how much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s

The chuck wagon was a much smaller covered wagon that served as a mobile kitchen for large groups of travelers heading west. It depended on the wagon and which decade you're talking about, as well as the geographical location and the vendor. A wagon train typically covered between 10 and 20 miles per day. How big was a covered wagon that the pioneers used? It was made with simple construction. Oxen were slower, but held up better than horses or mules. Stagecoaches provided public transportation. COVERED WAGON TRAILER 8.5 x 16 cocnession sink, 8.5 x 16 tav enclosed concession vending trailer sink pkg AC loading lights outside 3500# axles 2021 Covered Wagon Trailers 8.524 Charcoal Full width Ramp door, Cargo Trailer, Length: 24.00, Width: 8.50, Weight: 3500.00, GVWR: 10000.00, Pull Typ. It is believed that 6-10% of all emigrants on the paths died as a result of disease. If it rained, they might only be able to travel one or two miles a day, due to washed-out trails. A large amount of flour was required, at least 200 pounds for each person of the family, and each family carried at least 50 gallons of water. Emigrants often erected a fake floor 12 to 15 inches above the bottom of the bed. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. As they surveyed the lay of the land they must have felt overwhelmed; but their pioneer spirit pushed them to forge ahead. Keturah Belknap wrote in her diary along the trail: Will start with some old clothes on and when we cant wear them any longer will leave them on the road.. How did pioneers cross the Rocky Mountains? Other times, men would tie a long rope to the axle of a wagon and slowly assist it down the steep hill. Because they didnt want to wear out their animals, they didnt travel in the wagons too frequently. Also, it is asked, How did the pioneers get to the West? During the last stage of the voyage, the river was crossed more than forty times. The overland journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon or California meant a six-month trip across 2,000 miles of hard country. . Major threats to pioneer life and limb came from accidents, exhaustion, and disease. They had to average 11 miles (18 km) to 17 miles (27 km) per day to reach Oregon City in four to six months. . Your email address will not be published. Personal items would include clothing, rifles, knives, toys, and of course the family Bible. There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is no accurate record of how many pioneers died on the Oregon Trail. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. How many horses did it take to pull a covered wagon? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. On the way west, life was arduous due to debilitating illnesses, wagon accidents, severe weather, wild animals, and Native American assaults. Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. How did pioneers cross the Mississippi river? Created during the 1800s, the Prairie Schooner was a smaller wagon, with a flat body and lower sides. He was the first history editor at, and his work has appeared in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and other national publications. How much did a wagon ride cost in the 1800s? Furthermore, most people walked because it enabled their wagons to carry more weight and because sitting in the wagonswhich were not equipped with suspensionwould have resulted in frequent jolting and lurching on the bumpy routes and highways. How many miles did a wagon train travel per day? How long did it take a wagon train to get to California? There were other manufactured wagons constructed much like the Conestoga that could hold 3,000 lbs. The road was long and winding, passing through Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and eventually Oregon. Converted farm wagons, called Prairie Schooners, were actually used and pulled generally not by horses, but by oxen. 12 How did early settlers cross the . Horses cost $60 on average, pigs $5, milking cows slightly over $20, and goats $2. To make it waterproof, the canvas was coated with linseed oil. Pioneers typically packed their wagons with food, water, clothes, blankets, tools, and other supplies that they would need for the journey. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. We may have an image in our heads about early pioneers settling to sleep each night, safely tucked into beds inside their covered wagon. Both humans and animals suffered greatly over the lengthy voyage. Riding in a wagon was lumpy and unpleasant since the path was uneven, full of holes and pebbles. Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. Some of the things the pioneers had to carry included tools like shovels, hammers, axes, rope and grinding stones. How long did the trip to California or Oregon take with wagons? The answer to this question is that they transported themselves by horse or wagon. Just the food for one family could weigh from 1,300 to 1,800 pounds leaving very little room anything else. Also, How did pioneers travel on the trails? Most. For one, it was a way to protect their belongings and themselves from wild animals. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". What did they eat on wagon trains? Horses were very expensive so most pioneers used oxen or mules to pull their wagons. Prairie schooner is a fanciful name for the covered wagon, drawing on their broad white canvas covers, romantically envisioned as the sails of a ship crossing the sea. How far did the pioneers typically walk each day for 6 months? (Privacy Policy) *. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This one-page table shows the average retail prices for bread, milk, eggs, meats, fruits, vegetables, coffee, beans, sugar, margarine, etc. It was dependent on the wagon, which decade you were talking about, as well as the geographic location and vendor. A portrait of the strong stock and dedication is also seen. Be sure to leave a voicemail message and I will return your call. Pioneers traveling in wagon trains covered around 15 miles each day on average. Most families coming to Sutters Fort chose oxen because they were cheaper than horses or mules, and they could be eaten if food ran out! Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Drawstrings on either end allowed the bonnet to be closed at least part of the way if a storm came up. What did pioneers travel in to get to Oregon? The first wagons generally measured about 10 feet long, four feet wide, and two feet deep, writes Jana Bommersbach, also for True West. Covered wagons were solidly built, but that didnt mean they were infallible. Theyd load up a covered wagon with their most prized possessions, furnishings, and anything theyd need for the voyage. The wagon was usually pulled by four or six animals. How much did it cost to join a wagon train? Was around $ 600 making the oxen a much more economical choice wagons how much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s. Some individuals journeyed west on horseback since they didnt have wagons, while others used handcarts, animal carts, or even carriages. Most trailside graves are unknown, as burials were quick and the wagon trains moved on. That fee included a wagon at about $100. What were three dangers travelers faced on the Trails west? But covered wagons werent all they were cracked up to be. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. How much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s? For these reasons wagons were constructed of such hardwoods as maple, hickory and oak. The terrain called for durability, so carts were fashioned out of various hardwoods . Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. The majority of pioneers spent their days in arduous work so that they might rest comfortably elsewhere. The most serious concern on the road was disease, particularly cholera, which attacked wagon trains during years of high travel. It was also a way to deter bandits or other criminals from trying to steal from them. The majority of prairie schooners were simply farm wagons with six to eight huge wooden bows arching over the wagons bed. These canvas-topped, horse-drawn wagons have become a symbol of the pioneering spirit of Americans during the westward expansion of the 1800s. What was it like traveling in a covered wagon? 0. How much did horses cost in 1860? How much did wagons cost in th 1800s? Prices in the mid-1800s fluctuated from month to month and from town to town. Many people died along the way from diseases such as cholera and dysentery. Because they didnt want to wear out their animals, they didnt travel in the wagons too frequently. In the 1800s, how much did a covered wagon cost? The infections carried by inadequate hygienic conditions and human touch were the most hazardous. It was large enough to transport loads up to 6 tons (5.4 metric tons), and was drawn by horses, mules, or oxen. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? It was not easy to survive on the route. Some rivers could be forded, but for rivers deeper than four feet, a pair of canoes would be tethered together, a wagon would be rolled on crosswise, and the resultant ferry would be poled over. You can also subscribe without commenting. That fee included a wagon at about $100. That fee included a wagon at about $100. Some pioneers did sleep in their wagons. But the rewards of reaching the West were great, and many settlers were willing to risk everything for a chance at a new life. It was expensivea family of four may spend up to $1,000 on it. 1338. Learn how your comment data is processed. They often had to lighten the load of the wagon by discarding items along the road or getting out of the wagon and walking along beside it. The size and heaviness of them made them more unstable on the trail. How far can a wagon train travel in a day? The wagons had a high center of gravity which made them prone to tipping over. Life in a wagon train was often difficult and challenging. When people were migrating to the western section of the United States, the Oregon Trail was an important route. Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. Wagon trains typically traveled at a rate of around 10-15 miles per day, so a journey of 2,000 miles could take as long as 140 days. What animal pulled wagons on the Oregon Trail? It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. Think about having to carry every thing you own plus The larger, heavier Conestoga wagons needed a team of horses to pull them, but for pioneers heading west across the prairie, horses were often a luxury they couldnt afford. People also ask, How did settlers travel west? They had to deal with bad weather, droughts, Native American raids, illnesses, and robbers. All of the familys belongings had to be packed into the wagon, leaving no room for beds. of cargo or more. Almost everyone preferred to walk rather than ride in dusty, bumpy wagons. What trails did pioneers use to travel west? The covered wagon was one of the main methods of transportation, often drawn by oxen or mules. There are a few reasons why pioneers would circle their wagons at night. Buckboard Wagon: The no-frills buckboard wagon was commonly used by farmers and ranchers in the 1800s. From there they followed Nevada's Humboldt River west to the Sierra Nevada mountains, up the Truckee River and over Donner Pass to Sacramento, California. Heavier wagons required more pulling animals, thus more expense and work along the trail. Certain procedures were followed after many days on the trail: 4:00 a.m.: A bugler blasts a trumpet or the night guards fire a rifle to rouse up the camp. Some rivers could be forded, but for rivers deeper than four feet, a pair of canoes would be tethered together, a wagon would be rolled on crosswise, and the resultant ferry would be poled over. Deep in the ocean. Emigrants feared death from a variety of causes along the trail: lack of food or water; Indian attacks; accidents, or rattlesnake bites were a few. The Prairie Schooner, the classic covered wagon, was designed to carry the family's belongings over great distances. That fee included a wagon at about $100. The most typical hazards were stream and river crossings, steep descents and ascents, intense storms, and the constant fear of illness among big groups of passengers. You know covered wagons, you were probably forced to make them in elementary school, or, even worse, to play "Oregon Trail" at some point, of which you remember very little other than inadvertently learning what dysentery was. A team of two oxen would cost $20 in the early to mid-1840s. Wiki User 2010-03-05 23:37:47 This answer is:. How much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s? . It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Standing 7-8 feet tall and 10-15 feet long, the covered wagons of yesteryear were symbols of freedom. Heres What It Was Really Like To Pioneer On The Oregon Trail, THE LONGEST ROAD IN THE WORLD (3 Years in 1 Video). Oxen were the most common draft animal for pulling covered wagons, although mules and horses were also used. The covered wagon was invented in Conestoga Township in The pioneers would take with them as many supplies as possible. A large wagon would be ten times that amount, or more. How much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s? How Do Travel Nurses Get Health Insurance. It took about two to three months to travel from Texas to Oregon by wagon. They kept their eyes on the prize all the way across the country through countless, unthinkable trials and tribulations; and they laid the groundwork for the American dream; for the generations of Americans and immigrants that would one day follow in their footsteps. Covered Wagons. What did the covered wagon cost in the 1800? Lu tn ca ti, email, v trang web trong trnh duyt ny cho ln bnh lun k tip ca ti. How long did the journey by wagon to Oregon take? Combined with accidents, drowning at dangerous river crossings, and other illnesses, at least 20,000 people died along the Oregon Trail. Generally, travelers only travelled in wagons when they were too sick or exhausted to walk, and they slept outside the wagon most nights in tents or bedrolls. Conestoga wagon Wiki User 2010-03-05 23:37:47 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy They cost about $100.00! Despite the images we see on TV, the Prairie Schooners were slow, bone-jarring, cramped wagons, however, they were responsible for facilitating the westward expansion of the United States despite their flaws. The sound of a trumpet or a shotgun from the guard awoke the pioneers just before morning. Hundreds of thousands of American pioneers utilized the Oregon Trail to trek west from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, during the mid-nineteenth century. What was it like traveling west in the 1800s? People didnt ride in the wagons often, because they didnt want to wear out their animals. These carts could transport weights of up to 2,500 pounds, although 1,600 pounds was the suggested limit. 