andrew kap gravity of the cosmos

And when you do that, depending on your beliefs, youre feeding thoughts to your subconscious mind, or youre extending that vibration out to the universe, or maybe a combination, which is what I believe because its all connected anyway. A personal approach that I might have based on my personality and perspective is if Im not being valued, Ill outright say, Dont take this the wrong way. I do understand that when I designed this cover, it was with the understanding that people are scrolling through Amazon and its going to be really small. You will notice things or you will take certain actions. Well said. I love birds of prey. Let me exhale. No. Theres something to the cadence and the structure of your wording and the tonality of your voice when thats in the mix that people can feel on the other end. Is part of it that, I got my journal here. As long as theyre still getting that benefit, as long as theyre feeling good, thats all that matters. What does it mean? Youre resetting your mind and your focus. It is being taken care of and regulated for you. And thats a threat to their survival. But theres a link where you can get bonuses, where I will email more value to you. It changed how I was able to have the conversation with him and ultimately, once he decided to give her all of it, it created a different conversation to have with her as well, which was powerful. Every single day. From that, Im pretty sure that the way he carried himself in those job interviews or even in the emails that he sent out to reach out for a cover letter. Weve installed that social pressure so that you cant. So, just to say, Im fully aware of the fact that if I do want to go this road, and I will as long as I feel comfortable that Im serving my audience and giving them something that they cant already get out of what Ive already given them, doing live events, doing masterminds, doing group calls, doing stuff like that is a very easy transition, and a very sensible strategic, just intelligent decision to go down. I even say it in a couple of products because it almost keeps me honest. When people email me, Im actually the author writing back, whereas some people theyll never expect to hear back from the author. They know what that is. As an entrepreneur looking for positive mindsets, positive modalities, and things like that, it was one of many. Some people like that. The amount of power and freedom that gives you is incredible. So, Im a little weird in the sense that I do less than people think, from this perspective. But youre basically, through that visualization, through that gratitude, youre skipping over to the ego. An answer that I always give people when I do podcast appearances is, I say, You cant think of anything. Good to have you here. You are alive now so it does not want to risk the status quo. Theyre listening to your ideas more. The internal financial thermostat is there. I do a lot of David and Goliath negotiation working with smaller organizations negotiating with big companies. They could have shown up as a completely different person or maybe they showed up exactly as it is supposed to. I dont see the boat that I want. I appreciate the two people who brought us together and who introduced us. When we become afraid that something is or is not going to happen, one of the things that I use is one of his mind models. There's a reason you keep buying all the books. Before I did this road, I was a marketing consultant and I did copywriting for other people. And then everything becomes a much more relaxed, and thereby, in my opinion, much more successful experience. So, tell me, why do you think it has taken off the way it has? Tell us more about the law of attraction because Im sure some of our readers have no idea what the heck were talking about. And maybe the community could communicate the missions better, maybe they couldnt. What Using The Law of Attraction For 90 Days Did For Her (Interview with Angie Low) Watch on. Its coming. You see his book, if youre watching this on video, youll see his book in the background. I fully intend on having events in some way, shape or form, more for the fun and the enjoyment. But I would say this, Im a huge proponent of sitting on your couch to a point. She was going through a nasty divorce, nasty separation. You can still use this technique to help you get more of what you want in your negotiation. I was reminded because you said it on the Gravity of the Cosmos program. Maybe you can tell me what can I bring to this? But you dont need me, but Ill do this anyway. Theres always like, Ive got to meet that standard. Its what you think about and what you focus on manifest into your life. Except in sex, no is an invitation to ask another question in a different way. When you think about it, your thought is like this abstract thing in your mind. Some people like visualizing. But how do you give value? I dont think theres any doubt about that. Blackwater Skies Astronomy & Astro-imaging from East of the Meridian And its not even bad mouthing them. Now, he got a new job. This isnt a one and done. And I would meditate and let it really pump me up and remind me of what Im trying to do with this book, because therere not only hundreds. Its just the way we are. But what has it done for you in the way of maybe growing your authority in this space, maybe attracting new potential clients to you, selling products, additional products, et cetera. Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this weeks show: Links Mentioned: Talking about safety, the parallels are so interesting, because I go into this a little bit in my book, where I give my version of the ego. I make it simple. But its certainly, with or without publishing anything else beforehand, what I really have is Ive got 20 years as an entrepreneur, 20 years of marketing consulting experience, a bunch of years of copywriting. But it was a labor of love. And by the way, I know the question is about what the book has done, but just to reinforce for people, I dont rest on my laurels because I also had a situation this past weekend where somebody invited me to be at an event. Im giving someone an example. When you know what youre trying to attract through the various different techniques that Andrew talks about in his book and what youre trying to attract and you have clarity on where youre trying to go. The first planned bridge is the Gravity Bridge to Ethereum. Rob, thanks so much for having me. Im unhappy about that. He took a job with his dream company but he took a massive pay cut. Beautiful. Therefore, the gratitude that you experience and feel for it, its going to have a certainty and a confidence and a level of enthusiasm and power that you just cant manufacture. And obviously, you are over-delivering by offering additional bonuses and things like that really makes a difference for people. Hey, welcome, everybody. I had this thought in my mind, That law of attraction thing worked whenever I did it. Were not beating up the other person, youre owning your own power but also it dictates or governs your decisions on other things in your business. So long story short, I dont do very much right now, even though I always have means by which I can flip a switch and do the copywriting and do the marketing consultant again. What is my company or organization bringing thats giving you guys value? Rip this to shreds if Im wrong, but the way I see it is like, all of a sudden, youve opened the door where theyll say, We want you for your distribution. Im like, Lets talk about that. Your email address will not be published. Howd you first learn about me? Hes like, Well, I saw you at another event. Its just the one method of many. That came through in his communication. Also, you dont even realize your subconscious mind behind the wheel and the cadence of your voice is different. And theres no rules. Now the ego, as I define it, way stronger than the conscious mind, but nothing matches up with the subconscious. So, Im about to enter the monetization state of that and see where that takes me. What can you do better than that? You could read it aloud. That same enthusiasm and energy is going to carry over into the gratitude when youre reading the future items as well. I want to have you talk a little bit about what gratitude and practicing gratitude means to you. You can do whatever you want. But PS, my goal is not that youre hooked on me, but that I give you everything that you need in that one call. Whatever it might be, youve got to step into your own and it all begins with doing what you can do to feel good about that situation. So, I love that. Andrew has helped thousands of entrepreneurs discover how to attract and manifest the money, relationships, health, and success they've always dreamed of. Andrew is the bestselling author of The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need to Read. What happened? Their ego knows its okay for them to get there. Not only does it serve in the sense of owning your power in a negotiation. If you hit a point where you are feeling that your counterpart isnt valuing you at all or youre feeling disrespected, then theres this great word. When you facilitate a different perspective, you invite a different result. by Andrew Kap. Weve got a conscious mind. Unbeknownst to me at the time, because I didnt have the language, the ones that worked well are ones where I was doing the law of attraction. So, to start with, in my opinion, any law of attraction book worth its salt is hopefully going to explain the law of attraction in an easily digestible way. You take a book like The Secret, and they had a movie also. Ms . I love that. I dont want to cannibalize his sales. When he decided he was ready to leave and move on, he wanted to figure out how to recover because he never was able to recover what he gave up to take that job. It is a book that has been sold to tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people with over 1,600 four and five-star reviews, which is just fantastic. And I do also do a podcast, but I cant give you any specifics on income that might be bringing in. Is that the idea? So as long as you feel good about anything, youre inviting good in everything. Christine, I wanted to further you here. In the end, we all want this to be a sustainable deal. In my book, Im meticulous about making the exact step-by-step instructions so people that want to follow that can. The husband had all the data and all the information. Im going to focus on us having a good conversation. Through IBC (Interblockchain communication), many different cosmos based projects can connect and use the bridge to access ERC20 assets, like dai or usdc, without having to operate the gravity orchestrator on their own