008. Lauren Boebert isn't the only pistol-packing-on-the-job restaurant owner in America, and she isn't the first fan of the conspiracy theory QAnon to run for office, but she may be the first . There might have been a 1990 paternity fraud, but 2013 autosomal DNA is awesome! He joined the organization in July 2021. Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, blasted Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) for her appreciative Father's Day tweet this week, noting that she once criticized his husband for taking paternity leave to be with his sick newborn.

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