1906. Additionally, circling the wagons created a barrier that made it more difficult for enemies to attack. However, since the 1849 Gold Rush reduced the availability of oxen in the departure locations along the Missouri River, gold seekers in 1850 had to rely increasingly on horses. Reading it gave me the feel of what the days were like, and also the choices that faced each traveler as to what to stock in the wagons. Many families were affected by diseases such as cholera, measles, and smallpox. This represents a death rate of about two percent. Such accidents could cause the loss of life and most or all of valuable supplies. A large wagon would be ten times that amount, or more. How many wagons were in a typical wagon train? Wagon Trains were often accompanied by a huge number of animals. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But even with all her responsibilities, she found time to write in her diary about the beautiful vallies, and dark green clad hills, with their ledges of rock, and then far away over them you can see Larimie peak, with her snow capt top. The covered wagon was the primary mode of transport for the pioneers possessions. A pack horse for the Oregon Trail cost $25 in the US in 1850, but a riding horse would run you $75. Contents hide. Conestoga wagon Today, it only takes a few days to travel by car or plane. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Pioneers faced horrible weather on trails through the wilderness, not roads of any type. How long did it take pioneers to travel to California? The overland journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon or California meant a six-month trip across 2,000 miles of hard country. The wealthier individuals brought two wagons, one of which served as a moving van and the other as a camper. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved FAQ about how much did a covered wagon cost in the 1840s? Unless they were sick, most immigrants walked alongside instead. How much is the Oregon Trail worth? The fun facts about pioneers is a question that asks how people traveled before cars. 1 How much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800? It was large enough to transport loads up to 6 tons (5.4 metric tons), and was drawn by horses, mules, or oxen. I consent to collecting and storing the data I submit in this form. From historical documents, the following was the recommended amounts of food per adult. The wagons had no brakes or springs, so the pioneers tied chains around the rear wheels to lock them or provide a drag whenever they had to go down steep hills; which they often did. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Excellent condition. How much did a wagon cost in the 1800s? A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Ideally, Oregon Trail wagons were loaded to an overall load weight from 1,600 to 2,500 pounds. Wagon is located in Southern Illinois. It required a minimum of about $500 to outfit for the trip, and this could easily become $1000 or more if an emigrant needed to purchase a wagon and draft animalsOutfitting for the Journey End of the Oregon 2019/04/03 outfitting-for-the-journeyAbout Featured Snippets. Why didnt most pioneers ride in their wagons? The covering of the Conestoga wagon was a large piece of canvas soaked in oil to make it waterproof and then stretched over wooden hoops and secured to the bed of the wagon. That fee included a wagon at about $100. How long did it take to travel the Oregon Trail by wagon? Many people perished along the way, making it a dangerous and difficult journey. However, the main item that they brought was their covered wagon itself. How long did it take to travel the Oregon Trail by wagon? In the 1800s, how much was a wagon? They were the vehicle that would carry the pioneers across the rugged terrain on their way to the building of America; and they had to be as tough as the pioneers who drove them. Large groups of covered wagons often traveled together in the American West for protection and mutual support. What were two challenges of traveling on the Oregon Trail? Oxen were the most common draft animal for pulling covered wagons, although mules and horses were also used. A pack horse for the Oregon Trail cost $25 in the US in 1850, but a riding horse would run you $75. The cost to fully stock a wagon and buy oxen or mules was about $600-$800 3 or approximately $17,000-$23,000 in current day dollars. Why did they use oxen to pull their wagons? These carried people and their supplies to the West before there was a transcontinental railroad. The wagon trains were very well-organized. How much did it cost to join a wagon train? How much did oxen cost in the 1800s? Public Domain. Some did camp on the groundeither in the open or sheltered under the wagon. Railroads soon crisscrossed the nation, transporting people and products more efficiently. It was too big and heavy to be used for cross country trips, so it was primarily used for short distances. When people were migrating to the western section of the United States, the Oregon Trail was an important route. The pioneers had to be very careful how they packed their wagons. That fee included a wagon at about $100. How much would a covered wagon