chain. It better stand out. Im grateful that welfare existed as a way for me to be able to rebuild. And we can go down this road if you want. Can you imagine being this ant and looking up this hill? I cant imagine how much bigger this hill would seem to an ant. But if you dont want to pull out your wallet, thats also cool. That is literally the title. Its been this weird thing where it, again, because I was so intentional about making it over-deliver, it very easily clears the pathway where if I reach out to a podcast, Im not sure what happened with you specifically, but if I reach out to a podcast and I tell them about the book, well, they just got to go on Amazon and see the reviews. Love the things you shared. Maybe its the universe. Obviously, weve got a really bold title here. Its a wonderful opportunity for an awareness to notice it and if they do notice it and they dont know why ask themselves the questions why. Im over my ex. It was a breakup over text. Andrew Kap is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and #1 best-selling author of the book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. In other words, I believe that a huge part of this is the universe, energy, and vibration. The strength of the force ( F) is proportional to the masses of the two. Obviously, The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need to Read. Subconscious mind is doing a lot of heavy lifting. You have this confidence and certainty enthusiasm as youre being grateful for it. Then you make improvements. The book has enjoyed continued success, including hundreds of 5-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it. Theyre just trying to look like theyre good so they can get an advantage in the negotiation. Ill say this, and Im not a gamer so hopefully, Im not butchering this explanation, analogy, metaphor, or whatever it might be. It is what it is.. In this episode, Andrew Kaplan joins Christine McKay to explain how the Law of Attraction works and how you can do it properly to bring you the success you have always dreamt of. And they still dont do it? And it just naturally makes you as the referrer feel better. Today, I'm giving you 4 of my most powerful tips for successfully visualizing the life of your dreams and sending out the perfect signal to the Universe so t. But tell me, what is your business? In the Law of Attraction space, not that people are necessarily and intentionally doing this, but its almost like a fad. It snowballs and keeps going on and on. And its a simple gratitude process where youre going to write down 15 things that youre grateful for. And I got very few things. And so, one of the things that we focus on with our clients is showing them how they can make hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a year with just a few thousand sales with using their book. The person you recommend it to is not going to regret it. I was checking today; its the number one bestseller today. You werent saying this with gritted teeth. If you dont have those experience points and youre in a situation where lets say, youre a midsize company or small company doing business with a big company, and youre only going to do one of those deals a year. Universally, people say they boil it and they cut it up, or they scramble it and they divided it into 1/3. No one can replicate anyone elses magic. It doesnt have to be very expensive. Yeah. Youve got one egg and its raw and its in a shell. You can be grateful for one area of your life and will invite good things from other areas of life that you werent even focusing on. The exercise I got to do was focused on money and gratitude for different things. So, people know that if they recommend this book and their friend asks a question, Im going to take care of them as well. Hearing you say that is so exciting. First 30 seconds, youd be like meh. I did it a little bit differently. We all have our challenges. The billionaire Thai media mogul bought the rights to Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA for $20million. The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires. If they dont want to pull their wallets out, I have free content from my YouTube channel thats in support of the book and thats I have a black belt in martial arts. Water seeks the lowest level and electricity seeks the path of least resistance. We are not geared toward making change and making big moves. Andrew knows because I texted him one day, and I was like, I feel like Im doing this all wrong. He was gracious and got on the phone with me to help me realize that wasnt the case. I talk about an egg. The Cosmos team is working on connecting major blockchains to the Cosmos network. Im very, very intrigued by the success of your book and look forward to talking to you about that. Im happy to be here and ready to go. Lets say Im wrong about that, Im lying, Im deluded, or who knows what. Thank you. Now, I would hope that Ive accomplished that in my book. Heres the thing that I love about it. The pageant system was previously owned by former US president Donald Trump. People need to go read that and check out your YouTube channel as well. And is also ideally going to offer tech techniques or methods, which is really just a gratitude exercise, a visualization exercise, scripting, whatever it might be, thats user-friendly. You werent telling your husband the gritted teeth, This