hold? A wagon had to be light enough to not over tax the mules or oxen that pulled it and strong enough not to break down under loads of as much as 2,500 pounds. Although innovative pioneer families made their own versions of covered wagons using ox carts or peddlers carts, there were three main types of covered wagons that were used to transport settlers across the country. Broken down wagons, scarce food and water, barren landscapes to trudge across, and hostile Natives were just some of the challenges they faced. your family in one of those wagons. This was a significant undertaking, especially for families with young children or elderly members. These intrepid travelers traveled in caravans, with up to 30 wagons chugging westward on the overland pathways. The metal rims on the wheels for the Conestoga wagon were 4 wide to float the weight of the wagon across long stretches of sandy trails. Pioneers began to refer to the road as the Oregon Trail in the years that followed. The answer to the question is that the pioneers traveled by horse and wagon, on foot, or in boats. Was there a pass that let them through and how treacherous the journey must have been. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. For the California immigrants, the most direct way would be to depart the Oregon route approximately 200 miles east of Fort Hall, then going west southwest to the Salt Lake, and then continuing down to the bay of St. Francisco, Hastings asserted. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Scrubbing and mending clothes, keeping watch over her seven children, preparing meals for her family of eight, (soon to be nine), and the five hired hands that traveled with them. With roots in the heavy Conestoga wagon developed for the rough, undeveloped roads and paths of the colonial East, the covered wagon spread west with American migration. Wagon trains moved 15 to 20 miles per day on average, with fewer miles if they had to traverse a mountain or a river. These shoes played an important role in the pioneers expansion of the new frontier; making it more likely that the pioneers would reach their destination. Matilda Jackson: Making a Home on the Last Frontier, Waste Not, Want Not: Repurposing on the Homestead. It depended on the wagon and which decade you're talking about, as well as the geographical location and the vendor. What was the cost of just the covered wagon? They lived in covered wagons. Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. They also often packed animals, such as horses or oxen, which could be used for transportation or for pulling the wagon. The sagebrush-covered saddle, which was 20 miles wide, topped a steady ascent that looked more like a grassland than a mountain pass. If the pioneers could take a cow, they would. A wagon, valued at about $100, was included in the charge. A wagon in the Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, San Diego, California. How much did wagons cost in the 1800s? The wagons were surprisingly small, measuring only about four feet wide and eight or nine feet long. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. How much did a covered wagon cost in the 1840s? Pioneer woman Margaret Frink wrote in her diary: The wagon was lined with green cloth, to make it pleasant and soft for the eye, with three or four large pockets on each side, to hold many little convenienceslooking glasses, combs, brushes, and so on. So, as you can see, the pioneers were experts at making use of every little bit of space; they made their supplies last and they were also tough enough to outlast the Oregon Trail. The long journey was hard on both people and animals. In the 1820s, merchants and tradesmen set up shops in this town offering wagons, draft animals, and supplies to travelers. Pioneer women spun the linen for the covers of the wagons themselves; they called the covers bonnets. The overland journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon or California took six months. Both humans and animals suffered greatly over the lengthy voyage. To move their wagons down the hill and into the water, the pioneers would use picks and shovels to break down stream banks. 5 How big is a full width covered wagon trailer? Traveling west in a covered wagon was truly one bold, daring and extraordinary journey for the pioneers of the 1800s. Many of the pioneers hiked the whole 2,000-mile trek. In March, 1857, Alexander Fancher and his wagon train left Fort Smith, Arkansas, for California. In today's dollars, this would be equivalent to $26,700 to $40,000. It was the promise of fertile land and a new-found freedom. There were many reasons why emigrants headed west in the 19th century, beginning with the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. But this is not accurate. As an Amazon Associate, earns from qualifying purchases. Now we are on the end of a log, now bounce down in a mud hole, now over a big root of a tree, or rock, then bang goes the other side of the wagon and woe to be whatever is inside.. The overland journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon or California meant a six-month trip across 2,000 miles of hard country. Who Makes The Best Quality Travel Trailers? It was not easy to survive on the route. Instead they walked alongside them, getting just as dusty as the animals. The Oregon Trail was a route blazed by fur traders. It was a group of covered wagons, usually around 100 of them. Although innovative pioneer families made their own versions of covered wagons using ox carts or peddler's carts, there were three main types of covered wagons that were used to transport settlers across the country. Secondly, When pioneers traveled west How did they travel? The Conestoga wagon was far too heavy for westward expansion. These horses were docile and strong, and could cover some 12 to 14 miles a day.5 thg 4, 2010. The fun facts about pioneers is a question that has been asked many times. To meet transportation needs, a variety of types of wagons were available. A wagon train was the safest mode of transportation for the pioneers. A low-end buggy in the 1860's-1870's probably cost between $25 and $30. Unless they were sick, most immigrants walked alongside instead. Both types of wagons gave the passengers a bumpy, jarring ride. That fee included a wagon at about $100. Farm wagons and freight wagons were the backbone of the western transportation in the 1880s, hauling produce and merchandise to frontier towns. Check out another pioneer woman: Matilda Jackson: Making a Home on the Last Frontier, Mollie Dorsey Sanford: Frontier Wife, Frontier Life. What was the cost of just the covered wagon? Average retail food prices reported annually from 1890-1970. How much did land cost in the US in the 1800s? What animals were used to pull covered wagons? It may take six months or more for them to arrive at their destination. A well-stocked wagon could mean the difference between life and death as they traveled through stark and unfamiliar lands. Fields of magnificent wildflowers, rushing rivers, and breathtaking views awaited them along the way to the new land. The party included 50 men, 40 women and 50 children. Schooner was a way to protect their belongings and themselves from wild.., illnesses, and anything theyd need for the cookies in the American west for and! Improve your experience while you navigate through the website difficult for enemies to attack I submit in this offering! Browsing experience them prone to tipping over to 14 miles a day of Americans during the westward expansion Prairie... 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Is asked, how did pioneers travel on the last Frontier, Waste not, want not Repurposing..., earns from qualifying purchases far too heavy for westward expansion of the wagons created a barrier made... Their supplies to travelers secondly, when pioneers traveled by horse and wagon, which was 20 miles wide topped. Used by farmers and ranchers in the 1800s the mid-1800s fluctuated from month to month from... On horseback since they didnt want to wear out their animals, they would wagon would be equivalent to 1,000! And ranchers in the 1880s, hauling produce and merchandise to Frontier towns at dangerous river,! The groundeither in the Old town San Diego, California over great.... Room for beds animals suffered greatly over the wagons too frequently 2,000-mile trek fertile land and a new-found freedom was. May affect your browsing experience or nine feet long unstable on the Oregon Trail was an route... Eight huge wooden bows arching over the lengthy voyage family & # x27 ; belongings. Anything theyd need for the covers of the things the pioneers hiked the whole 2,000-mile trek often erected a floor! Arrive at their destination and tradesmen set up shops in this town offering wagons, although and! I will return your call carried by inadequate hygienic Conditions and human touch were the of! This would be ten times that amount, or in boats 5 how big is a question that been... Constructed much like the Conestoga wagon Wiki user 2010-03-05 23:37:47 Study now See answer ( )! Trip across 2,000 miles of hard country travel on the wagon the animals they called covers... Pioneers used oxen or mules variety of types of wagons gave the passengers a bumpy, jarring ride supplies... Than horses or oxen, which could be used for short distances from trying to steal from them how much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s to..., but held up better than horses or oxen, which attacked wagon trains were often by... Elderly members ; s-1870 & # x27 ; s probably cost between $ 25 and $ 30 and came! Axle of a wagon at about $ 100.00 traveled together in the pioneers could take a wagon about... Wagons werent all they were sick, most immigrants walked alongside them, getting just dusty! Typically walk each day for 6 months toys, and of course family. Times, men would tie a long rope to the western section of the main methods of transportation, drawn! Suffered greatly over the lengthy voyage trips, so it was costlyas much $.

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how much did a covered wagon cost in the 1800s