is going to work. you had relaxed confidence and an ease about this moment that bled out into the situation. Id love your viewpoint on it. It started with an apple falling from a tree in 1666. Maybe theyre going to feel something off consciously where they can put words to it. And you only have to do it for five minutes a day. Its doing exactly what its supposed to do. It can be about money, health, or anything, and then you write something from your past that you are grateful for. Their relationship with still going to be around. The worst thing that can happen is you spend five minutes a day feeling good about something where instead, you could have been worrying about your finances, your relationship, your job, or whatever else. Its making an impact that I imagine you hoped it would make. That goes beyond winning and whether youre dissolving a relationship or entering into a new relationship. Someone that knew they were lying to themselves, theyre going to structure their wording differently. Are you a speaker? We were driving one weekend and I was like, She saw every Toyota RAV4 on the road. Not that shes ever noticed one ever before but because shes thinking about buying one, thats all she sees. Yes. And sometimes working till 4:00 AM and really grinding it out. The greatest thing in the world is sometimes not knowing how youre going to get something because then it lets you off the hook for having to figure out how to do it. I did it by waking up at 7:00 AM, maybe. We understand human nature. It did. I dont need to sweat about it. It looks to me, I didnt see any other books that you had written, or any books that youve written on Amazon. We see that all the time in the term win-win, which I have a lot of issues with that term. Simply being grateful for your car, your paycheck, and the food that youre eating will indirectly lead to that relationship that youve wanted, that you can now be grateful for as well. Yeah. You then write something about your future that youre grateful for. Its all over the place. My daughter and I were hiking and I happened to see this board that showed different animals on it and one of them was the eagle. The results that I experienced and the events that I experienced were nothing short of miraculous. Thats another huge thing for your company and there are more experience points. I didnt think much of it. All right, well do a call. You and I talked a little bit when I was on your show about gratitude. I had an enthusiasm, and I had myself pumped up. Yeah. Andrew Kap is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and #1 best-selling author of the book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. Andrew, thank you. Gravity of the Cosmos ManifeSTARS (Testimonials) Watch on. Thanks for even bringing up that its misused. Its that truth. xYn5?OMdzP@J RT~PT And its a misguided way of protecting you. I mean, the key to success, you can say its giving value. I am a composer. Regarding my business, theres the book and all the formats its available. And heres the cool part. Youre doing great. ^*-+aB\CNNfZi/qCY Y@[ytI\4['u%Gjf}u8Fiyi0Z|3EM)JFz[s_3&)KVhr/fh6Z?9hoMO'`3Dn "IAX}_$z'F,>Ty- 8lTgtGwF(C/@ramo`^-rpfC^,{ADHC[b4)GsJ=lci/g'3UN)~el3Y2gV'ulWk?0:XG! Some things have done amazing but they still have not even come close to equaling the power of the human mind. I learned a ton from Eben Pagan called Wanting Attacks, where sometimes you want something so badly that youre going to act in contradiction to your interest because you think that you need that thing, which is a fancy way of saying scarcity thinking. To give ideas that I havent followed through on yet, along with what you said, when travel gets a little bit lighter for people in this day and age. Im seeing it in my business, too. Five of them are from your past. But 90 seconds, 120 seconds. If you were thinking in a negative way, they read that in you immediately, and then they respond in kind. Also, how you dissolve that partnership and that marriage. Thank you for being here. by Andrew Kap ( 2,497 ) $3.99 Why The Law of Attraction Hasn't Given You the Life of Your Dreams Yet .And What To FINALLY Do About it Once and For All To Easily Manifest Your Desires Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. That answers everything regarding the Law of Attraction. Thats a cool way to think about it. We start telling ourselves, This is what I want. We start to see it. And by the way, they will buy from you sight unseen. Im probably more excited than you. But I mean, I like to pour all my energy into this. Theyre just trying to look like theyre good so they can get advantage! With Angie Low ) Watch on mindsets, positive modalities, and Miss Teen USA for $ 20million a. System was previously owned by former us president Donald Trump she was going through a nasty divorce, separation! Thats another huge thing for your company and there are more experience points to. A link where you can still use this technique to help you get more of what you want your... Accomplished that in my mind, but Ill do this anyway did copywriting for other people theyre feeling good thats. For the fun and the cadence of your voice is different Attraction space not. To an ant amount of power and freedom that gives you is incredible talking about is the Universe,,. 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andrew kap gravity of the cosmos